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Everything posted by Millian

  1. When using a Revolut card to mark card payments, either using physical card or online, is there a surcharge levied by the merchant for using a foreign card? (not talking about atm fees, or currency exchange fees, just a fee for using a foreign card) I've seen some people say yes, others say no, other say sometimes, so wonder if any one with actual experience?
  2. Just to clarify, I didn't mean I wasn't paying taxes, they were deducted automatically each month. I just want aware I was still supposed to file tax return at the end of the year even though I had already paid the tax. I was using it as an example of how many people may not understand the relevant tax requirements here, as Will B Good mentioned.
  3. I see. So, yeah if it takes them 8 months to realise an employed person paying tax every month hasn't filed their tax return, one can only imagine how they will manage to audit all the others with they arent aware of with no TIN!
  4. Yeah really good point. Although you could say it's up the the person themselves to understand the tax laws of the country the reside in. I had been working in Thailand for about 10 years before I realised I was supposed to file a tax return. As tax was taken off my salary every month, I presumed it was like British PAYE, where you don't need to file a tax return as already taken off.
  5. Well previously I'd had letters from the Tax man in December reminding me that I hadn't filled for the previous year. That's about 8 months after the filing deadline, so could use that as a yard stick perhaps?
  6. Something I'd like to discuss which I haven't seen mentioned so far. (although I'm sure it probably has, so please excuse if so) AFAIK, the only change to the law at the moment, is that all money remitted to Thailand is liable for tax, where as previously it was only liable if it was earned in the current year it was remitted. Now, how many of us in all our previous yeas here, have been audited by the Tax man to prove money remitted wasn't earned in the current year? I'm going to guess not many of us? So I'm wondering why all the worry right now? If they have never really been checking previously when money was earned, why do we think they are going to start auditing everyone now? Have they stated they are going to police this more going forward, is this why the panic? Or is it simply because they have changed the law, we are presuming they are going to be more strict now?
  7. I'd read that a stud finder isn't much use in concrete and will only detect a few mms deep. I took the sockets off and observed the wiring routing was vertical. Turned off the power and drilled away and turned out fine. Thanks
  8. As per the requirements for the 'remote workers working for well-established overseas companies' LTR visa: Does this have to be from the salary from the company you are curranty working for. It can it also be from other sources? e.g Consulting outside of you employment with the company?
  9. I want to drill into a wall to add a shelf but need to detect if there is electrical wiring. The hole i want to drill is above the light switch and aligns to the outside edge of it. As you can see, there is the door bell towards the ceiling offset to the right. Will the wire detectors they sell at Thaiwatsudu detect wiring or might it bee too deep/thick?
  10. Yeah pretty simialr, although I clean the filters once per month and run the self clean after. Full service twice a year also.
  11. Do you have to run aircon 24/7 I'm that room then?
  12. What is a solar room?
  13. So you went with the Haier ultimately? When we bought our house they included aircons in 3 of the rooms and we had to purchase units for 2 other rooms. The Samsung units they included are pretty poor. We brought Haier units for the other 2 rooms and they are much better in functionality and features than the Samsung. So yeah, I got a 9000btu Haier unit again for this home office and it was also the cheapest unit available.
  14. I have a small open room at the top of my landing which I've converted into a home office by adding a glass partition to the open side. The room is the following dimensions: W 2.2m L 2.7m H 2.6m According to a BTU calculator I used, I'd need around 6800 BTU, however the smallest units I see start at 9000 BTU. Is there wall mounted inverters that are suitable for this size, or would a portable be better?
  15. Hi, Had this exact message in English on two different days from different numbers: "Are you going to the temple to do merit tomorrow? I'll pick you up in my car." The first time I messaged back asking who it is, and then told them they have the wrong number when they replied they were looking for a different person. It didn't seem like a scam, they apologised and that was it. No message asking for anything else. Then this morning I get the exact same message from a different number. Any one else had something similar, is it some scam?
  16. Does any one have any opinions on Ramkhamhaeng Demonstration School, specifically the newer campus in Banga? I have read some views about other Demonstration Schools being some of the best public schools, but can't find much about this school (in English anyway). My Thai neighbor suggests this school this as a possible good option, he is thinking of sending his son there when old enough. He's an engineering manager at Suvarnabhumi and studied at Uni in the UK, so like to think he has some experience of judging educational institutes. Looking for schooling options for my little one, and the EP here could be suitable. Prices range from 145,200 - 188,100 for Kinder - Prathom 6
  17. Do you recall which schools? With the discount, the most expensive year at Berkeley is 140k cheaper than the cheapest school on my current short list, Wells International.
  18. Yes tuition fee. I have two friends whose children study at Berkley and they received the discount. They did used to advertise it on the site in around 2021. Indeed, still rather pricey. Although the discount makes it cheaper than some of the mid priced international schools such as Wells, International Community School, Bangkok Prep, Regent's International School, etc.
  19. Hi, I know Berkeley School can offer a 50% discount on tuition fees if you register your child under their foreign passport for certain nationalities. I have also seen comments on here on older threads that some other International schools may also offer similar discounts. Does anybody know of other Schools in Bangkok that do/might?
  20. We have a Mortgage with UOB and a few weeks they called me to say that the info they have on file with UOB doesn't match the info on Citi account. The existing UOB account had my wife's number as my contact number, we updated it on the call. Just tried to create an account on TMW and the sms code didnt come to my phone, but went to my wife's. So I guess they didnt update it. Says I cannot create an account as mobile number already exists in another record. I have to go into a branch, or call a number. Think I'll wait a few days, as no doubt the lines will very busy now.
  21. Looking for the name of these Thai hanging decorations if they have one. Google is failing to come up with a specific name.
  22. They only had one slot available for Visa on Friday, so cant change it. I could go early in the morn to try and get the 90 day done first without an appointment, but knowing what the queuses like don't wanna risk not getting seen before 10am. Also have to take the the wife and kid on the day of visa extension, so dont really wanna be hanging around from the wee hours. I've made an appointment for the 90 report the day before, so think I'll do that so I can be in and out, even if I have to go two days in a row. Thanks for all the replies.
  23. Unfortunately its overdue, so I need to do it first. I think I'll make a trip the day before, as they have an appointment slot free then.
  24. I have an appointment to renew my marriage visa at Chaengwattana on Friday at 10am. I also need to do my 90 report before, but there are no appointment slots before 10am for this. Does anyone know if I can turn up for the marriage visa appointment and they will also process my 90 day report at the same time? Or do I have to do it separately via different desk/officer and they wont combine the two? Thanks
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