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Posts posted by redscouse

  1. Depends on my spiritual condition - I've walked out and not paid and Ive pulled it out and said nothing. I've refused to eat it and asked for another dish.

    Hopefully, my attitude is improving as I get older and I'd like to think that the next time I'll say niothing. Often, however something confuses me when I see the OAPs nearly having a heart attack over something trivial like this.

    Why do some get grumpier as they get older? The tradition in these parts is to renunciate many things when reaching 60 and find peace. The oldies from my country usually do the opposite.

    In the end, it's not that big a deal unless I'm paying a lot of money for the food.

    I think the fact that you are paying for the food, irrespective of cost entitles you to question the restaurant or to get the food replaced, after all you are buying a meal and not a toupee, however the level of complaint should be friendly but if they don't take it seriously take one of your pubes from your pants and ask them to eat it in front of you and gauge then if they still consider it minor :)

  2. I paid for the 2500 baht tickets when they came on sale, one for me and one for the other half who may cry off from going.

    I believe the only player missing is Gerrard, the guys who played in Confed cup have travelled but are a little behind on fitness so if torres gets on i doubt it will be for long, same as masch

  3. RBS have already agreed to re finance the loans providing certain stipulations are met, I believe those stipulations have been met so the loan will be re financed, it would be illegal for RNS to back out after offering apparently

  4. <br />Something similar happened to a friend in the UK. He got talking to a girl in a night club, dolled up to the nines as we say. Introduced him to her "older sister". He took the girl home and they had sex. A few days later a knock on his door, and it's the police. She was 15. Needless to say it went to court, the sister was her mother. In court the girl turns up in her school uniform. Luckily for my friend, the judge looked at the mother, then the girl.<br />"I can imagine looking at you madam, how your daughter was dressed that night. You sir have been an idiot." He was given a conditional discharge<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I would assume that was a male judge?

    Imagine it was one of those feminists?

    You mate would be labeled a peado and on the sex register.

    I find it impossible to believe that story is true or completely accurate. If it was in the UK, the only issues to be settled would be her age and whether they had sex. If both of those points were undisputed by the defendant or proven by the prosecution, the judge would have no choice but to sentence him to imprisonment and put him on the sex offenders register. There's no room in British law for extenuating circumstances in the case of a minor, neither is ignorance a defence under British law.

    I thought it sounded far to practical and sensible coming from an Old Codger who call themselves Judges, in the UK.


    The judge does not have to give a custodial sentence, the sentence is entirely up to him providing he does not exceed the maximum sentence, a too low sentence can be appealed by the prosecution to get it increased.

    Going back to the late 80's early 90's there was a defence that if you met her in a bar and she looked over 16 for example then you would be cautioned rather than charged, I am not sure about this now but I am sure the sentence is at the discretion of the judge. With a girl under 13 it is statutory rape as she can not consent, with a girl 13 to 16 it is unlawful sexual intercourse even if she consents, however the government guidelines stress to the police that all should not be charged, as an example if the police prosecuted a 16 year old boy who has sex with his 15 year old girlfriend the chances are the CPS will not continue as it is not in the public's interest. Although the law is clear there are grey areas in interpretation.

    I can quite imagine the initial post quoted in relation to the 15 year old girl happening but also imagine the comments have been simplified. The law has to have some flexibility here as it would be unfair for a 16 year old boy who has sex with his 15 year old girlfriend the day before her 16th birthday to be labelled as a paedophile, sent to prison and ordered to sign the sex offenders register. it becomes very grey however where you draw the line on the person who is over 16, at what point is it considered to be too wrong, or wrong enough to charge someone.

    Also Dave, although I went in front of a few dotty judges whilst a policeman the majority were very astute and on the whole very frank with their comments

  5. so you think it recognises that you have been on the page before? I am not sure as i also looked from another computer elsewhere, I was re checking in case they had an issue with their site and the offer page had gone down

  6. I met an english taxi driver visiting Thailand an few years back and he told me when he returns home he fills a suitcase full of cigs and sells them out of his cab.

    How the hel_l would he get this through customs in the West? Payoffs there too?

    Not really, in the UK if you are found with excess the goods are taken off you or you pay the duty, many take the risk as the penalty is not harsh if you can show it's for personal use

  7. I was trying to book for Thai Air to Vietnam for July, they had an offer on with a link from their main page, this would have allowed me to book to vietnam return for 5030 baht. I got busy and didnt book so the next day I tried to book, the link was still there so I clicked it and it basically kept me on the main page where the price was now 11,000 baht.

    I called Thai and asked them about this and they said the seats must have been sold, so I thought ok, the seats have been sold, so I asked why they still have the link for the special deal on the main page, If I had not seen the price the previous day I could click this special deal link and think the 11,000 baht was the special deal and book.

    Just pointing it out as I don't think it is a fair practice and hopefully someone else won't book thinking it is a deal, anyway i found return flights with Air France for 5160 baht with roughly the same departure times etc

  8. the ability for second entry will expire on 21st July so i would go this weekend, but I am wondering if they will extend my first entry that has already been extended for the 30 days, the 30 days will finish on 22nd

    Edit because I just saw your edit :) thats good news, I hope they will, I will head to immigration and ask them

  9. Hi,

    I have a tourist visa and extended it for 30 days, this extension will end on 22nd July, it's a double entry tourist visa so I know I can leave and come back in on this (before 21st), however I have a flight booked to Vietnam for 26th July to get Non Imm B visa, I am unable to go before as the paperwork will not be back from labour dept etc.

    Will immigration give me a further extension to the 26th July or am I blighted to do a border crossing to activate the second part of my tourist visa or just get VOA to cover me until 26th.

    Thanks in advance for any info

  10. i need to shave twice a day to stay smooth, in fact when i shave if i go to the toilet straight after and slightly strain, then i push a beard out and need to shave again straight away, its a blight constantly having a blue beard.

    I use mach 3, those bic ones do not even complete one shave for me, the mac 3 i can get a few days out of and normally go through 8 in a month, I try and not shave at weekends.

  11. Sorry i searched but do not really have time to filter through endless threads so hopefully someone can answer these questions for me,

    I will go to Ho Chi Min for Non Imm B Visa, can I get Visa on arrival in Ho Chi Min, if so what do I need (cost, photo's etc), also what is the current cost for the Non Imm B Visa and how many pictures are required?

    thanks in advance for any help, it will be greatly appreciated :)

  12. I think the police may have misunderstood when he mentioned the package you were carrying in the front of your pants and the crack you had in the back of your pants, and how he wanted to take both

  13. with a pack, some will always circle behind you to attack, make sure you don't let this happen, back towards a wall if you need to, then you need to remain confident and in control, walk towards the dogs and they will back away.

    I get it quite often when i am walking my dogs, but i am pack leader and when they come towards me I will go towards them, they normally back off but it's important for you to learn what is an aggressive bark and what is a territorial bark before taking this action.

    I also carry a stick when i walk the dogs and if any don't back off i hit them on the nose, they soon scurry away. My favourite however was outside my house when the neighbours rottweiller got aggressive and I had the electric tennis raquet mosquito killer in my hand and rapped the rottweiler on the end of the nose with that, then he became disinterested after the electric shock

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