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Posts posted by FITCORPASIA

  1. What does Fitcorp have to say about middle age weight gain?

    Even into my mid forties i was relatively thin but since my late forties despite eating the same diet and similar exercise regime I have managed to get bigger around the gut.

    I am not fat about 36 inch waist but still i was always around 32 inch just a few years back.

    It is extremely hard when you hit middle age to keep from developing a paunch despite doing all the right things.

    Hey Tolley!

    Good news is its not only you! Sure, many, actually all of us will be subject to a lower metabolism , less lean tissue (muscle) as we age.

    The body requires a constant change of stimulus to respond to. The famous Einstein quote...

    “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

    Hold very true for the fat loss...

    The similar exercise routine needs to change. Emphasis should be on strength training to stimulate the muscle, and you can also use the same 5-6 smaller meals per day rule.

    We say 'eat light and eat often'.

    Mix up your training, keep the body guessing, add more strength training and more importantly interval strength training.

    More exercises, more weight doesnt mean better training. Super set your strength exercises, use exercises which require multiple joints and msucle groups for greatest effect.

    Also with any cardio work, focus on interval training. Higher heart rate, greater energy expenditure, faster results.

    Pre and post meals are seential to maximise effectiveness of your workouts and to facilitate your recovery.

    We work with many athletes and corporate executives. Training programs are the same! We train for efficiency and effectiveness. So achieving more in less time also makes the time committment to regular exercises more achieveable.

    Hope that helps.


  2. It's refreshing to see a company in the fitness industry (I'm presuming Fitcorpasia is a company) not staking their reputation on fat loss supplements. Respect to them. I've tried lots of products like Xenadrine, LA Muscle and EAS, they are hogwash - I do train better after some caffeine granted, but I steer clear of supplements. I'm glad that someone has put together a list of this crap, as this forum is a good source of information for foreigners like myself living in Thailand.

    As for good advice, I agree 100% with whoever wrote:

    5-6 small meals a day with plenty of protein with regular excercise and you will have no problem in shifting the fat

    I completed two 'Body-for-Life' challenges in a similar fashion (without using the protein powder) but I did find that this method just caused me to think about food all day long.

    Thanks Aussiebebe! Im a fellow Aussie, and yes we are the real deal. We work hard to present real, factual information that will of course help to debunk the myths and misconceptions which flood the media and of course prebent so many from achieve a healthy lifestyle.

    What we wite here is based on our 15 years experience as professionals, university degrees, countless hours of continued education and of course through our own experience with hundreds of clients who have achieved some absolutely phenomenal results. And again, purely through correct nutrition and creating the correct training methodologies which created real results.

    Congrats on your achievements also. Body for life is testament to the effectiveness of 3 major components which we continue to emphasise. 1) Interval Strength Training 2) Correct Nutrition and 3) Structure, Consistency and Committment.

    The one area where people get lost on Body for life is the end! What do I do now???? :o

    You can get a free report with 25 tips on our website

    Thanks again,


  3. Thats true tgeezer I'm glad you brought that up- more distance is just one factor that determines improved golf. It is however one factor that the majority of golfers strive to do.

    Golf fitness focuses on the entire body, conditioning to enhance and improve on specific physical limitations of each individual which are identified during the TPI assessment. Our programs also ensure:

    Better Muscle Synchronization

    Better Strength at Address

    Better Stability

    Better Distance

    Better Transfer of Power

    Better Shoulder Turn

    Better Flexibility

    Better Golf!


    The key to improving consistency is by training the nervous system and muscular system to produce consistent reproducable swing mechanics.

    Getting players into better positions which with poor flexibility through specific swing planes, instability and lack of strength will ultimately lead to poor swing mechanics, reduced power, many swing faults and a poor result.

    Correct warm up prior to your round, drills and exercises that dont mimic the golf swing, but work on specific phyical requirements of the sports.

    Golf is a very complex sport, and under research and analaysis is similar to that of baseball. Where maximal effort must be exerted at impact for maximum speed, velocity and power.

    These all occur through multiple planes of movement, which need to be conditioning accordingly for, as you say, consistency. Which is fundamental to playing better golf.

    Correct swing mechanics will also reduce and prevent injuries, be reducing overcomensation lods of weaker more fragile joints that should be under such stress (such as shoulders, lower back and wrists).

    Hope that helps!

