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Posts posted by FITCORPASIA

  1. This is a great topic guys, so I'll add some...

    Eat light, eat often is the equivalent of eating 5-6 smaller meals a day.

    Benefits for this are:

    * Manage you energy levels and your blood sugar levels!! When we dont eat, our blood sugars levels drops, as wellness rightly states, triggers the brain to tell us to eat - usually hi fat, high sugar foods that will dramatically increase our blood sugar. When blood sugar increases, so does insulin, which is secreted to take the sugar in the blood to be used as energy rather than fat, and in turn anything in excess wil be directly stored as fat.

    * Burn more calories through the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) - up to 15% of our Basal Metabaolic Rate (BMR) - which is the minimum amount of energy/calories our body requires to sustain life. BMR is determined by our age, weight, activity levels and the essentially the amount of lean tissue or muscle that we have.

    * Prevents the body moving into 'starvation mode' - Which happens when we eat below our BMR - The bodys natural response to conserving energy for periods without food.

    * Allow the food you consume to used as energy rather than stored as fat.

    Make sure you eat something every 3 hours, combine your proteins and carbs together to minimise the blood sugar spike and force the body to use more energy to digest and break down the foods therefore releasing energy over a longer preiod of time. Exercise regularly, ESPECIALLY strength training to increase your lean tissie mass, increase your metabolic rate and increase.

    When you manage your energy, you also perform better with your training, achieve more in less time, recover faster, so you are better prepared for your next training session and the cycle continues.

    This is just as basic overview.

    Other important factors to ensure FAT LOSS, not weight loss successful include:

    Combining your foods

    Pre and post workoutmeals

    Sleep and recovery

    Training and Exercise.

    We can cover more in additional posts.

  2. "So far, the only reports of potential health consequences of contaminated fish oil supplements indicate that they may increase the risk of breast cancer, but this link isn't well established.

    We all need the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil for long-term health and to reduce our risks of heart disease, cancer, decrease inflammation and enhance mood. If you're healthy, you're better off getting omega-3s not by a fish oil supplement but by eating at least three servings per week of oily fish (wild Alaskan salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring). Avoid carnivorous fish such as swordfish and marlin, which spend a lot of time in coastal waters where pollution levels are highest; bluefish, which tend to concentrate mercury; and albacore tuna, which may harbor the same pollutants as swordfish and marlin."


    I feel the benefits far outway the risks, however using the advice above, still nothing compares to eating 3 servings of oily fish per week.

  3. If you are not using fish oil yet, you definitely should. The evidence that it helps with fat loss, preventing heart disease and building muscle is getting better and better.

    In a 2 month study published in Dec. 2007, 2 groups of women with type-2 diabetes were given either fish oil capsules (1.8 grams of omega 3), or a placebo. Researchers checked on bodyweight, fat mass and trunk fat. In the placebo group, no significant changes occurred. In the fish oil group, body weight decreased by 1 kilo on average, which was not significant. However, fat percentage dropped 2% on average, and the largest part of the fat was lost on the belly! On average these women lost 2 kilos of FAT while building 1 kilo of muscle!

    Another interesting finding the researchers found was the concentration of a certain protein called PAI-1. This protein is an indicator of the likelihood of suffering from a heart attack. In the placebo group the concentration increased from 16.9 to 19.2 IE per milliliter of blood, while in the fish oil group the concentration of this ‘heart attack protein’ decreased by 50% from 18.9 to 9.5 IE per milliliter.

    Now, you might think, what does this have to do with me? I don’t have type-2 diabetes! Well, maybe you don’t, but a lot of people have carbohydrate intolerances that could be classified as the early stage of diabetes, but without the symptoms yet (apart from being prone to fat gain).

    Then again, you might not be interested in preventing heart attacks or losing belly fat. If you are interested (which is probably the case if you’re reading this), make sure you supplement your diet with fish oil or eat a lot of fish.

    Other benefits include:

    1. Less Pain and Inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, have a very positive effect on your inflammatory response. Through several mechanisms, they regulate your body's inflammation cycle, which prevents and relieves painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis, cystitis and anything else ending in "itis."

