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Posts posted by redscouse

  1. quote name='redscouse' post='2917901' date='2009-08-04 01:29:28'

    maybe your history is a little clouded, I do recall him calling a general election however the opposition parties were cajoled into not standing against him by the PAD, is this correct?

    The answer is yes. :)

    yes it seems my friend a few posts back would rather try and deflect the truth of the matter with lengthy posts full of hyperbole. The fact is Thaksin called a General Election before the coup which was in the end a non event due to the PAD cajoling opposition parties to not stand against the TRT candidates in the hope it would make the election void. Also if I recall rightly based on the people who did vote Thaksin would have been re elected. Not bad for someone who apparently has never won an election in his life. Added to the recent 3 by election victories it would appear that people still believe in the TRT policies.

    you are missing my points which were:

    Thaksin wasn't an elected anything at the time of the September coup. You said he was 'elected'.

    The April 2006 election (which you are right, he did call) was annulled. Thaksin dragged his feet by not calling another one (which he should have). He was increasingly unpopular at the time (otherwise why did he call the April 2006 election, only one year into a 4 year term). I'm talking about this later, non-existant 'election' which he supposedly had called, all the while showing off as a caretaker PM during HM's celebrations that year.

    if you think he had called another election it would have been held or would the opposition be forced to not stand again by the PAD, what would have been the point? This is very similar to the 'PAD never closed' the airport belief when in fact they made it certain the airport would have to close, just as they made calling another election pointless. Thaksin took it to the Polls but the PAD made it impossible to hold an election, he did what was right but the PAD knew TRT would get re elected so they did what they do best, cause chaos carte blanche in the knowledge they could cause this chaos with impunity.

  2. quote name='redscouse' post='2917901' date='2009-08-04 01:29:28'

    maybe your history is a little clouded, I do recall him calling a general election however the opposition parties were cajoled into not standing against him by the PAD, is this correct?

    The answer is yes. :)

    yes it seems my friend a few posts back would rather try and deflect the truth of the matter with lengthy posts full of hyperbole. The fact is Thaksin called a General Election before the coup which was in the end a non event due to the PAD cajoling opposition parties to not stand against the TRT candidates in the hope it would make the election void. Also if I recall rightly based on the people who did vote Thaksin would have been re elected. Not bad for someone who apparently has never won an election in his life. Added to the recent 3 by election victories it would appear that people still believe in the TRT policies.

  3. I think you forgot to include 'elected' in your list. Cue comments about vote buying etc as though nobody else does it, Thai politics stinks whichever side of the fence you sit on.

    Like I say I am not a supporter or a non supporter of Thaksin, but I have a question that I hope people can answer putting bias aside, lets see.

    Was Thailand a more stable, better performing country with Thaksin in charge than it has been since the coup to remove him?

    read up on your history a little bit more.

    He wasn't an elected anything at the time of the coup. All he was was a caretaker PM who had refused to call elections for 6 months leading up to the coup, cause if he called them, he'd lose, again.

    The local village chief had more democratic legitimacy than he did.

    maybe your history is a little clouded, I do recall him calling a general election however the opposition parties were cajoled into not standing against him by the PAD, is this correct? Please don't try and gloss over this with reasons but you state that he never called a general election, I am saying he did call one. which is correct?

  4. has he ever said he is not pro democracy?

    YES! When he was in POWER! Now he using that tact to get sympathy from the west and to sugar coat his corrupt movement. This man is not to believed.

    "Democracy is not my goal"


    Fair enough, no need to shout, it was just a question :D

    I think we have talked about Thaksin enough and have positively established that he is a fugitive, a criminal and a thief and will not stop from doing anything to get his way and money, including lie, depiction like a con man will do, so let's not try to pretend he is anyone other than what is obvious :)

    I think you forgot to include 'elected' in your list. Cue comments about vote buying etc as though nobody else does it, Thai politics stinks whichever side of the fence you sit on.

    Like I say I am not a supporter or a non supporter of Thaksin, but I have a question that I hope people can answer putting bias aside, lets see.

    Was Thailand a more stable, better performing country with Thaksin in charge than it has been since the coup to remove him?

  5. . Can they not just accept that people do support the monarchy and also support Thaksin, supporting these two things do not make one negate the other.

