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Posts posted by wackysleet

  1. Too much information thingjing

    So solly, senor. Interracial sex makes your tummy hoit?

    (I feel your pain.)

    its just i didnt think people your age had sex.

    I always thought that Jingthing was a guy?

    I reckon that this thread will run longer than the 3 year prison sentence.

    Cheers, Rick

    I have just read 12 pages of mostly supercillious crap from expats who appear with absolutely no knowledge of the true facts to have a great desire to become kiss arse Thais, and appear to have left their own self respect at home, Thais can and are often very rude to westerners for whatever reason they deem fit, so all you wannabe Thais show yourself some respect and stop kissing arse, and no I'm not a newbie here in Thailand having lived here 20 plus years Thai wife and two daughters.

  2. It seems that someone was really just making an observation about Thai life and parking practices in particular but some people certainly have a lot of hot air in castigating the guy, for christs sake get a life, those of us who have lived here for years would'nt give it a second thought.

  3. Udon, try this site for parrots and sun conures pattayaparrotsdotcom.

    thanks for that link.. always on the lookout for this type of 'business' in Thailand.

    i will be passing on their details to relevent bodies for investigation into taking animals from the wild to then re-sell

    look at this page of their's.. "...a reticulated Python, was caught in the wild.." offered for sale at 4000 baht ! :D

    i notice they are also selling Mynah birds. Hmmm...

    they can expect a call & visit soon..

    Take a look at the appalling conditions birds are kept in, in JJ PLaza.

    I've never seen such badly kept birds. :D

    They are supposed to be breeders!

    Wild caught birds are useless as pets or breeders.

    Only buy birds that are closed ringed, that shows that they were bred in captivity.

    I only buy from SanamLuang 2 now.

    Screw Chatuchak & JJ Plaza. :o

    GungaDin, I know this SanamLuang 2 market as I have been there 6/7 yrs ago but have tried looking on the web to find a few specialist dealers but no luck, I am interested only in captive bred birds and do not buy unless closed ringed or I know the breeders personally.

  4. No problem mixing koi and goldfish.

    Probably be ok with enough guppies too. Some will get eaten but they breed so far you should be ok. Just make sure there are some plants for them to hide and breed in.

    Goldfish and koi together are not a problem, anyway if your pond water is not that clear as to be able to see the koi what is your water turnover rate ie; through the filter and pump, is your lack of clarity due to green water or just plain murky old stuff, guppies are ok but could depend on your filter system, possibly getting sucked into the system but more info would be interesting as to your setup.

    Pumps, filters, If the pond is balanced properly you don't need any of those things. I got 1000 odd Tilapia, 20 odd Koy and goldfish also 50 or so guppies living together in peace and harmony.

    Rimmer you make a sweeping statement that "if the pond is balanced properly then you don't need any of those things" for a start just how much gallonage have you got for your 20 Koi, forget about your 1000 tilapia as they certainly do not require the same care as koi, being hybrids they most certainly do need filters and pumps unless your pond is several rai in size explain about your idea of balance as having studied Koi breeding in Japan for a year I cannot accept such a sweeping statement, Japanese are acknowledged as the world experts and would certainly disagree with you.

    Well if you don't believe it then jump on your bike and come see for yourself. Koi is a very hardy fish, surely you learnt that in your year long study?

    Rimmer you still did'nt answer my question of how big your pond is and I don't disbelieve you, if your pond is a decent size then filtration may not be required but the Japanese keep fish in what they call mud ponds to allow them to attain good colour and size and then only usually for six months tops.

  5. Some people use 'Monitor' but this is a bit strong, the best is the blue bottle 'MA Plus Clean & Clear'

    I add a few drops into the filter every time I change the the filter mat, about every 2 weeks.

    Also cheap is to but a metal cylinder filled with carbon to put on the end of the hose pipe to refill the water [says Fresh Water] also use this to fill the pond. my gold fish are over 3 years old

    First stage of the by products of fish crap is ammonia, with a good and properly balanced filter that then will be turned into nitrite both extremely toxic to fish the final stage is the nitrite being turned into nitrate which is not harmful to the fish but is actually a fertilizer for the plants and of course if there are no plants in the pond then it is feeding time for algae, most good fish sellers will have in stock testing kits for the water and what the readings mean {they are colour coded} compare the colours and bobs your uncle, the kits are for ammonia, nitrite, and P.H which idealy should be between 7 and 8 but most fish can stand it quite bit higher as long as there are no fast increases.

    One other thing about tanks, people clean them and the filters but depending on the type of filter if it is the type that has little spikey plastic balls and or small stones usually pumice do not wash them just do the matting at the top often white nylon stuff,I usually put a few pads of scotchbrite under that and then rinse them clean.