  4. Want to play better golf?

    Been taking lessons but can only get so far? Then you are probably not training your most important piece of equipment.. Your body!

    Tiger is the guru, but all top players know the important of fitness for their golf game.

    And thats not just any fitness. Golf Fitness is not just swinging a weighted club or going for a run or doing a few stretches.

    Fitcorp is the only company in Thailand certified by the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI).

    The exercises have been developed with over 12 years of research studying the best golfers in the world and how their body affects their golf swing.

    As a TPI certified golf fitness specialist, Daniel has worked with hundreds of golf professionals, amateurs, juniors, women golfers and weekend warriors to help eliminate physical limitations and swing faults for enhanced golf performance. Daniel is responsible for golf fitness and conditioning for the Nick Faldo Series Asia, and work with the Malaysian and Thai Junior teams.

    Head over the http://www.bettergolffitness.com and get your FREE report on the most important pre round stretches to help you drive futher!

    YOu will also get tips and exercises to improve your golf that you can do at home with no equipment.

  5. Thanks for sharing that info about things that doesn't work. Great info.

    So how can I shed fat? What are the best ways and techniques?

    There is only ONE way to loose excess body fat (weight)...burn up (use) more calories than you consume. It is really that simple but most people don't want to hear it!

    Well that is sort of the answer - although not strictly true! The problem is with all dieting is the fact that many of them concentrate purely on the calorie content opposed to the nutritional content. The fact is to lose fat you need muscle and build muscle you need eat protein. Muscles when used burn fat. The problem with just dropping calorie levels is that the very first store that your body consumes when lacking substanance is muscle - it's the easiest tissue for the body to consume.

    Fat on the other hand is the hardest so only when the muscle has been exhaust with you body start consuming the fat - this is why main people get into a contant ever shrinking circle of dieting because all they do is diet and there muscles waste. So when the eat normally there body's natural response is to store the food in fat deposits.

    You need to make sure that you consume enough protein for your requirements to keep your muscles fill or more if you want to increase there size but then you need to cut back on fatty and sugary foods. Also don't just check your weight but check your fat levels as well - many people who excercise and there weight doesn't reduce don't realise they've probably gain muscle to replace what fat has been lost. So standing on a scale tells you just have the story.

    Like I said before 5-6 small meals a day with plenty of protein with regular excercise and you will have no problem in shifting the fat. Oh also once you're in this routine don't think chocolate is off the menu you can eat a bar of chocolate as one of the meals - just not everytime and at night! Also if you are hungry before you sleep - EAT - the worst thing you can do is sleep on an empty stomach - you body will start consuming muscle again! :o


    You got it tecnoracy, there is alot mor to it than simply calories in and calories out.

    The quality of nutrient value is essential.

    You can actually eat more calories and lose body fat (and should) with the right strength/interval cardio training and food plan.

    Yes, protein is essential for muscle resynthesis and minimise lean muscle loss (excessive cardio can also contribute to this).

    if youre going to ahve something sugary and sweet, make sure its post training! Youre muscle glycogen levels will need to be topped up. Then followed by carbs and protein.

    5-6 meals are essential

    Fat Loss is key, not weight loss. It is extremely difficult for women to pack on any amount of muscle. Strength training and protein is essential for them to maintain and preserve the muscle that they have.

    Muscle is active tissue, which stores more water when youre not exercising/training. Hence less weight lost on the scales - whch again, is insignificant.

    FYI. 1.5-2.0 grams of protein per KG of body weight is required for active individuals.

  6. You claim that you burn as much after your exercise as with your exercise. Lets take your example for 45 minutes of training.

    say 79kc in 10 min that makes 355 kc in 45 min. You state you also burn that after training.

    Normally someone burns 2400 kc a day that would make it 14-15% higher metabolic rate. There are no studies that indicate that much. Not even in your example. I think you can count yourself lucky if you have half of it. I don't say there is none im saying your exaggerating.

    Robblok, fair comment. We are talking about Energy Expenditure POST Training, not the effect of BMR. Our clients burn 500-1000 calories an hour during training, there is no way that the body will continue to burn only 49 calories post training. That would mean that the body wouldimmediately return to resting periods, and include all other baseline such as body temperature.

    Without hi-tech research based testing, the best form of measurement is a heart rate monitor. As far as Polar HRM's go, there is no better way to estimate caloric expenditure.

