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Posts posted by ZZZ

  1. It appears some people are getting the Rayong Court appointed expert witness confused with the proxy expert witness for the City in VT7's reply to the litigants appeal to the Supreme Court.

    Also, do not overlook that on Dec 17, 2007, the Bangkok Department of Civil Engineer and City Planning reported back to Court as ordered. Based on it's findings, it requested that the Court immediately revoke the temporary injunction before making its final ruling. The Court in fact did just that and revoked the original Court order, but only after reviewing the evidence and it's own ordered report, and then listening to the testimony of the expert witness. The expert witness's testimony was not some fabrication (as some people seem to think) but simply reaffirmed the Department of Civil Engineer and City Planning report to the Court.

    Thanks for clarifying, my mistake :o

  2. The construction control 'zone' covers construction into and out of the sea from the MSL. Do not "Think" if you don't know or understand.

    The expert witness should be referred to as "The court appointed expert witness". Thailand is a country of laws, but it seems many don't have a grasp on reality and wish the law would suit their understanding, manipulation and distortion of it.

    If you had read some of the previous posts and court documents you would have known that the "expert witness" was "Mr. Pornsak Piyakamolrat, the Civil Engineer 7, who is the proxy of the defendant no. 1". This means that he was brought in to the court by the defendant and, maybe, even paid by the defendant, to say what they wanted him to say. He was definitely not an unbiased expert selected by the court.

    In most countries the sea is under the jurisdiction of the state not the local government. These regulations are local regulations. It is possible that it is different in Thailand but I don't think so.

    Regarding manipulation and distortion of the law there is no question what so ever who is doing this :o

  3. Also,where are all the buildings over 14m high built 100m out into the sea .I dont see.

    The judge wont see either.

    If there are none there to start with why suddenly introduce blanket legislation to prohibit?

    Why pick on an arbitary 100m,why not 150m out ,or 200m out?,doesnt stack up.

    Planning legislation does not progress like that.

    Because these examples are not plausible then the expert witness testimony is not plausible.

    I think its worth a 10K bet on the outcome,if you can get it on.

    I think construction into the water is covered by a different legislation/jurisdiction anyway so this law could not have had anything to do with construction at sea.

    And stop referring to the "expert witness", it should be the "defense appointed expert witness"

  4. I'm still confused. How does this affect Beer Bars and outdoor Beer Gardens.

    As they sell beverages they are included. As they don't have aircon they can have a smoking area, IF they install an exhaust system???

    Does any of these regulations cover outdoor areas apart from markets or maybe they figure Beer Bars are markets :o

  5. Which words in my first post (no. 2) did you not understand. I did alot of research back in January, and that's pretty much as concise as it gets. If some of the words were too long for you then let me know, and I will try and break them down.

    I did not understand "all public places", does this mean I'm not allowed to smoke anywhere except for in someones private place?

    In your research did you find any definition of "public places"?

  6. Hi all,

    Hope I'm posting this in the correct forum section.....

    I am looking at building a 3 level, 70 room apartment block for local market and need current construction prices/m2.

    - The proposed project is in the Greater Bangkok area.

    -The building will have 3 levels (G+2).

    -Max 70 rooms.

    -Single rooms with adjoining thai-style bathroom (room size approx. 5x5m each)

    -Proposed for local market, (not luxury and not budget either).

    The issue is that I have heard wide ranging quotes starting from B1,000/m2 and up to B70,000/m2.

    It's also, often quoted to be about B15,000 - B350,000/ROOM.

    What is the real cost?

    Any advice would be helpful.


    This site should give you a good idea of the costs:


  7. If you can find it, you might try covering it with Royal honey. It is suppose to be amazing stuff. Good luck with it.

    I agree with BEENTHEREDONETHAT. Try honey, active manuka honey is supposed to be the best. I saw on TV not long ago that they used this in western hospitals if nothing else helped. Honey can kill most bacteria and fungus.

    Do a search on the web, plenty there about this.

    (Then there is maggot therapy as a last resort, pretty gross but works wonders)

    Maggots and honey dressings are available on prescription but not sure if you can find them here in Thailand.

  8. Maybe if their apartments didn't face the sea?

    I think they all face the sea :o

    Do they all have windows both at the front and back of the building?

    It was a long time since I was inside JCC but as far as I can remember all the entrances are at the back of the building, there may have been a window there as well but don't think so. The units are very long and narrow and the only light coming in is from the sea side.

    So the problem will be no sun at all in most of the lower units. The only positive thing will be savings on air con use as they will be in the shade most of the time. :D

  9. Hi Marek, don't waste your time on this. It is obvious by the lack of response I am correct in what I say. These stopVT7 people don't want to comment as I guess they are not the most popular co-owners at the moment and possibly feel shameful in asking their co-owners and neighbors for money, when all along these sensible residents have wanted no involvement in the case and to keep a low profile. :D

    You got to be joking. :o

    Why would he not be popular by the other residents in JCC for trying to stop another building being built right in front JCC ????

