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Posts posted by aromsia

  1. Reporting is the lowest, the very lowest of all options. It is out of question.

    Maybe so, but it appears that there is no one here that knows how to report someone working illegally. Rather people here are offering opinion about the OP, rather than the issue there may be an illegal maid, where the problem has been brought to a head because of their dog's behavior.

    Possibly also in the reducing economic climate, weeding out the illegal workers may not be such a bad thing.

    Yes, I do have a real Work Permit.

    Then why not go after the employers for not registering the maid and paying for her work permit? Get THEM fined and chucked out of the country - along with the dog - Why do you want to punish the most disenfranchised person in this subject?

  2. Being married to a Thai national qualifies you foir a non-immigrant visa. You can get a single non-immigrant based on marriage. It will give you 90 days permission to stay. In Thailand itself you can then extend this permission to 1 year if you can either show an income of 40,000 baht a month (from abroad is OK) or 400,000 in a Thai bankaccount. Money in the bank has to be ther for at least 2 months before applying for the extension.

    This will show the greatest link with Thailand. Don't forget to apply for a re-entry permit if you have to leave Thailand.

    This seems to be the best I have found - and I have lived for here several years. The new rules seem to be a bit more favourable (400,000 for only 2 months)

    They have also made it a bit less favourable by limiting the financial requirements to the Husband only. In the past it was the Husband or the Wife.

    Yes good point - doesn't affect me - and I didn't meant to suggest that they were doing this as some sort of 'softening' of what continues to be (apparently) an anti-foreign-male policy..(in juxtaposition to an 'unopposed' policy on thai men marrying foreign women).

  3. This is a dead duck. The women with sufficient knowledge to want to get involved to help their husbands know that it is better to lead a quiet life. You'll need one or more of us to be married to a rich HiSo wife with top and I mean top level connections. She would then need the support of her family.

    There is - as you know - and she certainly won't. So forget it.

  4. I've read where it is cheaper to claim your Thai kids for the extension of the 3 or 12 month Non O (family visit) visa.

    However, is it better to keep quiet about your kids, just name your wife - bring the photos, the marriage certificate, the Banker's affadavit of the 400 K for 2 montsh, and the 1,900 baht, and then get on with it? In other words, are you just opening a can of worms that is not going to help you in any case if you start showing birth certificates?

    Grateful for your advice.

  5. Being married to a Thai national qualifies you foir a non-immigrant visa. You can get a single non-immigrant based on marriage. It will give you 90 days permission to stay. In Thailand itself you can then extend this permission to 1 year if you can either show an income of 40,000 baht a month (from abroad is OK) or 400,000 in a Thai bankaccount. Money in the bank has to be ther for at least 2 months before applying for the extension.

    This will show the greatest link with Thailand. Don't forget to apply for a re-entry permit if you have to leave Thailand.

    This seems to be the best I have found - and I have lived for here several years. The new rules seem to be a bit more favourable (400,000 for only 2 months), but working - with a proper work permit and multi-re-entry, is still the best option if the employer will stump up the fees. Bear in mind in the latter case you have (I believe) only 7 days to leave the Kingdom if the work ends - they don't care about the fact you may be married to a thai and have a family here.

    Best of luck and merry xmas.

  6. Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

    The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

    And reporting her whether she has a WP or not will almost certainly make problems for you...why dont you just talk to her employer....your neighbours.... and see where that gets you first...instead of wanting the maid to be hung drawn and quartered...

    I have complained to her Taiwanese boss several times before, they either don't understand English and Thai or they just don't care. There is no working with these people and after three years I'm fed up with it.

    The people of the house are rude in the first place. The wife walks around the village looking inside houses, the kids at one point used to come into my house without asking just to bounce around the furniture, the husband is never in town. They park their cars in the middle of the street. They used to chain their chihuahua to their gate and let it yip all day. I kicked it and tied it up with the leash and set it free. In retrospect I should have put it in a bag and taken it somewhere far away.

    Neighbors from hel_l and that's the general consensus around here.

    Getting the maid in the shit would kill two birds with one stone. A rude and inconsiderate person would get what she deserves and the family would be out of a worker to watch over the house while they're on vacation.

    So should I call immigration?

    Can I report you to immigration?

    Maybe someone should put you in a bag pal - can I give you a kick? Make no mistake about this - Thailand needs far fewer people like you. Maybe the reason she looks in your house and gives you a dirty look is because you're the p+ick who kicked their dog? Ya think? Where do people like you slither out from anyway?

  7. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too!

