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Posts posted by hermespan

  1. Nott sure if this belongs under Apple on computers or here in photogrsphy, do I will double post.

    i am usong my iphone5 as my camera/camcorder. If I was in Canada I would be buying online and getting delivered. but I am in Bangkok and in a hurry.

    Where is the best selection of quality (US. Europe and Japanese) dedigned peripherals in Thailand specificslly for the iphone professional? I find even *iphone5* peripherals in a very limited selection - mostly Apple's meagre product line and also low end one time use products but not the plethora of third-party products as reviewed on iphoneogragphy.com

    BTWI called the supposed distributor on Bangkok of the gorillapod and steadicam smoothie but they had only iphone4 for the first and none of the latter product. What do iphone camera. afficiandos in Thailand do - fly to Tokyo of order from Amazon?

  2. not sure ic this belongs under Apple oon computers or here in photogrsphy, do I will double post.

    i am usong my iphone5 as my camera/camcorder. If I was in Canada I would be buying online and getting delivered. but I am in Bangkok and in a hurry.

    where is the best selection of quality (US. Europe and Japanese) dedigned peripherals in Thailand specificslly for the iphone professional? I find phone peripherals in a very limited selection / - mostly Apple's meagre product line and also low end one time use products but nog the plethora of third-party products as reviewed on iphoneogragphy.com

  3. so, I see this is a really popular subject...

    My generic 3 meter supposedly better quality lightening to USB. cable worked for one day on my iphone. Then the 'engaged' lightening symbol stopped showing up which would suggesg to me that it is no longer functioning. Next the plastic casing on the USB pulled off when I tried to disconnect.

    Same vendor and others claim to have a better one that comes boxed, but the printing quality looks cheap suggesting that it isn't a non-Apple product but rather a copy of one.

    Where does one buy generic Apple compatible products that are what they purport to be? you know, like Norton used to make. but I mean peripherals. there is a huge mail order market in USA and some retail but all I see in Panthip Plaza is top end (original Apple) and garbage (pirated/misrepresented/low end).

    Is this the situation in USA and UK also, that all niche market products gave moved online? I like sales presentations

  4. mooris7 wrote...

    "The option to register a new apple ID with no credit card by selecting the none option is only available when creating an Apple ID or changing the payment information of an apple ID on your PC or MAC using iTunes. So your answer is to use your PC and iTunes to do it!"

    So, if I go to a net cafe, I can go to the itunes website and register at itunes and the 'none' option will appear when it asks me for credit card info?

  5. Ado thailand wrote

    " its part of your purchase/usage agreement."

    Who reads 56 pages in legalese? They are not exactly putting up a billboard that reads 'tell us your credit into so we can monetize your online life and we will sell you a fancy phone got $1300."

    I agree with another poster that all of the big boys are in this together to varying degrees.

    Maybe Linnex is the answer.

  6. On Apple's official page someone asks how to download free apps/register with iTunes without a credit card. No doubt some customers don't object for reasons of principle but because they simply don't *have* or want a credit card.

    Anyway, the link takes one to a page that doesn't at all solve the problem. All one can do, it appears, is register one's credit card info, then delete it. So the motivation by Apple is not directly financial (finders fees or however Apple earns money from 'allowing' app developers to be on 'their' Devices - funny, I thought the devices belonged to those who purchased them, apparently not. It would seem one has to buy into a grand marketing plan. When I buy a bowl of soup at a restaurant I do not expect to be forced into an MLM for vitamins) my guess is that someone with lots of guns and money has forced Apple to track it's customers. Perhaps it is indirectly ginancial - Apple wants to be in the good graces of the US and Chinese gov'ts etc rather than with the Electronic Freedom Foundation.

  7. Open the App Store on the iPhone. Select a free app and install it. If you don't have an apple id, they will ask you to create one. When you get to the last step that asks for payment info, you can select none.

    This worked for me and everyone else it know.

    It does not work if you allready have an apple id and cancelled your card. I do not want to lose the aps I have by getting a new account.

    I have not cancelled my card. I have a new Apple ID ( there might have been some hassle registering that ID, and it took a long time to get it to function) for proof that I get no 'none' option see...


