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Posts posted by ballpoint

  1. Well, easy to fix then. Get your information from reputable scientific institutes rather than the marketing department of some corporation.

    I get my information from reputable scientists whose research isn't sponsored by the likes of Toyota, Suzlon, and other corporations making money out of a fad.

  2. They are not interested, because they do not CARE. It is human nature not to care about strangers 50 years from now. You see where human nature is getting us as a species. As long as there is any chance at all that the mainstream scientists are wrong about where we are headed, they are happy with their rationality about why we don't need to undergo painful change for the sake of our species future on our planet.

    Maybe I don't care, or maybe I'm not easily brainwashed by those trying to make money out of a falsehood. The earth was heating and cooling for 4.5 billion years before I was born, and will continue to do so for another 4.5 billion after I'm dead, which is when it is estimated the sun will expand beyond our orbit and fry anything unlucky enough to still be around, so excuse me if I don't get out of my SUV and onto my pushbike. The sincerity of all those "green" companies goes as far as needed to make a buck, and I'm continually amazed at how many fall for their advertising. Look at Toyota, for example. We're bombarded with how they care, because they produce hybrid cars. Those hybrids get less fuel economy than a modern European built diesel, most of which aren't sold here because of the strangle hold the Japanese motor industry have on the Thai auto policy makers, but let's forget that for a minute. Good old Toyota, caring about global warming / climate change / freezing / whatever the weather does in the next few years. Coming out with the Prius, the Harrier hybrid, the small engined Corolla, the 5L land Cruiser, the 6L mega Cruiser. Hypocracy anyone?

  3. ???

    total nonsense.

    just look who was leading the camouflage government after the 2006 coup and what General Surayud Chulanont had done in 1992.

    or just ask who was a appointed minister of the junta government in 1991 and what makes his son Mark M 16 now.

    Any reply to your rubbish would only take this even further off topic, it's all been debated before on numerous threads. Suffice it to say, the military, and the yellow shirts, did Thailand an enormous favour by getting rid of Thaksin.

    While there may be a few similarities between 1950's America and 2000's Thailand, the differences are far more numerous. You might as well say that 1950's America can be compared with present day Saudi Arabia. A conservative, intolerant, religious ruling class trying to impose its views on its own people, and the rest of the world. An abundance of large, gas guzzling cars. Crap music... You could also say that present day America, during the Bush years, had its similarities with 1950's America, for those same reasons.

  4. I'm familiar with a similar scam. A few days ago I discovered a bag full of four capuchin monkies in a plastic bag on my door handle. I thought it was a free promotion, so brought them in to my apartment. The next day I got a knock on the door, and was presented with a bill for 8000 baht!

    No, they were a promotion, a monkey free with each bottle of Yakult.

    Sounds like you got rippeed off on the price of the Yakult though.

    Monkeys are extremely nutritious. It is proven that they can survive the passage through the stomach to the intestinal tract, where they are very beneficial to your digestion. I often have one on top of a bowl of cornflakes as a healthier alternative to milk.

  5. And what about that other scam? I have some wires going into my house that have electricity coming out of them. Not wanting to see it go to waste, I plugged in my fridge, telly, and a bunch of other stuff. A month later someone had the cheek to come along and try to make me pay for it! Dammit, anything coming into MY house belongs to ME! All the tough guy responses here just sound like the pathetic outpourings of those who are frustrated. They can't get back at the cop who scammed them out of a few hundred / thousand baht, but they can sure take it out on a hard working girl doing her job. Maybe next time these girls should come back with a couple of off duty cops and charge you a thousand baht a bottle. Then you'd have a reason to cry.

  6. Forget all the "It'll never work, you'll need a code, use a phone box" posts. If you have a monthly paid account, rather than prepaid 12call etc, then go along to an AIS branch and ask for international roaming to be enabled on your number. You only need to do it once. I did this around 7 years ago, and use my phone, with Thai Sim card, everywhere in the world. What may be confusing some people is that the features of your phone, rather than the Sim card, will determine whether or not you can get a signal in some countries. It's therefore a good idea to get a multi frequency, 3G enabled phone if you regularly want to use it abroad. In fact, with 3G, it can even be used in that last bastion of incompatible mobile systems, Japan. Ironically, with that same Thai Sim card, when out of the country you can also make full use of the features on your phone that are useless in Thailand, including high speed internet access and video calls. If you are going to be away for a while, it's also a good idea to either get your account paid automatically, or put it in credit before you leave, or they may cut you off until the bill's paid.