  6. Some people use 'Monitor' but this is a bit strong, the best is the blue bottle 'MA Plus Clean & Clear'

    I add a few drops into the filter every time I change the the filter mat, about every 2 weeks.

    Also cheap is to but a metal cylinder filled with carbon to put on the end of the hose pipe to refill the water [says Fresh Water] also use this to fill the pond. my gold fish are over 3 years old

    First stage of the by products of fish crap is ammonia, with a good and properly balanced filter that then will be turned into nitrite both extremely toxic to fish the final stage is the nitrite being turned into nitrate which is not harmful to the fish but is actually a fertilizer for the plants and of course if there are no plants in the pond then it is feeding time for algae, most good fish sellers will have in stock testing kits for the water and what the readings mean {they are colour coded} compare the colours and bobs your uncle, the kits are for ammonia, nitrite, and P.H which idealy should be between 7 and 8 but most fish can stand it quite bit higher as long as there are no fast increases.

  7. I

    GBP/THB was 35 for a long time then fell in 1997 after the Asian crisis - maybe the currency is now returning to it's old levels.

    The baht was trading at 25 before the float in July '97 (unless my memory's playing tricks).

    I lived here in 97 and the rate was 37.10 to the pound and when the crap hit the fan and you were holding GBP you could get a very healthy return on your money.

  8. No problem mixing koi and goldfish.

    Probably be ok with enough guppies too. Some will get eaten but they breed so far you should be ok. Just make sure there are some plants for them to hide and breed in.

    Goldfish and koi together are not a problem, anyway if your pond water is not that clear as to be able to see the koi what is your water turnover rate ie; through the filter and pump, is your lack of clarity due to green water or just plain murky old stuff, guppies are ok but could depend on your filter system, possibly getting sucked into the system but more info would be interesting as to your setup.

    Pumps, filters, If the pond is balanced properly you don't need any of those things. I got 1000 odd Tilapia, 20 odd Koy and goldfish also 50 or so guppies living together in peace and harmony.

    Rimmer you make a sweeping statement that "if the pond is balanced properly then you don't need any of those things" for a start just how much gallonage have you got for your 20 Koi, forget about your 1000 tilapia as they certainly do not require the same care as koi, being hybrids they most certainly do need filters and pumps unless your pond is several rai in size explain about your idea of balance as having studied Koi breeding in Japan for a year I cannot accept such a sweeping statement, Japanese are acknowledged as the world experts and would certainly disagree with you.

  9. Too bad the govt doesn't have a program to go out into the country and sterilize people's dogs.

    Regardless, the trucks full of dead dogs are not going to be eaten but are just being culled because of overpopulation.

    And, apparently trucks filled with live dogs were found in Phuket a few days ago and the dog buyers were arrested. Wonder what the charges were?

    Apparently SBK the perpetrators told the police they actually had the wrong dogs, they were really only looking for retriever{s}

  10. O

    Well guppie-like...the very common animal you see in the bowls outside shops....but you are overlooking the fact that half the fish (a control, if you like) are not only still alive but happily breeding...i intend to take a batch into the other bowl next week and see what happens

    Your guppies dying after moving probably has nothing to do with fresh tap water being introduced as other pots habitants quite happy, water temperature after introducing the fish into their new tank is also an unlikely cause as I have guppies and about 100 koi in a large pond, when purchasing any new koi and introducing them into my pond they dive straight to the bottom and tend to stay there for a day or two thus making the time spent in a plastic bag aclimatising to the temperature at the top of the pond where it is considerably warmer than the bottom, but I also lost a garden ornament full of said guppies recently while the pot on the other side of the porch was perfectly ok, as for the algea, that has no detrimental effect on fish as it actually supplies food and to a point a certain amount of shade, my guess is the same cause that killed my fish was water temp.

    One reason Wilco that you apparently have no living organisms in the pot is because you have no fish producing nitrate which all pond plants need to survive and what there is in the pot is being used up by the larger plants thus leaving zero for the algae, contrary to an earlier post algae will grow in moving water it totally depends on the amount of sunlight and nitrates in the pond hence in most koi ponds people run ultra violet lights during daylight hours

  11. No problem mixing koi and goldfish.

    Probably be ok with enough guppies too. Some will get eaten but they breed so far you should be ok. Just make sure there are some plants for them to hide and breed in.

    Goldfish and koi together are not a problem, anyway if your pond water is not that clear as to be able to see the koi what is your water turnover rate ie; through the filter and pump, is your lack of clarity due to green water or just plain murky old stuff, guppies are ok but could depend on your filter system, possibly getting sucked into the system but more info would be interesting as to your setup.