    So overall total energy expenditure (calories burnt) are far greater post exercise from higher intensity training modalities.

  7. So while it's important to keep on drinking several cups of Green Tea per day for the health benefits, you can save some money by skipping the expensive supplements. When it comes to calorie burning, leave it to your interval and resistance workouts to take

    care of that. Not only will you burn several hundred calories in each 45-minute training session, but you'll also burn at least the same amount of calories in the 24-hour recovery period. More results in less time.

    Recent studies show that the afterburn effect is much less then previous thought. It would be great if you burn at least the same again, sadly studies say it is not true.

    Fitness Myth No. 3: An aerobic workout will boost your metabolism for hours after you stop working out.

    This statement is actually true -- but the calorie burn is probably not nearly as much as you think!

    Harr says that while your metabolism will continue to burn at a slightly higher rate after you finish an aerobic workout, the amount is not statistically significant. In fact, it allows you to burn only about 20 extra calories for the day. While there's a little bit more of a metabolic boost after strength training, he says, it's still marginal.

    "It doesn't really count towards your caloric burn," he says.

    So you could better drink that green tea then to count on the after burn. Still the exercise itself is good and burns calories.

    The after burn, or post metabolic rate is determined by the intensity of the exercise.


    What is known that additional calories are expended as much as 14-39 hours post activity.

    From another post, EPOC is explained and shhows the interval strangeth training training is most effective for maximising the amount of calories burnt post activity.

    You can learn more about EPOC here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_post-e...gen_consumption

  8. Yes tax exile, agreed, its all important, but simply telling someone they are nuts and need to see a head doctor isn't really the most proactive approach to getting someone to see the light and change their attitude, self perceptions and lifestyle!

    Getting someone to make a few simple lifestyle changes, and achieving some small results will do far more for the attitude and self esteem.

    Their results were a direct result of specific tangible changes that they made themselves. Puts them, in control, not anyone else.

    Accountability is key.

  9. Crazy comment about the starbucks but you get that from fitcorp.

    "Heck, take a look at the turnstile doors of your local Starbucks. If caffeine was the wonder fat-burner that it is claimed to be, everyone walking through there would be a cover model with ripped abs"

    A have a double shot of black coffee before workouts as do most athletes, sportsman even ultra marathoners have coffee beans during races. I would also take it before fights.

    We are talking about fat loss supplements here Ritti, not sports performance... For the average Joe... People just dont know whats in the stuff they eat and drink, and those 400 calories from an 'innocent' coffee, might just be the reason they pack on an extra 10kgs at the end of the year! We are talking about whats added to the coffee, not the coffee itself.

    We are putting some informative content for people to learn, discuss their views, opinions and experience. Content for reaction. Which you certainly have!!

    Thanks for your contribution though. Keep the comments coming.

  10. My oh my. We have a new user name fitcorpasia pitching the evils of supposed weight loss products. You wouldn't happen to be in the fitness industry trolling for new customers/members would you?

    Well maybe he is, but they are clearly marked as a sponsor, and he's right that most of these things won't help you lose weight.

    My favourite magic weight loss treatment was 'thigh reduction cream'. The manufacturers claimed that rubbing it on your fat thighs would make them smaller. Sadly, this excellent product was removed from the shelves and the manufacturer prosecuted for false advertising after the consumer protection commission discovered that it was simply sorbelene cream in a nice box sold at an inflated price.

    It didn't even have preservatives in it, so it tended to go mouldy after a while :o

    Thank you Crushdepth!

    As the forum is for open discussion, we are contributing to the start of new threads for exactly that, open discussion, and educate along the way.

  11. 5) CLA (Conjugated linoleic acids)

    I’ll give CLA credit, it has staying power. Despite the fact that most studies show it doesn’t work, it still sells and there are many salespeople out there hyping the benefits. But the research studies show that in most cases, and even with the highest doses, that

    CLA does not help you lose fat. Now CLA is also recommended as a supplement to give you what are called “healthy fats”. Healthy fats are indeed exactly what they claim to be. Despite the popular opinion that all fats are bad, the truth is that everyone needs essential fatty acids in their diet for healthy bodily functions and healthy skin. But while CLA is one source of healthy fats,

    the best source of healthy fats is fish oil.