  7. In the end, a guy earning $200,000 a year and spending it all on a car is still much better off than a guy earning $30,000 a year and spending it all on a lesser car. The guy earning $30,000 may struggle to understand why the other will spend so much, simply because it will take him 7 years to earn the same amount, but the personal cost in time is the same. Once you have a house or two, holiday home, more money put away than you can ever sensibly spend, and a well paying job that you enjoy, what's the point of accumulating more money? I'm always suspicious of people who say "I could have bought a <name any expensive car>, but can't see the point of spending that much money". If you really could have afforded it, and really wanted it, then surely that is the point? You wouldn't need to think twice about buying it. I wouldn't buy a sports car here, it's not really practical, but a luxury SUV is something you can use, and feel good about, every day. While I can see the real need for pickup trucks, and in fact also have two of them, they are simply not safe to transport more than two people for any distance. I don't like saloon cars, preferring to sit "above it all". A Fortuner, or similar, would probably do, but again, I'd save money by buying one, and that saved money would just go in with the rest. I'm not a snob. I don't choose my car by what I think other people will think about it and me. I choose what I like, and what I can afford. I don't believe in an after life, or reincarnation. This life is the only one you'll have, better make it as enjoyable and comfortable as you can. If I had to define a mug in car buying terms, it would be either someone who spends more money than he can afford to on a car, or who spends less money than he could afford, on a lesser car. But then again, I fail to see what business it is of anyone as to how much someone else spends on a car.

  8. When they go wrong they go spectacularly wrong.

    You'd have to be a mug to spend that kind of money on any personal conveyance in Thailand, it's all going into the dealer's and government's pockets.


    Thai Ultimate Car Co.


    I bought mine from their Viphavadee-Rangsit branch a couple of years back, no complaints. It's just past the Suthisarn intersection, on the left as you come off the expressway heading towards Lat Phrao / Don Muang.

    From their website...

    "Thai Ultimate Car determines to keep on developing quality of customer services together with human resources continually."

    Shame they can't get their website to work properly then. :)

    Rather a strange post from a guy who was bragging on another thread that he withdraws 600,000 baht from ATM's every month to pay off cars he's bought. And why bother looking at the website if only a mug would buy one? As in so many threads here, the sheer petty mindedness and envy towards any one seen as doing better strikes again. The OP asked a simple question. I gave him an answer. What's your problem?

  9. Thaksin got stuff done.

    What has anybody done since?

    Not squat.

    Call him what you will, he was effective.

    And the scumball druggies knew it.

    By your own admission on your first post, he was not effective, the drugs have returned. Thaksin is all smoke and mirrors, quick fixes and sweeping it all under the carpet. He is living proof that you can delude most of the people some of the time, and totally fool some of the people all of the time, and he played on that. Sure, he severely limited the flow of drugs to regular people (but not to anyone with any influence) while his war was in operation, but in no way did he take steps to ensure the continued success of the operation by going after the big fish. He puts on a big show, impresses the gullible, and moves on leaving others to clean up after him. His war on drugs is entirely comparable to someone promising to eradicate malaria from your town by coming in and pumping poison everywhere, thus killing every mosquito, plus a few animals and children. A bit of collateral damage? No problem, the malaria is gone. The man moves on, and in a short time, the mosquitos are back.

    It's also surprising, or maybe not, that some posters who in the past have said they never supported Thaksin, and these extra judicial killings, but doubted anything would get done about it, are now coming out and trying to justify them. Maybe not surprising because with each Thaksin stone this government has overturned, these same people have come scurrying out in his defense. Backtracking on earlier posts, peeling away the layers of denial until left naked and revealing the "I heart Thaksin" tattoo on their defenseless rumps. Trying to justify the killing of even one innocent amongst hundreds of guilty by saying many supported it, and it was for the common good, is a defense that would not have gone amiss at those famous trials in Germany at the end of WW2.