    That isn't entirely clear. A dictator for life model with a PM as dear leader would not exactly be pro monarchy, now would it? Surely you don't believe Thaksin is really pro democracy, do you?

    has he ever said he is not pro democracy? Surely the PAD are the ones against one man one vote despite their name. But my point was not about Thaksin, my point was about the public being accused of anti monarchy sentiments for believing in a particular political figure rather than what that political figure believes. My wife voted Thai rak Thai but is also a royalist, it is possible. Is it possible to ask for a pardon considering how minor the offence was and still be Royalist? I think it is and I think it is unfair for the government to question your loyalties based on this matter.

    Oh and as a reminder, the red in my name refers to my football, I have no political affiliations in Thailand

    Sorry I saw you edited after I posted so my quote is not your new post in full

  6. I think it unfair to tarnish all non yellow shirts with being anti monarchy. I heard yesterday the Government basically saying if you have signed the petition to pardon Thaksin then you are against the monarchy, they made it so black and white, they are also saying they will be checking signatures, so basically the person who signed or who wanted to sign now fears lesse majesty as the government are accusing them of being anti monarchy.. Can they not just accept that people do support the monarchy and also support Thaksin, supporting these two things do not make one negate the other. It is an attempt by the government to scare people away from the red shirts by using the monarchy, whilst accusing the red shirts of using the monarchy. The hypocrisy in this country never ceases to amaze me, constantly accusing others of doing what you are doing yourself in the hope that they do not notice you are doing the exact same thing.

  7. but do not get you bank balance engraved on as the OP suggests, I would need new tags every day as my account balanced changed :D

    it may be better to put the PIN number for your atm card on the tag and also say which pocket the card is in, that way the hospital can make the withdrawal for you :) (Disclaimer for the hard of thinking: this is a joke, do not do this).

    The Op actually has a good idea, I have a friend who is ex Royal Marine and he has his blood group etc tattooed on his shoulder, I know some insurance companies used to provide a bracelet or necklace with your medical details in side, I don't know if they still do this

  8. A hard question, the usual excuse that we like asian women is not valid here as you are chinese american, maybe there is too much competition here, maybe age is an issue as men will expect that you are already in a relationship so do not approach you.

    Do you ever try to make the first move or do you wait for men to approach you? Have you tried being the one to talk first rather than waiting to be approached?

  9. next time he comes in the office blow in his ear and lightly caress his testicles, then repeat this every time he comes into the office to pester the girls, he should soon get the message. However being Thai he probably will not realise what is happening or even more bizarrely he may enjoy it and visit the office more often to have his nut sack massaged by the friendly farang.

    personally I would call all the girls to gather round my desk every time he appears for his molestation break therefore taking them away from him, then talk to them about harassment or targets etc so he can overhear, if it's not possible to gather them all at the same time, then call over the poor unfortunate who is the object of his desire at that moment to get her away from his greasy palms. . If he is not coming down on office business then he has no need for the girls to remain in their seats to hear what he has to say.

  10. I saw the medical certificate today that our lawyer is providing for my work permit and it shows the syphilis test on there, I am negative according to the certificate, the certificate was an eye opener for me as I am yet to even go for the medical, it appears my medical exam was done in my absence :D

    on another note, remember the joke about the old couple at the Doctors, the dr said to the wife "i need a urine, sample, an excrement sample and a blood sample, and I will need a sperm sample from your husband", the wife was a bit deaf so she asked her husband what the Dr said, the husband replied "he said he wants a pair of your knickers"


  11. I have seen cars crossing but have no idea about the procedure, probably easier to leave the car in Nong Khai and getting the bus across and then taxi into vientianne, I know they drive on the other side of the road but the traffic is light there so that should present no real problems if you drive across, but I think you need to show the green book etc both ways to show the car is registered and no import duty is needed etc etc etc

  12. a quick report, I flew to Ho Chi Min on Sunday afternoon, 5160 return with Air France, taxi to hotel 80,000 Dong, hotel was 30 USD a night for two nights.

    I arrived at the embassy at 8.20 am (opening time 8.30) expecting the usual queues etc, to find I was ushered straight in to a very clean office, I was the only person there apart from the smiling woman behind the counter who checked my paperwork, paid her the 65 USD and went about my merry way before the clock even struck 8.30. The following day I turned up at 1.30 pm to find my passport ready and handed over by the same smiling woman. My flight back was at 7.50 pm landing back in Bangkok around 9pm.

