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Everything posted by peterrabbit

  1. Have you been to the Agape Home? Its an home for over 100 children, many living with HIV just off the 121 in San Sai. https://www.agapehomethailand.org/ Drop in and have a chat with Avis the founder. She is a remarkable person and you will be changed by the true definition of Agape love in action.
  2. This article compares all the different supplier's charging fees. https://propertyscout.co.th/en/lifestyle/ev-charging-station-and-fees/
  3. Here is another link to an article about charging stations which has some useful info:- http://www.evat.or.th/15708256/current-status
  4. Here is a link to an article about charging stations which has some useful info:- https://thethaiger.com/guides/automotive/ev-charging-stations-in-thailand
  5. This debacle proves that the Red and Yellow shirt Party squabbles are akin to the pot calling the kettle black. They are both black! For the people of Thailand, who wish for true democratic representation, there is only one option:- MOVE FORWARD.
  6. Looks just like the aliens in Toy Story.
  7. I had to go into town (Sukhumvit) yesterday at 5.30pm. All the main roads were grid locked, even the railway road was at a standstill and the queue on Khao Talo to get onto Sukhumvit started at the top of the hill (Siam Royal View). Never seen Pattaya's roads that full before.
  8. The reason the Chinese manufacturers are wiping the floor with everyone else is because they are producing quality cheap electric vehicles at less than half the price of the European competition. Never mind the MGs, look at the BYD Atto 3 and, soon to be sold here, the Dolphin for 800k. The Chinese are using "western" designers/engineering and simply copying Western techniques.
  9. Thanks for posting. I just checked and I didn't get an email either so just done my online report now.
  10. I knew someone who had PC for all his working life in the oil industry. He got lung cancer so put in a claim. PC went back decades through his medical history and found some minor condition he had twenty years ago and used it as a excuse to deny his claim. So he had to go back the UK for treatment but sadly died in January. His view on PC was that they were a bunch of crooks. After hearing his story I would never consider PC for any insurance.
  11. What happened to all the rice spilt on the road? Its seems to have been "removed" in short order. ????
  12. From what I could deduce the prescriptions are produced on a computer which is directly linked to the Pharmacy for disbursement. I think she created a such a prescription but it was rejected/amended by someone possibly in the pharmacy or a supervisor of some sort. So she could not produce a proper computerised prescription for me as the system is interlinked and whoever changed Her prescription did NOT want this being recorded in the hospital system. She was deliberately prevented from producing a computerised prescription by her superiors so to all intent according to the system, it never happened. According to the computer She never prescribed me antivirals as there would be NO record of it. So she wrote me a hand written note of what I needed to take. IMO I think this policy has NOT been officially sanctioned or authorised and is being implemented "under the table", so the people who are running it are trying to cover their actions. If there is no evidence in the computer system that antiviral prescriptions are deliberately not being prescribed to falangs then its deniable that this is taking place.
  13. Why are you constantly trying to introduce falsehoods into the story? I went with my wife and no She does not have any tattoos and speaks very polite Thai to officials. I have never had a colonial superior attitude in my life and never have or would I wear a "Chang" or other such T shirt or advertising billboard type clothes. I always dress respectfully when visiting Thai Government organisations. I know that shouting at Thais gets you nowhere, as it's considered a huge loss of face if you do, not just on them but yourself, so I never scream at Thais, but at times I may feel like it which I'm sure many expats must share. There were only a few people there at that time in the morning but the staff were slow in processing people. It took approx 30 minutes before I saw the Doctor. She was very polite but her English was not good so it was difficult for her to fully explain the situation. At first she told me I was a high risk case and that I needed the antivirals and she was going to prescribe them for me. However when it came time for the hospital pharmacy to dispense the drugs it was clear she had been overruled by someone in authority. It appeared to me that she was trying to communicate her frustration/displeasure/dissatisfaction of being deliberately prevented from dispensing drugs which from her own clinical expertise she knew I must have as a matter of urgency purely on the grounds that I was a falang and the policy put in place was to prevented me from receiving them. Yes She used the word Falang whether she meant that or non Thais I have no idea. She wanted to give me the drugs but Her superiors had stopped her from doing so. She impressed upon me how important it was that I get these drugs ASAP so she wrote down what I needed with the dose and told me to get them but could not tell me exactly where. I was too sick to argue or think of anything other than getting the medicine I required and back into my sick bed I was in absolutely no condition to complain/argue/shout or do anything about what had happened. My post is about a policy being implemented by Thai government health authorities of denial of Covid antiviral medicines to falangs. It is a disgusting policy, the refusal of medical treatment to patients based on their nationality. It contravenes every accepted medical ethic and should not be tolerated by anyone. It has nothing to do with financial reasons as I have already stated I was fully prepared to pay for it from which the health authorities would have made a profit. There can be NO excuse for the implementation of such a policy by the health authorities least of all "National" interests. Whether this is an isolated example only occurring in Pattaya or is more widespread I have no idea but it needs to STOP.
  14. If you ever bothered to read the original post you will see I never screamed at anyone because I was too sick to argue with anyone. I was too sick to even argue over the 600b they charged me for the paracetamol and cough medicine. If I had not been so sick I would have demanded an explanation from Her boss at the very least. If I had not been so sick and not thinking straight then maybe I would have chosen to go straight to a private hospital instead but having taken my family to the Government hospital for their medication two days before I thought this was the place to go. How wrong a decision that turned out to be. It was a doctor NOT a nurse and She was being forced by her superiors to deny me, against her clinical judgement, necessary medication because of a policy decision by senior management to not prescribe antiviral Covid medicines to Falangs. Why don't just stop distorting the facts.