    Next year, let's remember that to be worthy of the true meaning of Chiristmas means we should stand up for our fellow man/woman and their rights - human rights. All Thais - whose country in which we are priviledged to live - need to have their rights respected. Let's stand up for the rights of the many - not just the few. As foreigners our voice may be weak - but it can be loud and influential. It needn't be threatening to the Host.

  8. I'm no Thaksin fan and certainly not a Red shirt fan. I support the new PM and his government. But its the democratic right of the Red shirts to demonstrate. I only hope they do it peacefully and with the same restrain like the PAD.

    And we will see how many bombs are thrown in their midst, so we can see who are the real democrats.

    You know, as well as I do, that if the Thai majority who have democracy stolen from them tried to copy the actions of the elitist PAD by occupying the parliament or government house that they face the very real danger of being squashed like bugs. Then ask yourself, who are the real democrats? It is crystal clear to everyone in the world now (and the whole world has watched in sadness and amazement) that the wealthy Thai establsihment backed by compliant elements within the military, courts and corrupt bureaucracy, has gang raped democracy and left her at the side of the road for dead. They even laughed while they did it.

    The pro-democracy supporters who are brave enough to venture onto the streets now are true patriots standing up for democracy. It takes a truly brave person to do that. If not many show up you can't really blame them. Of course the pro-Democrat and pro-PAD media will claim this means Thais are accepting that it's time to bury the hatchet. The reality of course will be that people are just plain scared. It's one thing for the bully to swagger down the street when he's got big brother behind him..but it's quite another thing when you've only got right on your side and you know the guys with the guns don't care that you're right and they're wrong.

    Good luck to them. I agree with you - I hope it remains peaceful - but I have my doubts.

  9. Ok - I don't know.

    But here is what I have seen work in past.

    You get a number of people together - maybe two dozen if possible. You go the police station and you ge them to stand outside in the car park...but very near the door and in a "mob" fashion. You say you want tot alk to the duty captain. Theyt ake you around back with the 'mob' and a deal is worked out.

    Go for it. (you need the mob - they need to appear pissed off). Forgot to say - you need to pay the cops. That's how it works. But it won't be much - mayb e 2 or 3 k

  10. egg647

    I agree with you 100%

    All I am saying is that you (we) need a Thai patron/matron. Taking this to the courts is a waste of time - this ain't America. This is feather-your-nest Thailand. The sooner people learn this, the sooner they'll realise why there are these farang dinosaurs on this Website who are so ultra-right-wing.

    Welcome to the Wild West.

  11. Is it possible the MIL told a porkie to the family and actually did try to nick smth?

    Yes of course it's possible. But I think she may have an excuse. This country is run by the rich who hate the poor - and they get the poor to watch each other.

    Having said that..I was back in ol' blighty recently - at a computer store (not a shop - one of those big places) near the end of the Piccadilly Line..Anyway, some 30-something (white) bloke walks in - yacking away on his mobile.. and walks around in the shop (still yak, yak)..then walks out of the store still talking on the mobile..

    Within seconds this alert security guard - older - late 40's - (black - think it's worth mentioning) gives chase. The white guy BOLTS and drops something in the car park. He was a shoplifter...the guard came back with the item but the younger guy gets away.

    Moral relevant to this thread? I'm white..the criminal was white and not young.. Things aren't always as some would like to make out. I gave myself a reality check at that moment.

  12. As said, there are also other Thailand forums where one can post, not to mention Thai web forums for more support from Thai woman. And of course the many Thailand forums in other languages, such as French, Spanish etc. A discussion can be started there as well to gain more support.

    While I fully sympathise and support this, I really do think you need to do a reality check before you try to continue.

    Do you have a patron/matron? As mario2008 points out, without this you have (IMHO) no leverage at all. Again I recall your attention to the recent political events - poor people (i.e. Issaan) are "stupid and shouldn't be allowed to vote" - this is the position of the people who have hijacked the country - and did so with the help of the courts - the same courts who handed down 180 degree rulings in similar cases agains the party now in power. (not criticizing - just pointing out a fact).

    Keep your powder dry for a much more important (and imminent) fight is my best advice at present.

  13. It could be also a killed PAD guard. Killed by government supporter. Actually PAD told that they don't know this guy. PAD found a few times undercover police and just kicked them out. One time they put them on the stage, but didn't harm them.

    So every explanation sounds improbably.

    So they stuck him in a cupboard. Make sense to you?

    Now then, whatever happened to the cop who was run over a month earlier by the PAD pick up truck? Driver found? Charged? What? Oh look..we cannot (allegedly) view this anymore on pracha tai do com as that site has been blocked.

