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Posts posted by aromsia

  1. I recently finished a work contract and so left the country, then returned on an O Visa (3 months). I have also changed my passport (renewal time). My question is do I need to go to the Dept of Land Transport to change my driving licence to reflect the new passport and visa numbers? I don't have a job at present and thus no work permit - but I do own a car registered in my name in the Tabian Rot.

    Could I be in the absurd situation where I no longer hold a valid licence and can't drive my car? Another concern is that the insurance on my car could be declared invalid in the event of an accident.

    Anyone with any experience in this? Thanks in advance.

  2. I'm also a lurker..lived here several years - and am usually 'aromdee'. I find the visa information most useful as it changes so often. I downloaded the translated Issaan Lawyers updated rules on non-imm visas. Thank you.

    I'd say Thai Visa is the most-read site on Thailand and it holds a wealth of information..but I feel there is a pro-PAD slant in the news section, and I don't like that. But whatever, I guess business people here see it to their benefit to be pro-Democrats or pro-PAD whatever. I just try to ignore it as often as I can.

    The rest of the site is great. Thanks again for your efforts

    Happy New Year to all.

  3. Getting back to the point!! You are not expected to stand for the National Anthem in a hospital waiting room, you are supposed to be sick or injured.... common sense.... whether you use this as an excuse or not is you choice. Showing deference for you host country is normal. Walking around in fisherman pants with your 10baht chain and Chang T-Shirt is not.


    Another good point about the hospital waiting room. But the fisherman pants and the 10 baht gold chain with a Chang shirt sounds like a Thai tout - not a farang..no?

  4. Jeez!! I run a hotel with wifi and adsl access. any suggestions as to a suitable software application that can meet this demand? Do they just need storage of the website urls versus date/time? (In any case, since any of customers can use the computer, how can they identify who visited which website?)

    Some of what's available:

    Web Site Trackers


    A discussion on Thailand Outlook indicated that what will be required are individual logs of each computer in the cafe and the user who is on it when he starts and stops and the sites visited during his time on that individual computer. This would provide the police with the definitive and specific information they want to track.

    Funny how so few realize that this is all about the Thai authorities tracking down people who are challenging the right to one person one vote.. It's the final assault on democracy..dressed up as attempts at anti-cyber crime and anti-pornogaphy, or whatever.

    When in Thailand I now make sure I forward all such pro-democracy postings offshore 'just in case' .. if they are deleted later, it's harder for them to BS with allegations they never existed..

  5. sorry for your embarassment - times change fast, nationalism and xenophobia looks like a past time for thai. Next long standing residents in thailand have to learn their lesson what these ideologies are associated with and stop publicly loosing their face - do it in private (if you have to), but not in public.

    as the old chinese proverb goes: don't try to be more holy than the roman pope

    and another, older one: nationalism is a false concious created by the ruling class to bond the working class with the state and serve as a cannon fodder for the benefit of rulers

    Very good point. I really like your take on this - I agree! Sympathise with the OP though. I remeber walking down toward Panthip Plaza early one day and the anthem was playing. Don't know from where it came, but I stopped and two Thai guys across the street were laughing at me.

  6. Well, well..

    Bangkok Post:

    Saturday, December 20, 2008 - Business Section (pg. B10)


    Media: Supakorn Vejjajiva * has been named acting chief opperating officer of Post publishing Plc, effective Jan 1.

    Well - maybe he has no relation. Can anyone prove he has no relation to Abhisit?

    Hmmm....Nope, we don't care...how dare you! It's Thaksin - it's ALL ABOUT THAKSIN! Don't say anything else except Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin....

    * This emphasis was added..

  7. God there are just pages and pages of this stuff.

    After all this time...good God..

    Don't people, by now, realize that this was always about the rich and well-connected classes using a bunch of old chinese-thai grannies and poodle-carrying girls from hi-so families to occupy government/airports, etc, to ensure that the corrupt privildges of those behind the scenes (built up by their grandfathers) weren't interupted by one-person-one-vote ever again?

    I find it incredible that anybody is still saying "Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin." Yes, he's a corrupt pr&ck too - we get it. But guess what - that's not what this is all about. Democracy in Thailand is dead as a doornail at present - and the foreigners here and elsewhere who supported the PAD and this goofy government that has hijacked power have a lot to answer for. Those of you who fit this description should be held accountable for this mess as well as the PAD in my estimation.

  8. I think the reduced two-week visas by land were introduced to 'encourage' tourists to return to Suvarnabhumi to get their full month. Thailand loses a lot of money in taxes - not to mention the AOT and THAI companies. Oh and don't forget King Power and all those people who get paid off for the monopolies granted to some of these players.

    I'll bet the two-week land visa is scrubbed once the TAT and AOT are confident that the majority are tourists arriving by air again. So probably a temprorary measure. But it's a good motivation for the visa runners to get legal too. Maybe Thailand kills two birds with one stone?

    An Edit to add that last night I was in the Sukhumvit area and the place was really, really dead at what should be the absoulte height of the tourist season. That little stretch between Soi 3 and 5 where all the freelance hookers stand was overflowing with the girls (and 'boys') - I've never seen so many there...maybe they are leaving the other areas that are even deader to come to main street? However they were having much luck there either.. only a few Scandinavian, British and Arab families with pushchairs/strollers were on the street walking by them. Usually you need to squeeze by people there. But on that Friday night, there was lots of room to walk...and not much biz for the girls/katooeys.

    Same-Same at Central Dept Store at Sala Daeng. Depressingly quiet..but hey - no crowds!

    Anyway, as for the foreigners and ex-pat business people I've seen cheering on that PAD group on this and other websites - what goes around comes around I guess. How many of them are still cheering now?

  9. Thanks to all of you who post info about the visa extension process. Here is my experience today at Suan Phlu in BKK

    I have a 3 month O visa, and am under 50 - trying to extend stay based on marriage.

    1. I can confirm the 400,000 Baht rule for 3 months.

    2. However, a Letter of Gaurantee from your Thai Bank branch manager (in Thai of course) is required. They won't give you the extension without this and it should be dated no more than a few days prior to you making the application at the Immigration Office. A xerox of your bank book is NOT sufficient. (this is new I think isn't it?)

    3. You can't apply for the extention until you have less than 30 days remaining in your O Visa.

    4. Make sure you and your wife sign the marriage certificate copy and any copies of children's birth certificates (both of you) and of course make sure she signs the copies of her Family Book and ID card. You sign the copies of your passport and visa pages

    5. As for the photos, the Officer I spoke with wanted the photos frm 'inside' the house and without any other people in the frame apart from you and your wife and kids (if they are biological kids from this marriage). It's ok to have one outside

    6. Four photos will do. Mount them on A4 paper - four to a page.

    Good luck.

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