I think that rather depends on where you are flying to, the war in Ukraine is making flights to and from Europe far more difficult for the airlines and the distance further, which I guess adds to the cost.
Fuel costs have risen tremendously which is certainly not helping the ticket cost.
From what I can see, the flights are actually reasonably full of passengers, which should justify more flights.
The other issue is that airlines and airports are critically low on staff, not just due to sick leave, a lot of redundancies happened over the last couple of years and the companies just assumed that everyone would rush back to their old job, this has not been the case, for example, in Europe (and US) the main reason for the big delays is shortage of staff, especially security, check in, baggage handling etc. where the salaries are close to minimum wage levels and those who left have found better paying employment.
It takes months to train new people, those working airside have to go through rigorous security clearance checks etc. etc.
Some airlines cannot put more flights on right now, a lot of the senior pilots elected to retire or take other employment, which has left the airlines with a pilot shortage and it takes years to replace each one, cabin crew are in short supply etc. etc. all of which will eventually increase each airline's overhead as the the only way to solve this is to employ, train and pay competitive salaries.