  12. Well guppie-like...the very common animal you see in the bowls outside shops....but you are overlooking the fact that half the fish (a control, if you like) are not only still alive but happily breeding...i intend to take a batch into the other bowl next week and see what happens

    Your guppies dying after moving probably has nothing to do with fresh tap water being introduced as other pots habitants quite happy, water temperature after introducing the fish into their new tank is also an unlikely cause as I have guppies and about 100 koi in a large pond, when purchasing any new koi and introducing them into my pond they dive straight to the bottom and tend to stay there for a day or two thus making the time spent in a plastic bag aclimatising to the temperature at the top of the pond where it is considerably warmer than the bottom, but I also lost a garden ornament full of said guppies recently while the pot on the other side of the porch was perfectly ok, as for the algea, that has no detrimental effect on fish as it actually supplies food and to a point a certain amount of shade, my guess is the same cause that killed my fish was water temp.

  13. I saw a good collection of finches and conures at SanamLuang 2 market last Saturday.

    It's worth a trip out there. :o 30 km west of bkk cbd.

    Thanks Gungadin went there about 6yrs ago when it was just starting up but have since moved to the north east but if cannot find anything here will take a weekend break soon in bkk and visit, cheers.

  14. H

    we have 3 young ones in our bird shop, close to being weaned. Just sold the 2 year old one we had yesterday. For location go to Pattayaparrotsdotcom.

    Thanks Bob

    I just have send you a mail, we are very interested.


    Hi Bob. I'm looking to buy finches, gouldian, bengalese,golden song sparrow, cut throat finch, bicheno or any other finch friendly type that will mix if you know anyone or have something along those lines would love to hear from you , also a pair of quails.

  15. I

    Had great success with both lavender & morning glory last year, but total failure with alyssum. Then I found out it's best to plant alyssum surrounded by marigolds - to keep the nasties away, so this year I'll try that.

    Trying several varieties this year, including several kinds of sunflower and marigolds - I'll post what happens.

    I have frequently brought seeds back from the u.k. and successfully grown them here, as someone said it maybe that they will grow best in the Chiang Mai area, we live not far from there but I always put my seeds in the freezer compartment for 6weeks or so after being told that encourages germination dont know if thats fact or just b/s but my seeds do grow but good luck anyway.

  16. Hi wackysleet, the compressor is a sealed unit. Rats or other pests could be in the climate control ducts but not the compressor!


    Hi,never actually thought or said it was in the compressor just that we suffered similar effects as far as working and not working but numerous parts were eaten by the rat especially wiring and other plastic parts.

  17. I

    I have a Renault van in the UK and had the same thing happen, turns out it was a switch on the fan motor that pack in and if i went over a bump it would kick into life then just die again. The switch can't be replaced, I had to buy a new fan motor, luckily I found a cheap one on E-bay as I would hate to think what a new one from renault would have cost, hope this helps.

    A Happy New year to everybody when it comes.

    I bought a new Avanza three years ago and the only problem I've had was with the air con, having taken the car in for a check up we were told there was nothing wrong when we said that there were strange noises coming from the unit with nasty smells and a fair amount of noise but sods law no strange sounds, smells or any other problems while it was in the dealers but a couple of days later and the same thing, when I returned we insisted they pull the air con out where upon they found a rats nest with babies and said rat still encumbent, after a clean out and several new pipes {not under warrantry} and expensive all is now well.

  18. Apparently pretty much the whole of the road in front of Nat. Stadium closed and inaccessible to pedestrians unless you follow the tide into the stadium. My condo is opposite to the stadium and apparently the only way to get in, is to follow the red shirts and try to hang a right against the crowd who are going left.

    6.30pm apparently almost pedestrian deadlock there as so many people.

    Would someone refresh my memory as to which party the recently disgraced Governor of BKK represented, not being one who particularly cares who is in power as after living here for 20 yrs it is the rule rather than the exception that politicians are corrupt, it would appear that a large number of the electorate know and expect this, unfortunately but frequently view these things as fairly normal in this part of the world but as long as they are getting a slice of cake however small, I was reading comments about payments being made to supporters, a couple of weeks ago we ordered several trees from the local garden centre which failed to turn up on said day {nothing unusual in that you may say} well after four days we popped in to see him and he told me that he was working alone as his wife and another worker had gone to BKK to support the yellow shirts for 1000baht a day plus free travel, who knows what is the truth, I see and read people talking and posting in support of the yellows that believe everything THEY read and anyone else is being lied to by the media, it really surprises me that all the so called experts have not yet realised what this country is really all about, as far as I'm concerned we as westerners are not going to fundementally alter their attitudes.

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