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Posts posted by boney

  1. Going to Bangkok first allows you to appreciate the relative calm of CM afterward. Going to CM first in no way prepares you for Bangkok.

    I would do CM first, as it lets you relax and get into the Thai relax mode, easy and unstressed calm in CM.

    Then when you get to Bangkok you will wonder what you are doing there apart from seeing the tourist attractions in busy and rush rush atmosphere.. but as always the choice is yours...

    The calm after the storm could be your choice. "up to you"

  2. Can anyone tell me if they have been to or got into the president hotel disco with out being charged because they were a Farang?

    This is the first time I have encountered discrimination in Chiang Mai, this is also the first time that I have tried to get into the disco at the president hotel.

    I was understood from my girlfriend that Farang have to pay the fee of 300 Baht and can exchange the ticket for drinks at the bar.

    But all Thai men walk in as normal. ?

    I said that I wanted to just buy my drinks at the bar like the Thai men and was told that was not possible.

    This really grips me when this happens and it just really messed up my night.

    maybe I just expect too much.

    I hope that this discrimination can be sorted out in the next 10 years so tourists can be treated the same as the locals.

    PS, I live in Chiang Mai and am not a tourist.

  3. I've just bought and about to connect a 1Tb external HDD to my DeskTop via an eSATA interface. It's primarily for data backup and to mirror the internal drive.

    I want to partition it into 4 x 250Gb drives. Do I need special software to do this or will day to day packages handle external drive partitioning.

    Thank you.

    Partition Magic is so easy, But you have to pay for it!

  4. You might enjoy the Art Museum, small but very pleasant. You may also want to try dinner at The Gallery which is on the Ping River also, good quality and sensibly priced (for a farang) Thai food in a pleasant and romantic setting, also with live Thai music to accompany.


    I know there is a wonderful restaurant up on the hill towards the temple on the hill. It over looks the city and has some excellent Thai food. It is very romantic.

    I am sorry I don't know the name of it but I am sure there are some here that can help.

    recommend booking for the weekend. normally very popular.

  5. Could anyone give me there personal experience with a Dynasat satellite receiver/disc?

    Is it any good? And what shop could you recommend me to get it done...?

    Prices.. and do you need a contract?

    I know there are already topics about this.. but in televisionland everythings seems to change very fast...



    My partner got dynasat, in Chiang Mai. its cheap, its not bad for the price.

    But on the down side. I already had Internet installed with TOT.

    Dynasat uses my Internet from my router. I don't know why.

    The system often freezes. especially when your watching something good or its raining.

    I wanted to get rid of it, but for 300 baht a month cant really complain.

    Lots of channels, but they took BBC entertainment off and that was the only channel I enjoyed watching apart from the sport channels.

    I haven't been home for a few months so cant give you any more info until I get back next month.

  6. I am going to Thailand for maybe upto 6 months.

    I have an o2 iPhone contract which doesn't expire until next year - didn't realise I would be going to Thailand when I took out the contract.

    AFAIK I have two options:

    - Drop contract to cheapest monthly rate

    - Sell/Give phone and contract to friend

    If I had taken out insurance apparently I could've cancelled it after 9 months or something.

    Anyway, that's not the point - I like my stupid iPhone and was wondering if there's any clever ways to make use of it in Thailand:

    Of course I can unlock it and pay for some True or other Thai contract - but then I'm just leaking money in two places.

    What I'm trying to find is some innovative service where I can roam and (even better) use my UK free minutes - but be in Thailand.

    I really don't know, but some innovative VOIP service?

    If not, then what is a good choice of SIM for iPhone in Thailand? I don't believe that True has achieved WiFi coverage so I'll give that a miss.

    Although unfortunately that's what makes the phone interesting.

    Actually, maybe I should just get rid of the bloody contract...Sorry bit of a rant.


    I have an O2 i phone with a contract. I live here in Thailand.

    There is no way you can use the free min calls in Thailand. only UK

    you can use the free txt service but with every 1 text you send it will cost you 4, so if you have 500 free txts then u can only use 125 txt free.

    What I did was jailbreak my phone then unlock it so I could use a local sim card.

    I did this free on the internet. then all you have to do is buy a local sim card and it works fine and saves you money...

  7. Hi, im intending to apply for a fiance visa to the uk next month.... im thai girl with good educational background..... we have been living together in thailand for 2 years and just had a baby as well. we have evidences that we have been living together for 2 years. we intend to get married in the uk within 6 months of getting there... how do we prove that we intend to get married???? we are not planning on any major wedding ceremony ... initially, we intend to have a simple marriage, meaning go to the registry and sign a mariiage contract until we have sufficient funds to do a proper ceremony. what sort of proof would they need? Also, we have managed to get 250,000 baht in the bank as savings, which came from money owed to us by mates. Does it matter where the money came from? My bf, who is obviuosly my sponsor hasnt been working properly in the uk for the last few years, meaning making money in all sorts of way however he finally had a decent job offer with decent wages and will be starting in september. we can provide an employment contract on this. we have accomodation available upon arrival.. what do we need to show? would employment contract be sufficient as well?? pls let us know... TO KEEP IT SIMPLE, 3 QUESTIONS!!!!






    I dont think you should have any problems getting a visa to go to the uk as long as you can provide proof that you are genuine.

    why dont you just apply for a normal 6 month tourist visa and then get married in the uk during that time? you dont need to prove anything about getting married. just do it.

    My girlfriend has been to the uk 2 times with a 6 month visa with me and never was rejected for the visa.

    she had regular movement in her bank account and enough money to support her time there, although I supported her. She does own property in Thailand and she has a son also. This obviously helps. of course I was her sponser and had she stayed with me all the time. We also provided emails, photos and her degree. You will get all the origanal documents back. photo copy all the documents for the visa section.