  10. Spoke to my friend in Bangkok earlier - he said it's HOT and WET. This seems like an annual problem in Thailand. Is anything done? Or just money to fix the problem ends up in someone's pocket? My sympathy to anybody flooded out of home - we have the same problem in SE Queensland now.


    It used to be much much worse. The water would be thigh deep over huge areas of Bangkok.

    I think they have really improved the storm drain system and my understanding is that only when water hitting the city meets a high tide is there wide spread flooding.

    Whereas before, any heavy rain would mean a couple of feet of standing water.

    Used to wade up and down Sukhumvit all the time looking out for live electrical wires and uncovered storm drains trying to suck you in.

    Not to mention the rats swimming for high ground. Things have improved markedly since then.

  11. Are Aussies really so stupid that they leave their brains at home when they travel to Thailand. OR are they all a bunch of Thieving bastards like their forefathers?

    Lots of stories about Aussies being (supposedly)fleeced or stealing stuff.

    What's your reaction.

    Well, at least we have fathers so therefore we can't be bastards.

    Eh? Bastards don't have fathers? How are they conceived then?

  12. Go reds, go. Best of luck.

    Atleast you have now abandoned your charade of pretending to be neutral and objective.


    At least he's intelligent!

    That is what separates him from you?

    You might be right... :)

    I don't know, they both spend most of the time misquoting the same line from Dr Suess. "Go red go"? What next, green eggs and ham?

  13. I haven't claimed that there was nothing wrong. I would just like to understand it.

    The link you gave does not contain any of text that you embedded?

    As far as I know the judges in the Supreme Court are the same today as it was back then? And it cleared him of any wrong doing and no irregularities were found.

    Of course they knew that the law was going to change. But why would that make it into illegal insider trading? Would selling Shin a couple of months after the law was changed make any difference?

    Just because something smells wrong, does not mean it is. Especially not when there are such strong emotions about it.

    Try the link, the text I have italicised is there, under the sub heading "surprised".

    Anyone buying shares with the knowledge that something major that will favourably affect the value of those shares is about to happen, and that knowledge is unknown to the general public, is guilty of insider trading. In this case, both the knowledge that the law would change, plus that the company was about to be sold, both come under this. Even if you own a company, and know it is to be sold, you will still be convicted if you use that knowledge to unfairly make a profit from its shares. Another example would be if I worked for an oil company which made a huge discovery somewhere and went and bought as many shares of that company as I could before that discovery was announced. I would be guilty of insider trading. I'm using inside knowledge, that the general public are not privy to. No different to spending 329,000,000 baht on shares because I know the company is to be sold in three days time, making these same shares worth 16,203,250,000 baht. To make matters worse, the initial transaction was not even reported to the Thai stock exchange, thus keeping it entirely secret from the public. Role model behaviour from the "peoples PM"?

    If the judges are the same now as then, why is Thaksin so afraid to face trial?

  14. And you confuse the events here. No residents at Din Daeng apartments were killed during the idiotic gas tanker situation. The two dead "innocent civilians" died during the fighting at Nang Loern, a completely different part of town.

    Before going off your nut, at least inform yourself of what happened where and when.

    Din Daeng - morning till about early afternoon. No dead residents.

    Petchaburi soi 5 - several Red Shirts shot by "innocent civilians".

    Nang Loern/Yommarat - hours of brutal fighting at night between "innocent civilians" (strongly pro-PAD together with PAD re-enforcements) and Red Shirts. Two dead "innocent residents", and allegedly several Red Shirts whose corpses have not been found yet.

    There is only one "thug apologist" here, and that is you, defending PAD violence.

    Oh, puhlease:

    1. Din Daeng: The residents had enough of "the idiotic gas tanker situation" (strange way to descibe what could have been a lethal situation) and fought off the reds.

    2. Phetchaburi Soi 5: following the attack on a mosque in soi 7, the residents fought off the reds, using whatever weapons they had, inluding firearms.

