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Posts posted by Owain

  1. and if the Yuan does not increase against the Dollar (as the graph for the last six months shows) you can cash your money, close your account and pay for a lunch in one of HKG's McDonalds. i like wise cracks :o

    I did not say that it would increase. I am saying it is possible to buy Yuan, lots of it and have it in bank account paying interest and also making on the exchange if you cash it in when it has risen You seem to think you have to spend a million to invest in Yuan. You were wrong.

  2. the thais are better equipped to survive a recession than westerners...thais have the one thing that is missing in the west , support systems based on family.

    I agree. Another key factor is lessoning the impact of the recession for most Thais is that Thailand is still primarily an agricultural society...something like 70-80% of the population are still farmers. Therefore, just about all Thais have immediate family that have or work on farms and they can always go there and at least have access to food and shelter if they loose their city or factory jobs. This is not the case in the Western world...if you loose your job and have no cash income its the food bank or charity kitchen for most.

    As the Thais say..."There's always fish in the rivers and rice in the fields."

    more like 50%

  3. yes you are right, a few possibilities do exist.

    -if you are a Hong Kong resident you can have a tiny CNY account. about the size of a mosquito arsehol_e.

    -when on a trip in China you buy of course local currency to pay for expenses. when out of China (exception HKG) the only purpose they serve would be wiping one's butt.

    You can open a foreign currency account in Yuan and change your dollars in to it and then gain if the Yuan increases in value against the dollar. :o

  4. Hello,

    My name is Garrett Peterson. I am a 22 year old male, US citizen. I am planning to move to Northern Thailand in the next year and I am looking for employment. I want to invite any advice from those of you who have already walked this road before. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

    I have spent most of my years as a cook, a contractors assistant, and an administrative assistant. I finished high school but not college. I will be able to communicate in thai by the time I go. I know this amount of experience does not bode well for the aspiring expat, and that is why I am seeking advice.

    Thank you and Long Live the King

    I think all you could hope for is blagging your way into a low end English teaching job.

  5. .........but another NuLabour govt may well prove a disaster too far.

    Problem we currently face is that the notion Brown can spend his way out of this recession will cripple us

    before the truth that it is in fact no solution becomes apparent. The fat Caledonian barsteward would rather suck Blair's dick before admitting to his ineptitude and that stubborness means a devalued £, higher taxation and increased unemployment for an awful lot longer than folk are prepared to believe.

    He not trying to spend his way out of a recession as that is impossible to do. What he is trying to do is to make the recession have less of an impact on the population. A recession will last as long as it lasts. I do not think any country has ever spent their way out of a recession.

    I am sure we would be in a worst position if he just sat back like the Tories would and let all the banks go under and I am sure that this recession is not even close to as bad as two world wars.

  6. it's useless to hide your ignorance and stupidity which caused your false quoting and wrong conclusions behind ridiculously shitty attacks. besides that you seem to have reading problems. the "no qualification" statement is from TV-moderator "Endure", not from me.

    Guess I am not as stupid and ignorant as you because if you could actually read then you would have seen that the "no qualifications" post was under a quote from "Endure". LMAO.

    as far as my qualifications are concerned please note that academically i swallow people like you before breakfast on an empty stomach, and that without the slightest burp

    Oh and you got a big head as well, there's sweet. :o

  7. but you choose not to see the facts (which can be easily verified) which i posted. taking third party comments without verification is especially nowadays a sword with two edges. every Bill, Buck, Hank and Joe can establish free of charge an internet blog where he/she can spread utmost rubbish which is easily absorbed by (mostly) laymen. it's even easier for well known personalities to present their views and fictions as facts.

    anybody who has the faintest idea of economics and makes a claim, as Grandmaster Andrew Neil (allegedly) did, automatically disqualifies himself and causes all his other arguments to be questionable. having said so, i wish to draw your attention that i mentioned "allegedly" and i am still eager to see Neil's original wording.

    I am sorry that he is not more qualified than a guy who posts on an internet forum called Naam. :o I went back and reviewed what he said.My mistake, He said that it would cost the Spanish government 4 times the amount to insure the debt than before their credit rating was downgraded.

    So he worked as a correspondent for the Economist 35 years ago. Has he ever actually worked as an economist rather than a journalist?

    Sorry but in your previous post you were saying he had no qualification. He does have an MA in political economy and worked for the Economist, was actually an editor on that paper and has decades of experience in that area? Can we get a run down on yours and Naams qualifications?

  8. The council also yesterday approved the Energy Ministry's proposal to spend around three billion baht from the Oil Fund to subsidise fuel prices after the excise tax on fuel resumes next month.

    The subsidy programme will help motorists continue to enjoy relatively low fuel prices even though the former government's populist measures that waived excise taxes for gasohol and diesel since July were supposed to finish by the end of January.


  9. As far as I'm aware he has no qualifications or previous experience in economics or finance.

    The son of a professional soldier who had worked his way up through the ranks, Neil was educated at Paisley Grammar School and at the University of Glasgow,[1] where he edited the student newspaper, the Glasgow University Guardian. At university he was a member of the Dialectic Society and the Conservative Club and participated in inter-varsity debates. He graduated in 1971 with an MA in political economy and political science[1], having been tutored by Vince Cable[citation needed]. After graduation he briefly worked as sports correspondent for the local newspaper the Paisley Daily Express before working for the Conservative Party as a research assistant and then joined The Economist as a correspondent in 1973, and was later promoted to being the editor of the publication's section on Britain.

  10. Brown wants to join the Euro, always had. However never will happen because most British do not want it.

    BTW Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain are on verge of collapse with the EURO.

    Spain have had their credit rating dropped from triple A, which is a huge hole to drop into as it makes borrowing money on the international markets 4 times as expensive and you do not want that when you are in a recession as well.

  11. Yes is is. The guilt lies solely with him and the Labour party policies. I cannot even be bothered to to list them here. only to scream the questions,



    How does the guilt from the current world wide economic problems lie with the Labour government? As far as I know it lies with greedy BANKS unless I have missed something.Were the Labour government responsible for lending loads of cash to people who could not pay it back? I don't think so.

    What are you on about with they started with a trading plus and end with a massive national debt? What's a trading plus? You on about trade deficit?

  12. Where did you get 40 years. dream on.

    The North Sea has almost as much oil left as has already been extracted, a BBC Scotland investigation has been told.

    Experts believe between 25 and 30 billion barrels could still be recovered over the next 40 years.


    Dr Richard Pike, a former oil industry consultant and now the chief executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: "Rather than only getting 20 to 30 billion barrels [from the North Sea] we are probably looking at more than twice that amount."

    His analysis is supported by petroleum experts who believe there are some 300 fields off the coast of Britain still to be explored and tapped properly. If energy prices continue to soar, companies will become increasingly willing to tap previously uneconomic oil fiel


    North Sea oil 'will last for half a century'

    Sean Poulter, Daily Mail

    5 June 2008, 9:17am Vote The North Sea isn't running out of oil at all, industry analysts say.


    The full extent of reserves in the sea has never been known - and it has always been a commonly-held perception that supplies will soon dry up. But latest analysis suggests there may be enough in reserve to equal all the oil recovered from under the sea since the Seventies.

    Some experts believe that up to 30bn barrels are still in the ground.



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