  14. Don't know the answers about legal requirements of your company. Bupa is another int'l insurer (try the name plus co dot th) - but the broker above may be able to help as well. Sticke with an intl company is my advise. Basically, you're looking at quite low fees compared to Western countries. But beware that these fees often don't cover outpatient care and they are sticky on previous conditions. Buyer beware.

  15. Sorry if a repetitive question.

    But why did she leave the trolly unattended (yes I know the Loo)? Who would do that? It does sound unlikely. However, if it can be confirmed that she then went to find the security and asked the security where her trolly is, then she may have a case. Bear in mind in thsi country poor people go to jail for minor infractions - even first offence - part of the political-economy social control theory. Unlike the rest of 'the people' of course who flee the country or take over airports (see? I am unbiased).

  16. And lets not forget about the PAD guard found dead at the airport. Seems he was killed by his own. Seems this bunch didn't like people attempting to leave their ranks.

    Has he ever been positively identified? The last I read, there was still speculation as to whether he was an undercover policeman.

    Oh sorry, me again. Does the red highlight of your post make his murder any better? An undercover police officer is murdered? Does that make it better for you pal? I'm so sorry to question your post - since I must be so unworthy. I mean - you know - you are so clearly Pee and I must be so clearly Nong with my fewer post..given I haven't spent my many years here posting day and night on a Visa website :o

  17. I cant imagine so.. I have multiple passports.. How would that work ???

    If you check the number on your Thai licence, you should notice that it corresponds to the number of one of your passports - presumably the one with the Non-Imm Visa. If your visa expires (say along with your passport) and you need to leave the country and return on a new passport with a new visa, your licence would no longer match up. I am wondering if that makes the licence itself invalid.

    Another thought:

    Think of it another way. How many of us still keep an 'updated' driver's licence from our home countries? It may have a 'valid to' date on it, but in most places that licence becomes 'invalid' once you are out of their jurisdiction for 3 or 6 months (depending on the place).

    It's handy to have if you move back there - just pick up where you left off - who'd know the difference. BUT, in the meantime, if you use that licence to rent a car, get into a major accident, and they find out you haven't lived in Texas or Brighton or Adelaide for the last 8 years....what do you think the insurance company is going to say about that?

  18. I voted yes (version 2). However I suspect that this would fail on account of the issues Maestro raised above...and some others.

    Do you know if it is possible for a that Thai court even recognize 'class action' suits? Sounds very American. Remember that Thai law operates under a civil code - not common law. A judge or judges can rule any way they like without their reasons held up to scrutiny of previous precedent. You can argue it is unconsitutional of course which seems to be your suggestion - but you know...a Thai Consitution and those who watch over it are ...er...'unpredictable' (or some would say 'predicatable').

    Remember this is hiearchacal society - so it is no surprise that a law is clearly designed so richer Thai guys can land the farang 'trophy wife' no-strings-attached, while the farang who marries the Thai woman from Issaan faces roadblocks and hurdles at every turn.

    Why would Thai "society" rule in favour of women from Issaan? They just killed off the right for them to choose their own government - you think they're going to now make it easier for them to raise their "luuk-kreung' kids here with all that "independent thought" stuff instilled by their fathers? Who knows where that would lead, eh? Farang-Guanxi! :o

  19. Note that it aren't only the Thai wives, but also the Thai children with a foreign father who are discriminated against by the immigration rules. Children have their own rights, which are also trempled upon.

    I wasn't aware of that. Can you be more specific? What are the different immigration rules for Thai children of foreign fathers? If one is a Thai Citizen, regardless of their surname, immigration dept should have no standing over them as far as I am aware.

    EDIT: Forget it - I see what you mean (the kids father needs to earn 40k - got it now)

  20. I'm going to ignore the 48 hour allegation - I've lived in Thailand for many years and take a keen interest in its politics. So anyone else who is of the same interests knows very well that wealthy and powerful families gain their wealth and status through intra and inter-family patronage. Spead the cousisn and nephews far and wide - diversifying where and when needed.

    So does anyone know if he is related? Or is it a common Thai-Chinese name that was invented when the sino names were switched over to Thai words?

  21. Glad to see it worked out for you jbowman1993

    A question...did you need to show your passport to the police or insurance guy? The reason i ask is because in my other post I am asking whether my Thai licence has become invalid with a change in Passport and Visa numbers (renewals) and whether insurance companies could use that against me in an accident. If no one took any notice of your passport, then I would assume it's not an issue..

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