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  1. Especially these past three years, for some reason which I can't figure out.
  2. That's what I always thought. Probably "looks cool". Which reminds me, who remembers this craze from about 10 years ago? Often sported by men in their 30s and 40s
  3. You said that 7/11 food is not their preferred option, and I concur. This ties into my refutation of the OP, which posits that to a lot of Thais, eating 7/11 food is a desirable thing only precluded by insufficient monetary means. As I stated previously, I believe this premise to be flawed.
  4. Thank you for confirming that they will only buy 7/11 food when they don't have access to street food. We are therefore in agreement.
  5. It is cheap food (the average microwavable dish costs 40 baht) and the reason the 7/11 staff does not eat it is not because they can't afford it. The premise of the OP is flawed.
  6. The quote I replied to was: Yet, I’m aware that the staff at 7-Eleven earn quite modest wages. Many of the food items I casually throw into my basket are things they’ve likely never tried themselves If you have Thai friends, ask them if they like 7/11 food. Most of them will answer "mai aroi". They don't eat that sh*t, that's why you don't see them buying it.
  7. Thais are not "in need", in fact they are doing better than most Westerners living in Western countries.
  8. 7-11 is cheap, what is the most expensive food item there? 50 baht? The 7-11 employees spend more than that when they eat at the local moo krata. Spending more than 200 baht at 7/11 is a farang thing because to a Thai, it's just not appealing at all to actually "shop" there (farang concept), it's a convenience store where they grab one or two items, that's all.
  9. It's 'sieg heil', if you're going to be witty, you might as well get the spelling right.
  10. Working visas are another issue altogether. What I am 99% sure is never going to happen is that every foreigner residing here more than 180 days is going to be explicitly required to file a tax return, let alone pay a single baht. Even if the Thai authorities manage to actually implement and enforce this mammoth task, the resulting discontent and capital flight, combined with the loss of face when neighbouring countries are publicly shown as better alternatives to Thailand, will cause such exponential and inextricable problems that they will immediately drop it and sweep it under the carpet.
  11. As expected, they don't have the remotest idea how to begin addressing this issue and it is simply never going to happen.
  12. "Those affected": you mean the hordes of BS useless jobs? I don't recall you being this bent on social justice when tens of thousands of people lost everything because they refused an experimental injection.
  13. Here is a demonstration of the geocentric model: Working Model - Day-Night in Geocentric Model.mp4
  14. It has been the doxa since the 17th century.
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