    If I was a resident there I would support his cause 100%, you would be stupid not to as the alternative would guarantee a new building right in front of your building. At least he is offering some resistance and a small chance of this not happening. 10,000Baht is nothing compared with what the value will go down by for JCC.

    Could someone who actually own a JCC unit confirm that they are against stopVT7 efforts.

  10. I am not aware of any evidence linking dietary calcium intake with this.

    Also not so sure that the Japanese diet is all that low in calcium. Soy products are a rich source of calcium.

    Milk and milk products are consumed by a wide range of cultures, not all of them Western, and among these we find very different rates of heart disease. There is nothing to suggest that milk intake is in anyway unhealthy for persons who are not lactose intolerant.

    The development of the ability to digest lactose appears to have been an evolutionary adaptation that greatly improved nutrition and growth.

    That doesn't mean, of course, that one has to eat dairy products to be healthy. It is perfectly possible to get an adequate diet without dairy as long as you eat the right things.

    Just do a search on milk and dangerous and take your pick, that should make you aware. There is an enormous amount of data out there explaining just how dangerous milk is. This is of course never heard of as farmers are one of the most influential lobbying groups there is.

    Sure, Japanese and other Asians eat a lot of calcium but in the form of vegetables. These contain all the other substances necessary for proper utilization of calcium.

    Humans drinking milk is a very recent phenomena, this only started with industrialization and pasteurization. Prior to this milk was normally very dangerous to drink due to hygienic reasons.

    Yes, some cultures like the Mongolians drink a lot of milk but there are two major differences between their milk and ours, the milk is raw, not pasteurized or homogenized and they only milk each animal for 4-5 month a year. Western cows are milked around 300 days a year, that means late into pregnancy. The result of this is very high levels of estrogen that is linked to many forms of cancer. Testicular cancer has been linked to eating cheese and is much more common in big cheese eating countries like Denmark and Switzerland.

    So misleading ads isnot a only a problem from pharmaceuticals.

    Got Milk :o

  11. There are many reasons why there is a problem between traditional and modern medicine. One reason is the fundamental difference in approach.

    Modern medicine focuses on treating symptoms by trying to remove these where they appear.

    Traditional medicine, especially Chinese, look for subtle symptoms on a daily basis and treat these holistically. Frequently a symptom in one area is ignored as this is caused by a problem somewhere else and that area is treated. It's all about balancing things BEFORE anything happens. Most traditional cures are preventative actions to prevent small symptoms from becoming big problems.

    The main reason many people don't have success with traditional medicine is because they use them as modern medicine, trying to treat the symptom in stead of the cause, expects instant success and start medication way to late when the subtle symptom has developed into a problem.

    The only way to get back on track with health would be to remove the profit incentive and run it by the government, heavily focusing on preventative care.

    Long time ago, in China ,doctors were assigned to villages, their pay was determined by how many healthy people they had in their village, not by how many sick they treated. :o

  12. There is significant science suggesting that the build up of plaque in one's arteries is more due to dietary calcium than dietary cholesterol.

    Consider the Japanese whose daily dietary cholesterol intake is about one third more than an Americanm But, the American is about 300% more likely than a Japanese to suffer a heart attack. Average American consumption of dietary calcium is about 30% higher per day than his Japanese counterpart.


    That makes a lot of sense. I guess most of this dietary calcium is from milk, something Japanese don't normally drink that much.

    What makes no sense at all is to drink milk. No other mammal in nature drinks milk except for the first few months of their life, no other mammals drink another animals milk.

    Lactose intolerance is probably the normal condition telling us not to drink milk, it's lactose tolerance that is the abnormality.

    Additionally, the milk available for consumption is pasteurized, this destroys most enzymes necessary to break down the components of milk. It is also homogenized witch splits the fat into very small parts that are easily absorbed into the blood stream causing all sorts of problems.

    If you take the milk from a cow with a calf and run this milk trough the normal dairy process and then feed it to the calf the calf will soon die, that should give you some idea how bad milk is for you.

  13. I believe most people understand that the percentage is based on the number of people who would have had an attack (3.x%) and the number that have if taking medication (2.x%). So you a 33 or 36% better chance of avoiding that heart attack using medication than not using it if you are among the 3% group (and the basis of taking the medication is based on your possibility of being in that group - or at least a group much higher than the general population).

    I don't think most people would have got that as "Lipitor will lower your risk for a fatal or non fatal heart attack by 36%" was in bold print covering the add and the 2% 3% explanation was in microscopic print as a footnote.

    Anyway, if they did understand it their conclusion would have been incorrect as the 1% difference was well outside the accuracy of the trial and the numbers could just as well had been the opposite, in witch case you would have never heard of the trial :o

  14. The post above with the micro slides and related diagnoses are an example of why "alternative" medicine is often ridiculed.

    Uric acid crystal occur in joints not blood; if it did, you would probably not be on TV writing about it.. Cholesterol is not a crystal; crystals are inorganic matter. Roleaux formation, yes but the slide just demonstrates the difference between a thick and a thin blood smear. The diagnosis of policythemia is made on the full blood picture, not a smear.

