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Posts posted by hermespan

  1. No or presumanly not...

    - child support or alimony issue

    - arrest warrant

    - convicted felon

    - sex crime suspect or a witness to a crime under investigation

    - has reported lost or stolen passport before


    - what precisely is the reason he doesn't want to go back to the nation-state that claims its octopus tentacles over wherever its citizens are including almost deserted islands. I truly don't know. It could be he just prefers life in Thailand, doesn't like being told what to do, doesn't like answering to bureacrats thousands of miles away, or is simply busy. Maybe it's taxes not filed. I would only be speculating. But in any case he us not a 'person of interest' to any authority than the world's policeman. Maybe.

    He's not dirty. He just has a very poor condition passport. All the necessary biodata is legible.

  2. Just a catchy title. This is not my situation but a hypothetical...

    Imagine the following...

    1. A person is a citizen of a major western world nation that has cushy relations with Thailand

    2. He has a valid passport good for more than six months and has a some unused pages

    3. The passport is in very poor physical shape.

    4. Thailand will NOT renew the long term stay visa, telling him he must first get a new passport.

    5. The passport department of his citizenship is telling him that in his *unique situation and history* they will not issue a new passport in BKK. He must go home and apply there.

    6. He has commitments in the region and needs to travel to a neighbouring nation and return a week later.

    Will the airline check him in?

    Will Thailand let him out?

    Will another SEA nation let him in?

    Will Thailand let him back in?

    What would a betting man wager?

  3. Hong Kong, Singapore and perhaps Japan all are faster and more convenient. In Hong Kong and Narita I can check in at the train station. In Narita if I travel ANA you can check in at the HOTEL.

    In Bangkok I use the Airport Link train but the problem with that train station is that it is in an urban wasteland with hardly any hotels or restaurants nearby. And at Suvarnabhum you have to hike so far in the terminals.

    Perhaps the answer is yo swallow their pride and ask the experts in other nations their advice.

  4. apple service, even when one pays extra for apple care plus, seems to be on the avoidance game. 'Send us an email' 'Go on forums' I expect to be able to talk 24 hours in phone support . And get worldwide service on hardware. Sony is better. Or maybe after sales service for all electronics has fallen from the nineties.

  5. Anyone had this pronlem?

    i was sending multiple audio files and after about a dozen sends (that worked) every few minutes, all my fikes stopped being sent. Six hours kater - no go. Gmail snd other surfing is fine. If the attachments were yoo big I would grt a warning - I don't. I called my plan and they tell me I gave 4gb left of data service. I read sonewhere that ISPs block multiple repeat emails that they think could be spam - they don't

    I get exclamation marks with each enail and a notice that reads "Cannot send mail. Check the account settings for the outgoing server 'p29-smtp.mail.me.com"

    But there is no settings option when I ooen apple email.

    I am actually in Cambofia hut the regulars on the most popular gorum there are a sarcastic bunch. I am still on my first 30 days of free call-in service but I have no long distance credit to call Apple. There is no Apple store with Geniuses where I an

  6. Yet essentiallyy .*mov files (iphone videos) would not upload, neither from the lobby nor my room. So I moved onto the closest Starbucks where for the same price I het 30X more time, i.e. a month usable at any Starbucks in Bangkok, maybe beyond.

    Toy astonishment the speed was worse, with only 4 customers, only one of which wax obviously using a device, and he told me he had his own plan.

    .47 down, .35 up, ping 243

    Perhaps the iphone5 or dropbox is the problem

  7. I have about an hour of video (*.mov) files I meed to get to Switzerland today. They are all on my iphone5 and I was shocked to discover, at least according to istudio salesman that unlike ipad I can't transfer to USB flashdrive and pay an expert to move it over the airwaves for me. So I need to find someone who can, say in 6 hours, move the supposedly small files from my own device..

    Who offers this sort of service? He/she should be trustworthy, speak fluent English, have a steady and fast wireless connection and be familiar with both iphone5 and dropbox. It is worth THB1000 to me.

  8. Another issue I have with Apple is how they divide the world up into separate markets. With Sony camcorders (15 years ago anyway, maybe this has changed) warranty and service was international. I like low frequency of problems with global service. and am willing to pay for it. Seems to me companies used to be so concerned about their reputation they would bend over backwards to in post-sales service to keep you as a customer. A friend who is an audio professional says this ending in the 1980s corporate pride mentality is over and now is museum history. We all know the story of the Rolls Royce breaking down in the desert and how a mechanic is dispatched at no charge. Bug it is worse thsn that - one can't even get phone support. Customers flounder in peer to peer trouble shooting.

    Actually I am still within my 90 (?) day warranty period and even bought the extended Apple Care service bug that is for Canada only. I like to be able to walk into an official shop and get service. I could call Apple I suppose after registering some more Skype credit.

  9. Waste of time at the Grace. I moved to the 'new' wing as the old wing has no wifi. Paid THB300 more to upgrade and still nothing. Waste of money.

    Plus one has to wait 20 minutes mid-day and late night for hot water. I suspect they turn the boilers off at non peak times. Great location especially to BAMBOO restaurant with great Arabic food across street. But for 1400-1700 I get get much better value at hotels catering to farangs in vicinity.

  10. Can't reply to my own thread in business services, so to continue...

    It appears that at least on Sukhumvit area it is better value to rent a hotel room and deal with the inappropriateness of having beds as the principle furniture.