    To say this was an easy pleasant experience would be an understatement, even the traffic flowed despite there obviously being less regulations than Bangkok but the loud tooting of the horn every 5 seconds as they hurtle through a junction oblivious to everything around them seemed to work.

    The one drawback was I needed to get entry visa from the Vietnam embassy on Wireless Road which took a few days, but even that place had the smallest of queues so was no real hassle.

    recommended :)

  13. some seem to be missing the evidence given here.

    Gerrard was wrong to be involved in a dispute to start with, but his explanation is that once doran hit the manc, then the manc came forwards and gerrard felt he was going to be hit so defended himself, this is what was given to the jury and the jury found him not guilty, I assume all you saints on here would have just admitted to given the guy a few digs because he deserved it rather than saying you gave the guy a dig to defend yourself, hypocrites really. I wonder if he played for your club if you would be more objective when deciding his guilt.

    The fact is a jury found him not guilty therefore he is not guilty, live with it. just like a jury found terry not guilty for hitting a bouncer with a bottle etc etc etc

    oh, and i must have missed when gerrad was made england captain

  14. I went to the Liverpool game and wasn't overly impressed with the benchwarming XI put out by Liverpool, despite excuses about humidity, pre-season, etc. If that was even a taste of what Liverpool have to offer if Gerrard and/or Torres suffer long-term injuries this season, then sadly I don't think they will be winning any silverware this coming season.

    Watched a much more entertaining game between FC Seoul and Manchester United. A game in which Man U looked hungry to score. Where the hel_l was that hunger in Liverpool's game the other night? For some of the benchwarmers looking to get in on first team action this season, I'd like to ask them why they did little to prove themselves against a Thai XI, when they're likely to face much tougher oppositon in the Premier League this season.

    Nice for Thai fans to see some 'faces' but very poor value for money, even if it was a pre-season friendly. Looked more like a training ground match.

    it looked more like a training ground match mate because that is exactly what it was

  15. I dont think cases like this should end up in court as the guy only had a couple of cuts and bruises, but as it was caught on CCTV it would have gone to court if it was someone famous or not.

    And fair play to Gerrard for doing whatever he can to get himself off, we all would in his situation.

    But after being in more then my fair share of rucks as a youngster, i do not believe in this situation Gerrard would have turned away for 1 second when they went to confront this man. And as he admitted to hitting him 3 times after his mate give him a sneaky elbow shows that he's a fcuken spineless coward .... he's similar to your average Thai male in this situation.

    But out of the 7 accused the one who seems to have been in the centre of everything that went on is the only one that isnt guilty!

    PS It would have only taken 1 jury member to say he wasnt guilty for him to get off, now for Liverpools greatest ever Scouse player there was always going to be one .... this and the fact there arent 12 honest people in all of Liverpool to form a Jury!

    Says the pr!ck with two convictions and wonders why the pigs gave him a few digs, I wonder if your stupid attitude came into play

  16. But please dont come on here as though you are 'Mr Man United', the faithful and long standing supporter, because you aint :)

    Every time james posts, you can hear the cringes from Redrus and Nev here in Saudi :D

    james is very good entertainment i come on here for a good laugh and wind up and i dont need to, i let our resident oot united lad do it all for me :D

    they don't get more oot than James :D

    just a thought though, do you actually have to have been in a city before you can be considered out of it :D

  17. Steven Gerrard was today found guilty of causing affray. the judge has sentenced him to 180 hours of community service. He said he will spend it teaching people to play football.

    He starts Monday morning at Goodison Park.


  18. now now james, no need to threaten people about meet ups etc, you just come across as a keyboard gangster. And to be fair do you actually know any scousers or is your opinion of scousers based on the jealous hatred of other utd fans who sing songs about us even you are not playing us. get to know us, you might like us, also all liverpool fans are not scousers, scouse is the term for people who actually come from liverpool, and as such your hero rooney is a scouser, would you abuse him for being a scouser, maybe you should have phrased your question to 'liverpool supporters' as opposed to scousers as I am sure all the liverpool fans on here are not scouse.

    and in case you were wonder the term for someone from manchester is 'city fan' :)

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