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Posts posted by writeshack

  1. 2000 is not a lot to lose if she defaulted. Should have lent it at an extortionate rate of interest. Extortionate in our eyes (10% per month) is quite reasonable in theirs. By making it a business transaction, you have made it clear that you are not willing to write it off as a gift.

    Offering a job for payment is ok, as long as the job is not demeaning. OP's garden work was probably too low class for her so he should have either offered a different job or asked her if she has a nephew to do the garden for her.

    The brother of a friend of my SO needed 2000 bht. I needed to get somewhere (nearly 2 hours drive). He drove me there and back, I gave him 2000....both parties happy.

    Yes 10% interest per month payable, even more if they don't have a cha nort land title or something similar as security. My wife does that a lot. Never mind the capital, the interest very soon exceeds it and the debt continues. That's standard village usury in Thailand, but still cheaper than the Chinese or Indian money lenders who always end up owning the land too.

  2. Try a bay leaves and a few cloves in with the rice - best wrap the cloves in muslin or cheesecloth, though (easier to remove). Or, as suggested above, just put the rice out in the sun before you cook it and they will fly away. The weevils are already in the grain. They are not "getting into it".

  3. To my surprise Russia jets are much more better then American , in terms of maintance, aerodynamic,speed etc , we only get information that F-22 are the best, if there are a dog fight between two I not sure what we think were right.

    There wouldn't be a dog fight, dog fights are almost history. The Russians planes would be blown out of the sky from a hundred miles away. If there was a dogfight, I seriously doubt that the Russian pilots are trained and equipped to go head to head with the Americans.

    What was his name Yuri G?? no opposition, and the dog he had all the space he needed no canine in sight.

    What does this have to do with the thread?

  4. Sometimes the "ashes", which include a lot of bones and bits, are laid out on the ground in the form of a person and then "dressed" with favoured clothes, with money in the pockets, incense on all corners. Monks chant over them and then the deceased's friends take the clothes and the money and gold fillings or whatever they can find. It's far more macabre than that though and lasts a long time. The bones are later taken home and the spirit is chased on its way by fire crackers and hoisting of a totem image on a long pole so the wind helps its departure.. so the spirit doesn't stay around the home and haunt the family. Buddhism mixed with ancient animism.

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  5. I suppose there are few reverse cycle air cons sold in Thailand. just like I discovered that my new car had no heater. I'd never heard of that one until I looked for the de-mister heater. HA!

    My Ford Ranger has a heater and demister. Never used it though, except once when the wife fiddled around with it. Couldn't understand why the cab was so hot in April 555

  6. Tourist killed in Thailand not a Kiwi

    A tourist killed in a crash crash in Thailand was not a New Zealander as Thai media had initially reported, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) has confirmed.

    Initial reports suggested a 65-year-old Kiwi had died when his car collided with a rubbish truck at high speed.

    A MFAT spokesman said the mistaken identification was probably because the dead man had borrowed a New Zealander's car.

    ''Our embassy had been contacted about the incident but it has since been confirmed that this person was not a New Zealander.''

    - © Fairfax NZ News

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  7. I speak reasonable Thai, not fluent but adequate. I have often gone to a store or a market with my wife, or met a friend of hers I haven't met before and will exchange pleasantries with them or the vendor in Thai for some time, including about what we may buy and the price or whatever, and then they invariably turn to my wife and say, "does he speak Thai, where does he come from?" I have tried, literally in fun, jumping up and down and saying, "hey I'm here too you know, and we've already been talking". Doesn't seem to register. When I'm alone, without my wife. I have few problems and people do understand even my worst gaffes.

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