  8. Yep, didn't work. Firstly I went to iTunes by a google search, and this device apparently has has a memory as it took me to a list of Cabadian iTunes web page links though I didn't specify.

    Them I tried iTunes Hong Kong and got Chinese without an English option obvious. Finally I went to iTunes.au but on that page I did not see any arrow next to my name on the top right. So, no dice.

  9. Maybe solution found on an Apple support specific forum. According to terms of this forum I can post links, right? So here is the gist of it. I will tell you if it works...

    1. Launch iTunes

    2. Click 'iTunes store' in left pane

    3. Click down arrow next to your name top right

    4. Click 'account'

    5. Enter user name and password

    6. Click 'view account' to log on

    7. Next to payment click on 'edit'

    8. Select 'none'

    9. Click 'done'

    I have my doubts this song and dance is going to work, especially as I don't have an iTunes account. This whole set up strikes an every similarity to social insurance numbers.

  10. Another factor could be that in the store in Canada when I registered the salesman was cool with an anonymous purchase and filled in some bogus address and when I registered my Apple ID I used yet another bogus address in Cambodia. When I buy a pair of shoes I don't provide my life history and banking info, so I won't for a computer, phone or bag of peanuts.

  11. Of I knew how to safely do so, or even at all - I would. But I a computer ningkompoop

    In case anonymous use of an apple ID. Is something unique to using a card in Canada I tried Cambodia, USA, Thailand and Singspore. Same.

    Knowing Germany's strict privacy laws I also tried that bastion of freedom. Guess what, Germany isn't even an option. Maybe this policy got Apple banned.

    The only unusual (?) situation is that maybe the Apple big Sister computer picks up that the device I am using was purchased for cash and they are determined to monitor stray cats like me.

  12. Accidentally posted. To continue...

    Picking up a couple of off brand/generic charger adapters for the little box actually intended for multi device use (iPod, iPad) at THB80 I found that they don't fit we'll so are a waste of money. Instead of garbage prices why doesn't some company sell quality compatible non Apple brand products? I take that back, at a shop when I was looking for charging cables I was offered non Apple ones in at least two qualities.

  13. I just verified that I am not imagining some cyber spector. This is real.

    After clicking on 'free' on the link found in google search for 'gmail app iPhone' and entering the obligatory Apple ID and password I get the following...

    "This Apple ID. has not been used in the iTunes store. Tap review to sign in, then review your account information"

    At this point I have two choices...

    1. Cancel and get no app

    2. Review and demand for credit card

  14. In this 1084 world of state and corporate surveillance I am very concerned to discover that is either essential or the default that one must have a credit card to use an iPhone. This years at my heart for it violates multiple privacy principles. I was assured by the salesman at the official apple store that I could register my Apple device under any name and any address. It appears he is misinformed (or I am and I don't understand Apple).

    I finally got my combination of Apple ID (why don't they just call it your email address because that's what it is) and password to work on this tiny device. The whole point of my doing this was so I could download the gmail app as using the regular one appears to not allow searches. And in order to download one has to enter one's Apple ID ( Microsoft doesn't require such, what the heck is going on here?

    You get the opportunity to send terms and conditions, all 56 pages to one's email, but only ONE PAGE AT A TIME and there is no layman's 'what this really says' version,

    Then they ask for credit card info in order to register to buy stuff on itunes,

    . Double what the heck is going on here. I don't care if there is no charge, I don't sign up for porn sites (just give us your cc#) why should I for Apple. Why are they verifying identities? Who is Apple working folksy important - what is the workaround to maintain privacy and still use an iPhone? I am not outraged by the dividing nations up into discreet markets with their own rules, but I am very disturbed by the prospect of banks, gov'ts and computer companies working in lockstep. I don't march.

  15. Someone asked why I want a real Apple store. It is so, as in Vancouver, Hong Kong or Tokyo I can walk in and be given free service (problem solving, instructions, even mini courses) that is supposed to come with buying such an expensive product. It has always bugged me that instead of post-sale customer service one usually has to struggle along with peer forums. True, one can call in for 90 (?) days of telephone help, and longer is one bought Apple Care Plus, and what with Skype physical location foes not mean much, but I am old fashioned and I like brick and mortar service.

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