    3. Nang Loern: The reds decide to attack a PAD stronghold and murder two residents following a long fight.

    What's the common denominator? The reds actively going somewhere and threatening to, or succeeding in, causing trouble. If they had have sat in one place, as the PAD did at the start of their protests, this violence would not have occurred. It was entirely of their own making. But then, that was their leaders, including Thaksin, plan all along. Cause trouble and hope for an overreaction by the military. Tough luck, it never took place, they lost any moral ground they may have had and were exposed to the world as the violent thugs they are. The PAD did not maraud around Bangkok - there's quite a wide area covered by these locations, picking fights with the locals. They began peaceful protests and were attacked by a group whose sole reason for existing was to attack them - the red shirts. Sorry if you can't accept it, but facts are facts.

  15. The law that was changed was about foreign ownership. This is a different issue than the tax issue.

    The sales to his family was done between 2000 and 2002, and have even less to do with any change in the law.

    Just making the point that it is the whole deal that stinks. An ordinary Thai would never be in the position to make this deal. And, I was referring to the 329 million shares his children bought from Ample Rich Investment Co at 1 Baht each, and sold three days later at 49.25 Baht each. "It (The Opposition) has asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate how his son and daughter were able to buy millions of shares just before the deal was done and then resell them for nearly 50 times as much, just three days later."


    How did they know the law was to change, and, even, how did they know the company was to be sold? Yes, yes, a rhetorical question, their father told them, meaning he used his position as PM to benefit his family, and also broke insider trading laws. Of course, back then, the courts were accepting his lunchboxes, and no wrong doing was found. Another unanswered question is how did Ample Rich, a company registered in the British Virgin Islands, and wholly owned by Thaksin, get the money to buy the shares in the first place, given any large amounts of money transferred overseas must be declared?

  16. Probably the most distasteful outcome of these events, after the murder of two innocent civilians,

    Rubbish. Just because Suthep said so, does not mean that it is so. The video and photos here have shown that they were nothing but a lynch mob.

    In the afternoon, red shirts were shot at and wounded as well, from "innocent civilians" out of petchaburi soi 5.

    It is extremely distasteful trying to make out the PAD as a peaceful protest group. Both groups have inflicted brutal violence on their opponents, there is more than enough proof of that.

    I couldn't care less what Suthep said, I'm relying on the interviews with the Din Daeng residents. I suppose you and Mrs JACT would sit in your flat, awaiting the warm "wooof" as the gas went up? Seeing how far you could travel without leaving your armchair. Or maybe you'd make the thugs a nice cup of tea, it's not as if you'd have to worry about the gas bill? Call me a violent, one man lynch mob, but anyone parking a 10 ton calor cannister outside my house and threatening my wife, daughter and me with immolation will be beaten to a pulp with whatever I can get my hands on, along with his motorscooter, or even using his motorscooter. Cue the "ooh, the yellow supporters are violent" posts.

    The main difference between the PAD's violence, and the red shirts, was that the PAD, on the whole, stayed in marked out territory and attacked people who came near them, while the reds, on the whole, went out of their way to attack the PAD and anyone else who got in their way. Your claims that it is otherwise are not distasteful, just false.

    Your attempt to justify not having any remorse for those murdered by calling them a lynch mob has also been noted. As I said in my original post, it's what I'd expect from a thug apologist.

  17. Like I said why would u rig an election that u would win anyway. Even the worst dictators are more than happy with 50.1% of the votes.

    It's was his children who owned the stocks, so who else was going to sell it. What I want to know is how much tax an ordinary Thai would have to pay when doing the same sale?

    For a start, an ordinary citizen wouldn't have been able to change the law in order to make the sale in the first place. Okay, maybe it was time for the law to be changed anyway, then in that case, an ordinary citizen would not have been able to line up a buyer months in advance, knowing that the law was going to be changed the day before he sold it. And further more, wouldn't have been able to have his family buy a bunch of shares at 1Baht each, knowing that the law was to be changed and the company able to be sold the following day.

  18. introducing the innocent residents

    (video snipped to save space)

    i know, it's very shaky and all and unclear, see the motobike that get smashed, it's near a zebra crossing. there are some pics, the same situation?

    (Photo's snipped to save space)

    have you ever seen such photos that showed acts of very similar nature before?

    So that's your only reply? Nobody is denying that the residents of the threatened buildings came out to defend themselves and their homes. The only sad part is that when the next group of residents tried the same thing, the reds were forewarned and murdered two of them.

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