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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. 23 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    The process is now handled by an ousourced private company by their Bangkok office as stated above.


    For the avoidance of doubt, VFS only capture the biometric details, upload supporting evidence if the applicant hasn't uploaded it themselfs, and retain the applicants passport until a decision has been made by a directly employed ECO in either the UK, India or China, I think that's what you meant. 

  2. 3 hours ago, roo860 said:

    Personally I reckon they have quotas for issuing visitor visas.


    There are no quotas for the issuing of Standard Visit Visas, why would there be?

    If an applicant can satisfy the ECO that they are a genuine applicant, who can afford the trip, and also satisfy the decision maker that they will return home at the conclusion of the proposed visit, then Entry Clearance will be approved.


    Like all of us, ECO's make mistakes.

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  3. 2 hours ago, superal said:

    I will keep this short and in a nut shell I wrote to the UK immigration minister who said there was no reason to make a refusal , plus to apply again . There were many cases of UK nationals who were refused their wife's visa, I was told .


    So the Minister didn't overturn the decision, or did he?


    When you say that "There were many cases of UK nationals who were refused their wife's visa" the person who told you would no doubt be aware that it would be the applicant who was refused, not the UK National.

  4. 19 hours ago, CharlieKo said:

    deferring your pension won't get you the increase from April 6th. You only get what you would have got on your original retirement date.

    That wasn’t my my experience, my 65th birthday was in late March, I deferred drawing my State Pension until April and was paid the new rate for that year.


    The State Pension isn’t calculated by when you retire but by age, I retired at 60 and had already been drawing my Civil Service Pension for five years when l became eligible for my State Pension.

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  5. On 1/10/2023 at 6:38 AM, Andycoops said:

    I submitted my UK passport renewal application at VFS HMPO in Bangkok on the 21st December 2022.

    Yesterday, 9th January 2023 I received a email from VFS that my passport was ready for collection within the next 30 days.


    I submitted my application on Friday 23rd December, and have just received notification that it's available for collection.


    So less than three weeks, pretty good when you take into account the Christmas and New Year breaks.


    The downside for me is that I'd already factored in a trip to Bangkok in March, when I have a medical appointment there, not complaing though.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, PST said:

    Hi, thanks for that. Yes I am aware of the points you made, it was more a specific list of documents that the sponsor has to provide i was needing.


    I think BB has explained what you need to prove, but if you're providing financial support you should include your bank statements and evidence of the source of your income, it's you that proving affordability. You also need to satisfy the decision maker that it's appropriate for you for you to provide financial support, as BB says that you've actually met, provide some details, and evidence of your relationship.
    The applicant will need to provide evidence that she's likely to return, details of her life of Thailand, emmployment, accomodation etc.


    Visitor visa guide to supporting documents/guide to supporting documents visiting the UK

  7. On 12/30/2022 at 9:46 AM, BritManToo said:

    Best to never let anyone know you are outside the UK.


    A previous Home Secretary told me that he intended to ensure there would be a linking of various Government IT systems to allow a more joined up Government, including the ability to keep a record of UK Nationals leaving the country.

    It's been almost 22 years since Jack Straw was Home Secretary, he never achieved it during his time in harness, and I don't think it's been achieved since.

  8. 2 hours ago, kimamey said:

    I feel I have a legitimate reason for applying in the UK.


    Maybe you might be wise to make contact with the HMPO and put this them.

    hm-passport-office/contact/hm-passport-office-webchat or via phone +44 (0)300 222 0000


    I cannot find the rule regarding the posting of UK Passports overseas, but I know there is one, HMPO don't post overseas, they have a secure contract via DHL.


    As I indicated earlier whilst it's against HMPO rules to apply in the UK when you're in Thailand, I'm aware that some people do, though I'm not sure that those who have lost passports have done so, it might be a problem if they decide to make contact with you.


