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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. Your girlfriend does not need a visa, but possibly might get the third degree from the immigration staff, only possibly.

    Cannot advise on your requirements because I don't know your nationality, but most westerners can enter visa free.

    Have always avoided train journeys to Malaysia and Singapore because I have been led to believe they are fairly complicated, but I'm sure it would be fun.

  2. So much nonsense here, HMRC says that UK purchases are non-vatable to non-residents, forget the BS about the need for return tickets, extra payments et al. If in doubt, email HMRC.

    So I can pitch up to a High Street store and tell them I am a non-EU resident, please sell me that laptop tax free?

    Or do I pay the VAT and claim it back at the airport, like I have done in Singapore and Hong Kong?

  3. I wanted to know this answer for certain so I emailed one of the refund companies in the UK, it can be done and this was their response:

    "I confirm that you can claim VAT on purchases during your visit to the UK if you can provide the following at the point of Departures

    1 - Proof that you are resident in Thailand, and will be remaining out of the UK for 12 months

    2 - Obtain the VAT form at the point of sale from the retailer as you can not claim with till receipt only

    3 - Present the goods and valid return ticket on the day of departures."

  4. Visa, Never have we had to show or prove we had a visa for the flight before booking.

    You can book as many flights without holding a visa, but airlines will not board you without one, assuming you are a visa national.

    If a visa national makes it to a UK border without a visa the carrier is liable for a fine of £2000 per person, the cost of repatriation and any detention costs, so you will understand why check-in staff are thorough.

  5. Shady old boy, don't worry about all the negative views, follow your heart.

    You do need the wedding certificate from the Amphur, but it is pretty easy to obtain. You have to get a letter from the UK Embassy affirming you are free to marry, details here http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for...ister-marriage/

    You have to get the affirmation in person, but I used an agent local to the embassy to translate and, to save the bother of a couple of trips to the MFA, got them to do the paperwork, cannot remember the cost but it wasn't very much.

    Once you have all the paperwork from the MFA it's a case of pitching up at the Amphur completing a couple of forms and you are married. The wedding ceremony is nice, but you don't need to do it, you can come back anytime and do it.

  6. Quote - Yes there are probably one ore two people a year who fall for a bar girl and want to take them on the first available flight home, they are few and far between and are pretty soon weeded out by the authorities.

    I don't gink so, one or two a year? No way, more like hundreds and many get refused. One or two a year, hahaha - made me laugh that one, thanks for cheering me up!

    So you gink that there are hundreds that want to their new bar girl home on the next available flight?

  7. Clearly you haven't read the thread bjoe97, the OP is visiting a museum.

    When I read your thread I initially though you might be someone with some compassion, but it seems you only want to help some people and have excluded the people who could really do with some help, as unpleasant as that may be, double standards I think.

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