  12. 4) Calcium

    Calcium is like the boy next door, the average Joe that everyone wants to see do well. After all, Calcium is a healthy nutrient, everyone needs it, there are no side effects, and maybe, just maybe it helps burn fat too! Well, when something seems too good to be true, it generally is. While initial studies showed that calcium intake was associated with lower body weight, follow up research

    (from different researchers) has shown that it’s not always true, and more importantly, that supplementing with calcium pills has no effect on fat loss.

  13. 3) Hoodia

    Ah yes, the secret supplement of the African Bushmen and the fat-loss miracle pill that I hear about a dozen times each day thanks to SPAM e-mail. Well, if it were only true. Hoodia is one of those supplements where no one probably has true access to the real

    ingredient, and if they do, they’ve added it to the product in such small amounts that it is worthless.

    Doubt me? Take a look at your supplements. Why don’t they list the amount of Hoodia (or any other ingredient in there)? Instead, they list proprietary, trademarked laundry lists of ingredients to B.S. you into thinking that there is an effective amount of anything in

    the product. The truth? The only thing effective about Hoodia is the marketing!

  14. 2) Caffeine

    Caffeine is the world’s most-popular drug, and some people justify their intake by saying that it helps burn fat. And while it might help burn fat in a test-tube, it just doesn’t hold up in the real world. Heck, take a look at the turnstile doors of your local Starbucks. If caffeine was the wonder fat-burner that it is claimed to be, everyone walking through there would be a cover model with ripped abs.

    But it just isn’t so. Instead, caffeine gained its reputation the same way Green Tea did. A couple of studies showed that caffeine helped give a little boost to your metabolism – and everyone jumped on the fat loss-caffeine bandwagon. But the truth is, the metabolism

    boost doesn’t last, and the increase is so small it’s practically irrelevant in the first place.Again, leave your calorie burning to your workout, and use caffeine in moderation. And above all, stay away from sugar-laden, caffeine-overdosed beverages like Red Bull/M-150/Shark... (100 calories from sugar and 80mg caffeine) and the drinks you can get at Starbucks (up to 400 calories and sometimes over 500mg of caffeine!!!). These drinks will sabotage your fat loss faster than you can get your caffeine buzz.

  15. Tons of things have been said on what supplements (drug?) to take in order to get the coveted beach body that's plastered pretty much everywhere nowadays.

    The truth is, most of these magic tricks just don't work. Here are a few that you should steer clear from (if you take them for fat burning purposes that is)

    1.) Green Tea Extract

    Yes, it’s healthy, and yes, it certainly is the darling of the fat loss supplement world these days. After all, research shows it helps you burn 80 extra calories per day, it doesn’t have any side effects, it might even help prevent cancer, but the bottom line is that it won’t help you lose fat any faster.

    By taking a look at this supplement more closely, we see a couple of dirty little secrets. First, while it helps you burn an extra 80 calories per day (as shown in one research study), that doesn’t add up to much in a week (1/7th of a pound of fat). And do you know

    how easy it is to eat 80 calories? Why, all it takes are two tablespoons of non-dairy creamer, or a cup of juice, or as little as TWELVE potato chips, and you can say goodbye to the supposed benefits of the expensive daily Green Tea supplement. And finally, you shouldn’t expect to get that 80-calorie increase in metabolism everyday. It’s more likely that your body gets used to the Green Tea (just like it gets used to everything), and that it doesn’t increase your metabolism by 80 calories everyday.

    So while it’s important to keep on drinking several cups of Green Tea per day for the health benefits, you can save some money by skipping the expensive supplements. When it comes to calorie burning, leave it to your interval and resistance workouts to take

    care of that. Not only will you burn several hundred calories in each 45-minute training session, but you’ll also burn at least the same amount of calories in the 24-hour recovery period. More results in less time.

  16. You dont need appetite suppresants, you need to exercise effectively and make better food choices.

    Functional strength training, eating light, eating often, of the RIGH food, and creating a daily exercise habit is whats needed.

    The day you create positive lifestyle changes, you will see the results! The results are many, and diverse, feeling sof self esteem, confidence and losing fat will all contribute a new positive self image.

    Unfortunately, there is no quick fix solution, nothing will give you instant physical fat loss. Committment, dedication and a change of lifestyle is what you need to focus your efforts on.

    If you need more advice, feel free to contact us directly, we are here to help.

