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  1. BTW some people miss the point, Elite was never meant to be a mass market program with a million people walking around with an elite visa. Their ideal scenario is around 10 000 applicants per year paying as much as the market dictates 10 000 people are willing to pay. Keeping it exclusive and making it profitable.
  2. True, so maybe it is selling? 2022 they had 5000 new applications but that was almost exclusively in a six month period when Covid restrictions eased. So far in 2023 they've had 10 000 applications (50% of the cumulative amount of holders since 2014) and expect well over 20 000, doubling the amount of holders in one year. One visit at the Elite offices would show you it is exploding, when I first got my visa in 2016, and for years, it was always empty, they knew me by name, now there is queues of people there and sitting in every seat filling applications
  3. American swindles, manages to make it about Thailand on the very first reply TV never disappoints

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