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Posts posted by wcr

  1. Who are you talking about in particular? I am a member of one of the clubs and in no way are you describing me.

    Mention individual names if you have the bottle but don't accuse everybody as the same.

  2. A warning was given out two weeks ago at the Pattaya City Expats Club about this place. There are many people complaining about him and he uses threats when you complain. An elderly English gentleman (76 years old) was beaten by bike chains a few weeks ago after creating a scene in his shop. The Tourist Police have been involved in 3 cases over the last 2 weeks that I know about to get either tickets or money for people. They said Mr Boon is a very bad man.

    Keep away from the place and tell the press/magazine you see his advertisment in whats going on. I told Pattaya Today, lets see what happens.

  3. Thai on Thai shootings are a problem here (well for the Thai's anyway). When you think of the number of farang living here both retired and working plus the high levels of tourists of course there will be deaths and murders. The high number of suspicious deaths equals about 4 over the last 12 months. Unfortuantly a few of our kind get involved in businesses that they shouldn't be involved in here and suffer the highest price!

  4. wow clicker, don't hang back mate, say what you think.

    This is why I think the expats club(s) in Pattaya are good, which ever one you go to (see my post on Expat Friends of Pattaya). People who have had bad or good experiences are more than happy to tell you about them and you can pick and choose then who you go to armed with a lot more info.

    I have used Magna Carta to. They do do things properly (as far as a Thai lawyer can do things properly :o ) but I have had a couple of hiccups with them. There are plent of good lawyers around and as many bad ones.

  5. Theres another club too, Pattaya City Expats Club meets on a Sunday morning at Henry J Beans. No Niels Colov Clicker :o Next week is the AGM so only members are allowed in, but after that all are welcome, (including board members from the other club).

    It shouldn't bore you. There are a mix of speakers for each meeting, so you could pick and choose who you listened to. The open forum at the end is very interesting and you get lots of useful help and guidence on all maner of things. For example there is a well known Travel Agent in Pattaya at the moment ripping people off and the police are watching them closely. I know who they are because of information given out by a club member to protect expats here.

    Why don't you give the Sunday morning one a chance. 10.30 am Henry J Beans, Beach Road. No door charge, and you don't have to eat if you don't want to, but if you do there is a breakfast buffet.

  6. Pattaya must have one of the highest death rates in the world; In a country not at war.

    Do you write for a newspaper by any chance? I wouldn't be surprised with a statement like that.

    What a load of crap. Pattaya is no worse than any other large town/city with a large transiant population.

  7. Casa Pascalls have a good deal on at the moment. Quality food, good service, nice restaruant 595 Baht + drink as much as you can of the house red and white wines.

    Aikido, you are on about Chez Georges. Its on 3rd Road near to Pattaya Tai on the right going away from Pattaya Tai traffic lights. Close to Lux Visa Run offices if you know where they are?

  8. srowndedbyh2o

    I have a car rental business.


    Why do you say its pointless to ask, and then ask? And why the interest?

    But I have nothing to hide, yes I had a work permit for my business, and to get a new work permit for the new company I had to resign from my company and then re-apply through the new company. Work permit should be issued within the fortnight, so I am told. Happy?

  9. mriscan

    Don't know who they are. There are several farang owned insurance brokers in town should you want to visit them. There is one next door to my office, PCD on Third Road, Pattaya Klang.

    Saying that however, I use Viriyah. They are the largest car insurer in Thailand, and the only company who will offer you a loan car if you are involved in an accident (at a cost). I have had a couple of hiccups with the service but now they are fine. I do have 9 cars though and being rental they tend to have a few more problems than private cars. I use an agent in Chonburi who used to work for them in the offices in Pattaya and she gives good service and speaks English. If you are interested email me and I will get back to you with her contact details.

  10. Condocare, private guy???

    As far as I know, condocare is an insurance policy for condo's and is run and owned by AA Condo who rent and sell condo's. Very much a business not a private individual, not that that matters.

  11. 38,000 baht is a rip off. I have just bought a new Ford Laser, and with 1st class rental insurance it was 28000 baht, or 21,000 Baht with standard 1st class. I have another 8 cars, that I rent out and paying nowhere near that for rental insurance!

    Who are you using as an insurance company, or broker?

  12. Well its installed and working! Up2u, I paid 15500 Baht installation, with 4000 of that as a deposit, that included the box, dish, installation and a 29" Sharpe flat screen surround sound TV.

    What a nice change to see BBC again, and Discovery, Animal Planet, History Channel and the films also.

  13. Well I am so pissed off at sophon that I am today getting UBC installed. Its much more expensive at 1600 Baht a month but at least there will be some decent channels again.

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