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Everything posted by peterrabbit

  1. How can you make such a statement without knowing my personal circumstances. Why do you draw the obvious false conclusion that I am a tourist? I don't expect to get the same treatment as I Thai, I already said I expect to pay. But I do not expect to be deliberately discriminated against and deigned medication precisely because I am NOT a Thai. Here is the dictionary definition of racism which I think you should read:- rac•ism 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usu. involving the idea that one's own race is superior. 2. a policy, system of government, etc., based on such a doctrine. 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
  2. I do have health insurance, just not outpatient covers as its unaffordable here. As I stated I fully expected to pay for it. Perhaps you should fully read my post because your comments show you have not fully read it.
  3. So the inevitable happened after the Mrs and daughter caught Covid. Two days later I came down with it and I knew, that like them, I would need Antiviral medicine to treat it especially being an "at risk" patient. As you can only get these Antiviral medicines from a hospital and not a pharmacy I had to go to a hospital to get the medication. I rang Pattaya City Hospital to see if they could dispense the medication - yes they said come now. So I dragged myself out of my sick bed and went to Pattaya City Hospital. I had to wait outside in the heat (with a temperature) while I went through the rigmarole of go this queue then go that queue etc until eventually I saw the doctor who told me she would prescribe antiviral medication for me as I was in the at risk group and I needed to take this medication. (I already knew this and was at the hospital as its the only place I can get it, I fully expected to pay for it but I could not get it from anywhere else but a hospital). So I'm now in the queue waiting for my medication when I get called back to the doctor. "sorry Mr, Big Boss says I cannot give Antiviral medicine to Farang. Have to go Pharmacy. I write what medicine you need for you" If I had not been feeling so ill and having not slept all night I would have unleashed a verbal tirade on her that would have made the galees in Soi Buakhaow blush. I was then charged 620b for some paracetamol and cough medicine I could have got at any pharmacy for far less. Then, knowing full well that I needed Antiviral medication I was sent away to go to a "pharmacy" which I already know cannot supply them. So after this experience and "treatment" at the hands of a Thai Government hospital I was wondering. IS THIS THE TRUE DEFINITION OF THAINESS? In order to be a "true" Thai and do what is expected of you in Thai society are Thais expected to behave towards Non Thais in this way? Please Comment
  4. With Putin just announcing a mobilization for the Ukraine "policing action" then expect a tsunami of single Russian men in the next few weeks. ????
  5. I have been told (by someone who has done it) that if you own a UK house (even if it's rented out and you are not residing there) which you are paying tax on then the pension freeze is NOT applicable. It's something you need to check out with the relevant UK authorities.
  6. Best to look for Industrial aircon suppliers/manufacturers rather than retail.
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