    There is an artifact on the other slide; passed off as a crystal.. Pulsating parasite? By the name of?

    No, fellas; I fully support areas of alternative medicine; many of these over the years have become accepted as current medical practice as the last post (gertatrickid) clearly illustrates. Many more practices regarded today as alternative will still be researched and eventually be accepted as conventional medicine but some things in that post are clearly out of whack..

    Nature is full of organic crystals, diamonds are just one of thousands of others :o

    Do a search on cholesterol crystals and you will find numerous pages with info from reputed medical sources.

  15. In the Lipitor group 2% suffered heart attack, in the placebo group the number was 3%.

    This means that Lipitor was 1% better than taking nothing!!!

    The 36% then claimed by Pfizer was derived from the fact that 2% is 36% better than 3% ohmy.gif

    Yeah but even if Lipitor gave 100% protection from heart attacks, it would only have made a 3% difference. The stats are ok - its just that the risk of heart attack over the study period was actually quite low to begin with. If you are in a high risk group a 36% reduction is pretty good news really.

    Very similar figures have been published for the protective effects of aspirin.

    My point was that an objective release of the outcome of this survey should have been:

    Lipitor will lower your risk for a fatal or non fatal heart attack from 3% to 2% (or by 1%)

    IF Lipitor had an actual 100% protection they could advertise that or say that it will lower your risk for a heart attack from 3% to 0%.

    "Very similar figures have been published for the protective effects of aspirin." Well, many wrongs does not make it right. Most pharmaceutical marketing is done like this, deliberately misleading the public. :o

    To advertise "that Lipitor will lower your risk for a fatal or non fatal heart attack by 36%" is just misleading as most people will think that you actually lower your risk of a heart attack by 36%. There is only one reason to advertise like this and that is to sell more by making the public demand these medicines from their doctors.

    Pharmaceutical companies should not be allowed to advertise their products to the public, that is the way it is in most industrialized countries except for USA. This marketing has put a huge pressure on doctors to subscribe medicines marketed in a clever way to a public with no medical knowledge who then demand these medicines based on this marketing.

  16. "using double-blind statistically valid analyses,"

    Randomised double blind studies can be argued to be one of the greatest advances in medicine - we know know what works!

    CAM has never procved anything and can not and will not try

    There are several reasons why CAM has never proved anything and can not and will not try:

    Trials cost an enormous amount of money.

    All CAM is public domain and can probably not be patented, so why spend money on trials if you can not protect the product.

    Most people and institutions performing trials are owned by or heavily sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.

    It's really a no win situation for CAM as long as this field is controlled by Big Pharma.

    Fortunately the tide is turning and there are more and more traditional healing methods being used as they are proven more effective both when it comes to cost and healing, normally without the harmful side effects of modern medicine.

  17. **PS...Have you taken a visit down to the Marina yourself + if so how did you find it!!!!!!!!!!!

    MANY THANKS...........

    There are a few small shops in the marina with basic yachting supplies, GPS, charts, ropes...

    Can not remember seeing binoculars but would imagine they may have some.

  18. Just for the sake of conversation....It's a "binocular"...."binoculars" would be two binocular units.

    I know...."shut up pumpuiman, who gives a shit" :D

    Briefely of topic again.

    Does that mean that a pair of trousers are actually two trouser units :o

  19. The general public will not have access to the fenced of VT7 area anyway, so it does not mather to them if the building is 13 stories or 27 stories. So it is not a quest to save the beaches, but to save JCC seaview. Nothing more, nothing less

    If you build 27 stories buildings 100m from the beach all along jomtien beach that beach will have no sun at all until late morning. I know that a lot of people don't wake up until midday in Pattaya but it they want to promote Jomtien as a family area it would be nice with sun on the beach before lunch.

  20. There's a saying "100,000 Lemmings can't be wrong" - Go figure...

    Thailand is a country of laws, but I'm afraid Mr. stopVT7 they're enforced however they see fit and will always look after their own kind before considering the sea view of a handful of wingeing farangs. GET OVER IT!

    How can all of these people be wrong, in their own country? If I was involved with the stopVT7 gang I'd be planning my exit strategy right now and perhaps have an emergency bag already packed to leave at a moments notice.

    The only people who are against stopVT7 is City Hall, the View Talay company and investors in View Talay 7 and similar developments. The vast majority of others are against the constructions of new condos blocking the view and access of the beach more than it is. The 100,000 lemmings are with stopVT7 but some of the most vocal are against.

    I'm sure that all other owners in stopVT7's condo is with him and around 50% of them are Thai so this is not Thai against foreigners but Money and Power against the citizen.

    May common sense prevail and keep a big buffer between the beach and big developments.

  21. Many of these backpacker places just put the mail in a box in the reception and anyone can take anything they like.

    The best bet would be to check with your embassy if you could have it sent there. Also, don't send it in the original envelope, disguise it as jimmys suggest.

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