    NOMAD OFFICE was rather la-de-dah when all I was looking for was a quiet, clean and functional meetong room. Just getting directions was pulling teeth. In person the staff was professional but whoever mans rhe phones was ill-prepared for the job. Among the questions I could get no answer to were.,,

    1. Which Asok BTS exit?

    2. North or south side of the street? Answer North

    3. Which entrance?

    4. What criss streets? Sukhumvit and Aspk

    5. Of a corner which corner? Answer N..E.

    If I was training staff I would teach them to say "North-east corner in the strange shape modern highrise. If uou are coming by taxi from Nana have him drop you off *after* Aspk because it is a long traffic light. If you are coming by BTS use exit __, use the skywalk and the southern elevators hecause the other elevators don't stop at the 32nd floor. And bring gov't issued ID. It is a secure building."

    The rooms were excellent but the dealer-breaker for me was central airconditioning bringing the winds of Antartica. Also glass walls in part creating echoes from tea cart in the hall.

  11. After week of pulling my haif out tryinv to use rhis so-called user friendly computer system alternative to IBM. and its clones, I FINALLY was able to reguster a new AppleID. Previous posters were right. it *can.* be done, but hardly a painless experience and in order to keep my privacy I had to lie. Very pleased wigh myself after what seems like 6000 deadends I finally got a new Apple ID , verified and sll the bs that Apple demands that was never required fof my Sony Viao laptop.

    Anyway, I am not out of the woods yet. Despite writing fown all my lies (birthday, zodiac, religion and favourite sexual position - nothing at all personal) verifying with my no mobile verification email address - guess what? It doesn't work. Myiphone tells me The password doesn't match. This is complete donkey doo. A huge waste of time. Apple products are supposed to work seamlesly with the problems of PCs. FALSE. They are supposed to be for creative types who loathed DOS snd just want to get on with their lives. FALSE

    i read that there are hundreds of others having the same problem with this buggy OS version locking them out of their iPhone use due to this lunatic OS.

  12. Short time rooms for horizontal activities are not difficult to find in Sukhumvit area. However my purpose is vertical, but equally short time.

    On a Monday evening at 10:30 pm I not find anything other than lux meeting rooms at a lux hotel for THB1500 *per hour* and one 3 star hotel who could rent me in the day only a room for 1000 for two hours. Alternatively I could rent the entire night for 1500. I am surprised how difficult it is to find a room with a decent size normal eating or meeting height table and two chairs. Last night I could not find a hotel room with ONE. table and they bring in another chair. At my hotel (Grace) I saw a huge room with a round table that would do but was told that was for upper management to dine.

    My needs are simple - quiet (no music or traffic noise), generous size and reasonable height table ( not a coffee table), electrical outlets, comfortable chairs, privacy. I need to conduct an interview and have rescheduled it to early afternoon so I can scramble to find something for 500 baht per hour or less per hour. The only thing I do not want in the room is a bed. I don't care if it is a spare room on an empty office, a lux restaurant intended for Koreans that has a discreet room (saw those all the tome in China and Vietnam - you buy a meal, the room is free) or a community center or church room for hire.

    Ideal location would be Sukhumvit anywhere on BTS line, long distant second Pratunam. Third anywhere within 20 minutes by BTS/MRT to Grace Hotel.

    I wrote too soon. Found NOMAD OFFICE in Interchange Building at Asoke BTS. Small room THB400, big 1000. That's per hour. Prices seem high to me relative to hotel rooms, but what do I know? Mostly I would prefer something working class but not quite Flats Din Daeng. Suggestions for next time? I presume it is a matter of area and knowing where to look. BTW I can get a fully equipped casting studio in Ladprao for THB2500 for 9 hours!

  13. Most irritating of all consistently when I do count it out in front of them they look the ither way as if to say 'Not our problem, we've got your money, we've given you your receipt and if you don't like the total - tough luck'

    And they never ask what denomination bills I would prefer. It is as if they don't want a customer, just a customer. Perhaps this is a 'Land of Frowns' Bangkok ofdity rather than a Thai thing. I must try to remember if I get the same procedure all over Asia.

  14. I just came from exchanging a not insubstantial amount of fiat currency banknotes for another variation (THB)

    The rate at this private booth on Silom was better than the bank but the sour and non-transparent service was appalling. His attitude seemed to be 'What you don't trust us? What sort of fussy demanding guy are you?

    All I expected was that he count the money in front of me and slowly. He instead did it where I could not see, multiple times but so fast I could not count with him and apparently with only his security and comfort in mind. Here and at banks when I count it out so they can verify the total with me. for an egalitarian consensual straightforward businesslike transaction they do in on a sneaky, NOT win-win situation inconsiderate wsy that astounds me how they can stay on business. Why do Thais put up with this? Mh guess is that there is a vultural subtext slways gojng on about status snd power.

    Anyway I continue to look for sn FXS dealer that suits my expectations for what I consider professional standards.

  15. Gulf sailor-- Thanks for your step-by-step proposed solution. I will try that. But I think using one's Apple device to start over is not a 100% solution, as it is an elephant and never forgets ISPs and the memory on the device itself. My goal is this - they have absolutely no idea who is using 'their' device because it is mine, not theirs.

    The challenge is whenever I use email with my real name or any financial details any high school detective can track me. Again, it's not like I am a nuclear bomb exporting heroin dealer planning a submarine attack on New York I just resent, pn principle, intrusions into privacy that didn 't exist on such a broad scale in 1976 without a very good reason. But I also find the TOR etc mentality paranoid and complicated. I am looking for simple solutions to fight the beast.

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