    2. Cardiovascular Health. Omega 3 fatty acids have also been proven to work wonders for your heart and the miles and miles of arteries and veins that make up your cardiovascular system. They help to lower cholesterol, tryglicerides, LDLs and blood pressure, while at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol. This adds years to your life expectancy.

    3. Protection from Stroke and Heart Attack. When plaque builds up on arterial walls and then breaks loose, it causes what's known as a thrombosis, which is a fancy way of saying clot. If a clot gets stuck in the brain, it causes a stroke and when it plugs an artery, it causes a heart attack. Research shows omega 3 fatty acids break up clots before they can cause any damage.

    4. Better Brain Function and Higher Intelligence. Pregnant and nursing mothers can have a great impact on the intelligence and happiness of their babies by supplementing with fish oil. For adults, omega 3 improves memory, recall, reasoning and focus. You'll swear you're getting younger and smarter.

    5. Less Depression and Psychosis. Making you smarter is not all omega 3 does for your brain. Psychiatry department researchers at the University of Sheffield, along with many other research studies, found that omega 3 fish oil supplements "alleviate" the symptoms of depression, bipolar and psychosis (Journal of Affective Disorder Vol. 48(2-3);149-55).

    6. Lower Incidence of Childhood Disorders. Just to show how fish oil fatty acids leave nobody out, studies show that children (and adults) with ADD and ADHD experience a greatly improved quality of life. And those with dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders have gotten a new lease on life thanks to omega 3 oils.

    7. Reduction of Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancer. And finally, omega 3 fish oil has been shown to help prevent three of the most common forms of cancer – breast, colon and prostate. Science tells us that omega 3s accomplish this in three ways. They stop the alteration from a normal healthy cell to a cancerous mass, inhibiting unwanted cellular growth and causing apoptosis, or cellular death, of cancer cells.


  4. Strength training, especially full body interval strength training is still the most effective form of exercise for losing body fat. Of course when performed correctly, safely and under the guidance of a professional.

    This creates a stimulus the continues to burn additional calories well after your training session, also knows as EPOC.

    You can learn more about EPOC here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_post-e...gen_consumption.

    Take note of the information under the title of 'Size of the EPOC effect'.

    Research supports the fact that interval strength training is more effective than aerobic exercise to reduce body fat.


  5. Anything spicy will certainly 'spice up' your metabolism. It increases your core body temperature, increases your heart rate, circulation and therefore your metabolism.

    As for what would be best??? Also depends on the objective!

    Best for????

    Best for the average invididual looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage and maximise their energy, and to shed fat or build muscle etc...

    *5-6 smaller meals per day (eat light, eat often).

    *Combine your foods (carbs and proteins combined) Combining your foods will make your body work harder to break down the nutrients, burning more calories in the process and also the protein will minimise the blood sugar spike from the carbs.

    *Avoid white everything! White rice, white bread, white pasta. Especially the rice and bread. Highly processed, very little nutrient value, high on the glycemic index which also means it 'passes' through you faster.

    Variation comes down to the quantity that is consumed. Meal frequency, food combining techniques all standard.

    You actually want your body to work 'harder' to digest your food. Expend calories to digest, release energy slower, manage blood glucose levels and prevent any insulin spikes which will inhibit your body's ability to use fat a fuel source during rest/sleep/inactivity.


  6. Hey Monroe...

    Good question.

    Remember, food is fuel! In addition to maintain our metabolism, food is used to power our activities. Obviously you don't want to have a full stomach before you play, but certainly having a small complex carb meal along with a lean protein would be a great snack before you play.

    Basketball is very anaerobic, very explosive, and very demanding. So you would need to 'fuel' your body to maximise your performance.

    Equally, the post training meal/nutrition is important.