    You said you have funds in your bank account. It is irrelevent where it comes from. You have a baby together and if your boyfriend has his name on the birth cert it will help also.

    if you provide emails between you both and photos of you both over the last 2 years it will help also.

    I am not sure about the job part, but if your boyfriend can supply proof of intent of employment that should be fine.

    Dont worry too much, just provide as much proof that you are both a genuine couple then that should be enough.

    Good luck and I hope this helps.


  8. I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression and I am certainly not trying to drum up business as I have a full load with my full time job however; I must speak up about some of the postings under this topic which are misleading unqualified and furthermore nothing but businesses trying to take advantage of peoples suffering and illness for financial gain.

    A psychiatrist is a physician who deals with mentally ill patients. Psychiatrists are MD's, so we can prescribe medication. As a result, we usually deal with clinical issues such as schizophrenia, manic-depression, OCD, Bi-polar, etc. whose treatments tend to require medication. Vacations, 4 Night Spa Packages and blowing smoke up your A** and telling you it is sunshine as a medical treatment is not only irresponsible it is criminal (even in Thailand).

    My advice to those seeking help is to either go to a hospital or get a referral from your doctor. There are a lot of con artists passing themselves off as psychologists and psychiatrists here in Thailand in general, they tend to move around month to month and travel between different countries, this is not how professionals work, a professional is available for his/her patients 24 hours a day, worst case they will have another doctor cover for them.

    All I am saying is please, please, please be careful many of these people are at best dangerous and can not help you if you have any kind of real issue or illness.

    Always make sure you check your doctors credentials, if you haven't heard of their university look it up on the internet.

    Feel free to PM me if you need help. As I said I'm not looking for extra work but I would be happy to direct you to someone that can genuinely help you and not con you. If you are on a tight budget and can not afford a doctor I am willing to help you.

    Hi Jungian,

    I have read this forum with interest. I came across your offer of being able to recommend a professional to those that need advice.

    I have been looking for a safe and reputable psychologists/psychiatrists (I don't know which one I need to see)

    I am 50 years old male, living in Chiang Mai.

    I feel that I am needing some help. I do not want to go into details on this forum. I just feel I need help in someway to give answers to questions that I can not answer about my mental health.

    I would like to just talk to someone who maybe able to point me in the right direction with regards as who to see. I am not looking for free advice, drugs or anything like that. I do not want to see someone who is a not professional or on a scam.

    Thank you in advance.


  9. My wife and I have travelled to Europe 4 times in the last two years. Each time, we have gone to the Austrian embassy to apply for the visa and we are able to get a multiple entry visa, but it is limited to they dates of arrival and departure on the air plane ticket. She holds a 10 year multiple entry visa to the US and I was wondering if there are any Schengen states that issue something similar for tourism purposes.


    My Thai partner got a multi entry schengen visa for 68 days for the Schengen states we were visiting from the Italian embassy. Although we requested a 90 day visa they only gave her for dates in Schengen states and no more. So I dont think they do.

    But if you find out otherwise please post...


  10. FYI

    I have just applied for a Schengen visa for my Thai girlfriend. I do believe you have to apply in Thailand for her.

    We used the Italian embassy as she is going there alone, we are going to (in order) UK, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Czech, Austria, Switzerland. Together then my girlfriend is going on to Italy alone.

    I had to supply Hotel Bookings made for Italy, France and Switzerland. (Done this on venere web site, you can reserve and cancel at no cost) I only Told them we are going to France and Switzerland together as long as the total days are the same)

    A letter confirming I will sponsor her during her stay in Schengen States (except Italy)

    Her Bank Statements showing movement,

    Travel and Health Insurance,

    Flight bookings

    I do recommend asking for a multi entry, and 90 day visa. BUT.

    The Italian embassy were very rude during the interview and treated her like shit,

    They said she can not have a visa for up to 90 days but only for the days intended to spend in the schengen states.

    When she phoned after waiting in the hotel for an answer after 3 days (she lives in Chiang Mai) because the didn't call her yet. They said she can come and get her passport but she will have to pay for her flights first or they wont give it to her.

    she only got the visa for the total number of days she will spent in Schengen states.

    So, I do not recommend going to the Italian embassy for the Visa, apparently they are like this with everyone.

    She then applied for the uk Visa the day after, last time took 3 days this time took 6 days.

    Recommend submitting for the UK visa first, but better if you send in emails, photos together, visa stamps etc that you are in a genuin relationship for the UK visa.

    Sorry can't help with the Morroco part.

    let me know if you find a decent embassy for your schengen Visa... good luck

  11. Off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - brief respite over the weekend and bloody down again on Monday

    Internet hub of Asia - don't make me laugh

    TOT = Crap

    p.s. using backup Mobile Life without problems

    I am with TOT on a supposedly 3mb/s contract in Chiang Mai, during the day I am lucky to get 15kb/s download speed. Tonight I am on 50kb/s. but what confused me is I tired the web test your internet connection speed and it says i am getting a download speed of 1650kb/s? what a load of crap.

    I dont know how the internet connection tests do there thing but in reality its nothing like your really getting.

    cam anyone suggest a good provider that has a decent consistent connection and get what you pay for?

  12. hi, we are planning to visit france, italy and switzerland this summer. since all are covered by the schengen visa now, i wonder where is the best place for her to apply for a visa? she should qualify without a problem since we've been married several years, have money in the bank and ties to thailand and she has a US 10 year visa, but i don't want to take any chances.

    which embassy is likely the most easy going?

    thx steve

    I cant really help you much but I am in the same boat.

    My girlfriend is going to apply at the Italian visa seciton.

    Sounds like your in a better position than me as your married!

    but if you do it, let me know how you got on please as I will when I do it next month



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