  17. You can also work on treating the CAUSE, rather than the symptoms. Usually the result of tight, unbalanced and weak muscles, correcting these unbalances with the correct exercises will increase strength, stability and function for the long term.

    Do you google search:


    Good Sports physiotherapy identifies your physical limitations and takes a proactive corrective approach to exercise rehab. You can then work on a maintenence program on your own.

  18. quote]

    :o:D:D ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Excellent contribution buddy!

    With 30 million copies sold, there must be at least a few million who have benefited from the information. All successful people I know, multimillionnaires, executives, entrepreneurs, coaches etc have taken parts of the book and used in their own success.

    If you learn just one new thing from every book you read, isnt that worthwhile??

  19. Sorry to disappoint you guys, intermittent fasting may help you lose weight on the scales in the short term, but this is NOT a lifestyle!!!

    This will DESTROY your metabolism, make your body eat into lean muscle tissue, further decreasing your metabolic rate and your bodies ability to burn fat as a fuel source.

    Recommendations MUST be sustainable. Correct, diets DONT work. Your nutritional intake must be balanced - eat light, eat often, combine your foods, yes, bigger meals earlier in the day, less carbs as the day goes on (exercise/training habits must also be considered for this rule)

    To make some corrections....

    you MUST combine your foods - Combine proteins and complex carbs to force the body to use more energy to digest and absorb nutrients. Combinging also reduced the blood sugar spike which occurs fro eating simple carbs on their own, like FRUIT!!!

    This is just to keep it simple, and add some more to the topic - Purely based on results of 100's of clients over the years or operating and working within the fitness and nutrition indutry.

  20. Youre more than welcome MM!

    I have found the amazing power of using the brain as success driving mechanism and taking the 'postive thoughts' concept to a whole level!

    Go get the Book Psycho-Cybernetics, written by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. Supporting evidence of the belief mechanisms of success, sports application to basketballers, golfers and sales people, normal people.

    Our brain connot determine what is real and what we perceive as being the truth! Hence locking into a self guiding sub conscious journey to achieve the desired outcome.

    This is no hocus pocus. Its real, it works, and it defines your goals, and the level of success you will achieve in life.

    Read it. it costs about 250 baht, was written 50 years ago and is applicable today more than ever. Over 30 million copies sold.

  21. MM,

    Yep, conditioning the body and the mind is essential. Create a new routine. It will take the body at least 21 days to synchronise.

    Changing your mind set is crucial in creating change. Eliminate the negative thoughts and focus on all the positive points of adding more to your day, feeling energised and creating a healthy, active lifestyle. Get rid of the 'hate'! Although you dont literally hate mornings, you have programmed yourself and your brain to thnk like this which will make you even more reluctant to get up and be productive. You brain works on a sub conscious level to implement your feelings and thoughts.

    Firstly, you have to want to make it happen. This you have done already. Next is to take action. Set the alarm, dont snooze, get up when it gets off and make the comittment to yourself that you will get up at a certain time to ensure that routine has been established.

    Your body will take care of itself.

    Physical activity and exercise. The more productive and consistent you are with your training, the less sleep you will need, and yes, you will feel more lethargic when you are not exercising. Also make sure your choice of exercise reflects your objectives.

    From experience, get moving as early as possible. Make sure you eat within 30 minutes of rising (same principle as the water). Start your metabolism and all bodily functions to increase circulation and mental alertness.

    Like wise, set a time that you are going to switch the TV off or the computer and hit the sack.

  22. Weight loss is calories in vs calories out. You can reduce your energy intake, or do more exercise, or both.

    Unfortuntely it is not quite as simple as this. Although 'calories in, calories out' needs to be understood, and recognised, if it was as simple as this, then people who reduce their food intake, dont eat enough or under eat would automatically lose weight/fat. They dont lose weight because they are under eating and not eating enough!

    Many over weight individuals are over weight for the simple fact they dont eat enough!!

    We have run and do run successful fat loss programs over the last 12 years I have worked with too many clients to count.

    Under eating has been a critical factor in peoples weight gain. So of course the thought of having to eat more astounds some, however the results speak for themselves. Take one of our current clients. 6 month, lost 18 kilograms of fat, thats fat not weight. She is 5 feet tall, and over 50 years of age. It must be a lifestyle change.

    Yes in a sense you are correct in that exercise and managing energy consumption is essential for successful fat loss.

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