    Because of the anaerobic nature of the sport, you have probably depleted your glycogen stores, so you need to replace them ASAP to minimize the breakdown of your muscle. Your body will have to replace the glycogen (glucose) somehow, so if you don't 'fuel' your body with simple sugars to replenish your muscle glycogen, whether you like it or not, your body will have to find it from some where. The next best solution and easiest source of carbohydrate/sugars is your muscle. Your body will break down the muscle protein and turn it into a carbohydrate to replace your depleted glycogen stores. So simple sugar within 15 minutes, and a good complex carb/lean protein meal within 60 minutes.

    In addition, eating slight and eating often serves multiple purposes. The other benefit in addition to maintain your Metabolism to manage your energy levels through the management of blood glucose. More on this topic later.

    Hope that helps and answers your question.


  7. The idea of working out 5 minutes every 2 hours sounds funky to me :o You'd be much better off working out 3 times per week for 30-45 minutes and put it behind you, much more effective.

    Do 15' of interval training on a treadmill before your start your 30' resistance training. Intervals would consist of :

    1' of power walking (brisk pace walk, 6-7 km/h)

    45'' of running (10-12 km/)

    alternate with this pattern for 15' and you'll be all set. No need to drag this cardio into 30 or 45' sessions, it's just a waste of time. Research shows that intervals training revs up your metabolism for up to 36 hours after a session!

    Then the typical fat loss/tone up routine would consist of full body movement exercises, rather than isolation like biceps curls, bench, etc... Full body movement will ensure that your heart rate is consistently high so you achieve maximum energy expenditure during your session and thus maximum results!

    That's how we train our clients and so far results were nothing short of amazing.


  8. Yes, this is Daniel also. As a team of experts, Fitcorp is here to support, assist and deliver the facts, to ensure readers have the right information to be successful with their health, fitness and performance objectives.

    We regularly contribute articles to newspapers, magazines and blogs. "5 ways You Are Killing Your Metabolism" has been written to outline the MISTAKES people make. This is a different way for knowledge to be read and understood by the reader.

    Your conclusion is correct. It might be easier, but would it make it more effective. probably not.

    However, dont you think that everyone writes the same stuff, and they still dont seem to listen.

    this way, you might connect with a particular mistake because you associate this action with yourself. hence the message sinks in, is understood, and then you can take the appropriate action to establish a positive, more effective!!

    We also wanted to space out the mistakes in order for people to response one at a time, rather than end up with multiple lines of thought for the same topic.

    Lifestyle change is a process - it wont happen over night, so there is no rush, there is the need however to establish the facts, understand why and implement a new positive action towards greater health and longevity.

    Hope that helps, and please if you have any specific questions, post away!

    Committed to your success,

    Daniel. :o

  9. 5. No Carb - NO Metabolism

    Yet another myth amongst those who want and need to lose weight, cut the carbs! There is a little truth in it but as usual it is taken to the extreme and ends up hurting more than helping. Proteins are great but only provide a little energy to the body and do not keep the metabolism very active. Carbohydrates on the other hand are like putting alcohol covered wood into a fire, instant boost! The goal though is to get the right carbohydrate and avoid the bad ones. This is something we speak extensively on in our MAP (Metabolic Advancement Program), our Grocery Shopping Tours, and Our Fat Loss Seminars.

    Now that you get a little more idea of how You Are Killing Your Own Metabolism. You can stop blaming what's not really there and take some action. Truth is though taking action can be hard, working out right can be a challenge, and creating new lifestyle habits on your own prove to have a high failure rate. If you really are sick and tired of dealing with the extra pounds, the low energy, and a slow metabolism let us help you get on track with one of our professionally designed programs made for one thing, results!

    Alright, I hope this was useful and interesting (for most of you). I'll come up with much more info and goo stuff for you ! Be sure to check out our pinned topic "a fit hello from Fitcorp Asia", there are free vouchers for personal training to get over there ! Cheers

  10. this point is for people who think that by eating less they lose weight. Well, it's true to a certain extent but once your metabolism is slow enough, aside from feeling sluggish and lifeless, you'll notice that you losing less and less weight and that the lost weight doesn't seem to be around the waist or the butt but somewhere else... where in the world ?? You've lost lean mass tissue because you didn't exercise during your diet and you didn't feed your body with enough protein to sustain your muscle mass. EAT 6 times per day and feel the difference.