  15. As the doctor told me these instructions/policy had come directly from Her Boss's (big) Boss in Banglamung (I assume hospital) and it was over riding the doctors authority to prescribe Covid medication to their patients which was why She could NOT write a prescription for me. If this had happened in any Western country there would be a hell of a court case being filed right now for large damages, even if that person was a Thai on holiday there. And it would, now doubt, result in a public enquiry to be set up to investigate why it happened in the first place with those responsible to be called to testify and face repercussions for their decisions that lead to it. It's NOT the doctors fault. She told me She had been instructed by her boss, in no uncertain terms, that She could NOT under any circumstances prescribe antiviral Covid drugs to Falangs and this order had come from on high above Her immediate boss from his (big) boss (how high, was it just Banglamung or did it go higher to Chonburi or even Bangkok who knows?) She could not have made it clearer that I HAD to have this medication, but being very unwell I was on my own as to where to go to obtain it. I was just told to "go get at pharmacy".
  16. Memorial charged me 4000b for the medicine and 1050 for the hospital/doctors charges a total of 5050b. "falang special price"
  17. She prescribed Molnupiravir She spoke to Her boss in the hospital who told Her his boss in Banglamung had issued an order NOT to dispense antiviral Covid drugs to falangs (possibly she ment foreigners) so she could not prescribe them for me even though in her medical opinion I absolutely needed them as I am a "high risk" patient.
  18. I didn't know which antiviral drug I needed or the dose, my wife and daughter were given different drugs and doses so I needed to see a doctor who could prescribe the right drug for me. The pharmacies don't have it and wouldn't give it you anyway without a proper prescription. The doctor only gave me a scrap of paper with the name and dosage on it, definitely not a proper prescription which her boss had prevented her from issuing because if she had given a proper prescription then the hospital would have had to dispense the medicine. I went to Pattaya City Hospital after first phoning and checking they were dispensing covid medication as I was feeling so awful I didn't want to be running all round Pattaya trying to get prescribed and supplied the medication. The hospital never told me where I could obtain the medicine, they only said "go to a pharmacy". I rang Fascino's main branch and they didn't have any. If Fascino doesn't have it then the chances of anyone else having it are low to non existent and I was in no condition to start running round town trying to find somewhere, so I went to Memorial and paid "falang special prices" there.
  19. I didn't demand anything. The doctor told me she was prescribing me antiviral medicines because it was necessary that I had them. She then told me that her boss had told her that she could NOT dispense these drugs to Falangs regardless of their medical condition. She said she had asked her boss to reconsider and allow her to prescribe these drugs to me as it was necessary but he had refused to do so because the "Big boss" had issued an "order" from Banglamung to NOT allow these drugs to be prescribed to falangs. Can it be any clearer that an order has been issued, by senior hospital management, not to dispense these life saving medications to foreigners. Now is this "nationalism" or downright racism? I don't see any difference when I am denied life saving medication, even if I am willing to pay "falang rates", just because I am not Thai.
  20. What proof do you have that I would be charged a reduced rate and not charged the "special falang rate" as we are for everything else? I would not call being charged 620b for paracetamol and cough medicine a reduced price. As far as tax is concerned every time I buy anything in Thailand for my self or family I pay tax on it. In England its called Value Added Tax. Everytime I have to licence a motor vehicle or record some other legal government transaction I have to pay tax on it. So your notion that foreigners are living here totally "tax free" is absolute BS. We contribute far more in taxes to Thailand than your average Thai farmer does.
  21. Strange how history repeats itself. Didn't Adolf Hitler, the head of the Socialist Nationalist party of Germany, constantly refer to nationalism, (for the good of Germany), as being the excuse for his barbaric and racist actions against non Germans?
  22. In civilised countries patients are treated on a medical need basis regardless of their race or nationality. Even in wars wounded soldiers are treated on the seriousness of their medical needs and not whose side they are on. Your statement that the government policy of denying medication to patients who are not Thai is not RACIST is false. It is totally racist as you obviously are. Racism is not just the colour of a person's skin or economic circumstances but the ethnic group that they belong to being discriminated against. Why don't you educate yourself on the meaning of racism so you won't make such obvious racist comments in future.
  23. Again you have not read my post as I stated that I phoned the hospital and they told me I could get the medication there. What facts do you have to draw the false conclusion that I can not afford a private hospital? My post is to inform the genuine members of this forum about the government's policy of not dispensing life saving medicine from government hospitals to Westerners. Your posts are all about undermining that message by making false claims and misleading statements. YOU ARE A TROLL
  24. It was based on a racist policy which discriminates against NON Thais in the disbursement of Western produced medication to Westerners. If you ever went to a Western Country would a Thai be discriminated against in such a manor? No they would not so why are the Thai authorities discriminating against Westerners? Read the dictionary definition of racism!
  25. I went to the government hospital because I knew they had stocks of the medicine they have given my family a few days before, if I knew they had imposed a policy of NOT dispensing it to falangs I would not have wasted my time and gone directly to a private hospital. No doubt that if you are so deliberately discriminated against on the grounds of your race, the results of which could potentially threaten your life, you will not be outraged by such behaviour? *Edited*
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