    Your countersignatory will need to countersign the photo and confirm that they know you personally and have done so for more than two years, also supply a copy of their passport and contact details. As part of their work HMPO will check that the countersignatory is genuine. This may include checking their passport and other records to confirm their identity and their profession or professional qualification. You will be asked to ensure that your countersignatory
    knows that HMPO may contact them and carry out their checks.


    Good luck with whatever you decide to do, please let us know how it goes.

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  9. On 1/4/2023 at 6:49 PM, nigelforbes said:

    The subject of free NHS eligibility by Thai based UK expats who suddenly return to the UK for medical treatment, prompted me to dig out the UK Gov. Ordinary Resident tool which is linked below.


    It's also useful to read the guidance issued to Overseas visitor managers and their teams, Frontline staff providing relevant services and Providers and commissioners of relevant services
    Overseas NHS visitors charging regulations - guidance December 2022


    The advice for visitors, including expats, might be of interest: Visiting or moving-to-england/how-to-access-nhs-services-in-england-if-you-are-visiting-from-abroad/


    It's worth noting that a referral from a GP is only required for non urgent hospital treatment, and is chargeable at 150% of cost for visitors, including non returning expats.

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  10. 11 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    The absence of an Embassy letter might be an issue for the OP as his new passport will be mailed to Thailand and will therefore have no entry stamp.  People who live in Thailand but renew their passport while back in the UK, don't need the Embassy letter as their new passport will be stamped by airport immigration on arrival in Thailand.  They will still need to get Extensions transferred, but the letter is not required.


    Yes, good point, I'd missed that.

  11. 42 minutes ago, kimamey said:

    Looking again it seems a new photo is needed for a new passport. Digital if applying online or 2 printed if not. One of the printed ones needs to be countersigned but the digital ones can be confirmed online.


    I've decided to apply using my UK address. It seems much easier up to now. Probably easier to confirm my information such as address, name, any previous names ect. I still need to get the digital picture confirmed as me later today but that's not a problem as I know a retired police officer.


    Transferring the visa may be more difficult but that would probably have been the case either way. It'll be a while before I get the new passport to be able to do that by all accounts so I'll have time to think about it.


    I'm lucky in that I still have a UK address otherwise it would be much more difficult. If that were to change then I'd make sure to get really friendly with someone here with a UK passport and preferably who is or had retired from a recognised profession.


    What you're suggesting is actually illegal, or at least goes against HMPO rules rather than breaking the law.

    HMPO has a rule that passports cannot, or at least shouldn't be sent by regular post internationally, that said I believe a number of people do so, and don't encounter a problem.


    You've reported your passport lost and intend to apply for a new one to be delivered in the UK, they may well be aware that you haven't applied for an Emergency Travel Document and may possibly ask questions as to why you're applying in the UK and not following their requirements. that's just an educated guess. 


    Obtaining the letter asking for your visa to be transferred could be an issue as I believe they are issued automatically with the new passports issued via VFS, however some people apply for a new passport whilst visiting the UK, and I believe the UK Embassy will issue the letter via e-mail in those circumstances, I think it's a template, maybe that might be an option.

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  12. 33 minutes ago, kimamey said:

    It’s a pity I can't use a similar process with a Thai as I know a lawyer here.

    There are agents up and down the country who offer this service, maybe your lawyer friend might be able to do so for you.


    The use of an agent doesn’t speed up the process, it just saves the double visit to Trendy, the forms still need to be completed and submitted.


    Be aware that some agents retain the old passport during the process, which can cause problems.

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  13. On 12/24/2022 at 8:42 AM, theoldgit said:

    I submitted an application yesterday, in and out in ten minutes.

    The VFS lass said applications are normally still taking eleven to twelve weeks, but added that some are being returned somewhat quicker.

    As a follow up l’ve just checked my online bank statement for the account used to pay for my new passport and l note that the card has already been debited, that’s a week after l handed in the authorisation form with my application.

    Not sure that means anything, but at least I know the application has been received, and allays my fears due to the card expiring in February.

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