    4. Little Food = Little Metabolism

    For most when they want to lose that extra fat they start cutting the calories by cutting the amount of food they were eating. They end up having fruit for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and a small meal at dinner. Now if your trying to slow your metabolism this is a great method to do so. Another way our metabolism stays active is by being fed. The energy your food provides each meal are little jump starts for the metabolism all day long. So the goal should not be to minimize food intake but to minimize bad food intake, increase good food intake, and increase the amount of times you are eating a day.

  11. Well, this is certainly not a sales campaign :o , rather useful and relevant info that I wanted to share (3rd point btw)

    3. Adaptation - Ineffective Exercise

    All exercise is not equal! Just because you are exercising does not mean you are being effective. After a short period of time your body adapts to the exercise your doing (3-4 weeks). Once it adapts there is very little effort that needs to be made to create change, the muscle and cardiovascular system have stopped progressing. Over time this begins to effect muscle mass (your metabolism) and your muscle begins to shrink (your metabolism slows). This is why with every session we have with clients the session is different, no two are the same. We never allow the body to full adapt and never give the metabolism a chance to slow down.

  12. So here the second big mistake :

    2. No Breakfast = Slow Metabolism

    You already know how important it is to eat breakfast but for some reason you still don't do it. Unfortunately that seemingly simple meal you missed is taking a toll on your metabolism. After a long night sleep your body has been on a very light level of starvation due to no food so your metabolism... has slowed itself to maintain what energy it has left. Breakfast is like jump starting a car but its the jump start for you sleepy metabolism. A big healthy breakfast along will boost your metabolism and keep your energy high and maximize the calories your burn in a day.

  13. It's also the surest way to look better in the mirror, get compliments from both genders (with one gender being more reluctant to give any at all..), AGE BETTER as well. As you age, you naturally lose muscle mass, and with it, posture, energy, etc... I guarantee that adding a strength training program to any routine will, in the short, medium AND long term be more beneficial to your health than any detox, i-eat-only-cabbage-for-15-days-diet, and all the so called magic dhea pills around. :o

  14. Hi again! Today I just wanted to give you guys some insight on the most misunderstood buzz word around : metabolism. Nowadays, it's all about metabolism, no matter where you look (men's health, weight watchers...). Yet people don't really understand why it's the crux of any successful diet or fitness program.

    So here are 5 big no-no's about it. Actually, if you do the exact opposite of the 5 points below, you'll be in great shape in no time!

    Here's the first :

    1. Muscle Loss = Slow Metabolism

    The saying "use it or lose it" fits perfectly with this anti metabolism problem. After years of you either doing no strength training or ineffective strength training you actually start losing muscle mass. This becomes a huge anti metabolism agent as your muscle is the foundation of your metabolism and determines the speed of your metabolism. This is why we have developed all our fat loss programs around strength training and not cardiovascular exercise. Strength training is the only way to maintain muscle mass and long term fat loss.

  15. Hello everybody!

    I'm Rick, from Fitcorp Asia. We are a bangkok-based company specialized in Expat Fitness. We provide the following services :

    - Personal Training

    - Boot Camps

    - Semi Private Training

    - Nutrition Plans

    - Fat Loss

    - golf Fitness

    - and more!

    I just wanted to let you guys know that we are thrilled to be now part of the thaivisa community and that we'll dedicate our very best efforts to give you the most cutting-edge info and advice for any fitness-related topic.

    We'll frequently post and answer your questions and give you the lowdown on the latest trends in health, lifestyle and fitness.

    Although Christmas is now behind us, don't think the gift season has ended just yet!

    This month, we are giving away 10 vouchers (individual value of thb 1,800) for a free 1 hour personal training session, just to show you guys that we mean business :o We are very different than anybody else outthere and we are dying to have you come at our studio to experience it for yourself!

    So please PM to get yourself a free voucher, and (hopefully) a new resolution for 2009, a real and achievable one :D

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