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Posts posted by alex88

  1. The difference is that Australia is a rich country where people are constantly trying to come in and work illegally and take jobs from Australians. The only jobs that farangs can do in thailand are usually ones Thais can't do (such as teaching proper english). No farang is coming to thailand to take ordinary jobs from Thais as that would mean working for 9000 baht per month, and having to be able to speak fluent thai. Having said that, Thailand is still one of the easiest countries to get a tourist visa for. It's just that the trend is that it is becoming more strict.

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  2. It's already known in Australia that anything associated with a religious organisation (eg schools, nursing homes, community organisations) is exempt from anti discrimination laws and allowed to fire people for being gay. It was just recently discussed in parliament and established and confirmed that this is still the case. Glbt people, hetero people in relationships out of wedlock, divorced people, etc etc can all legally be fired from a job at a religious owned organisation based on the principles of the religion in charge of it. Some schools have even expressed their right to expel glbt students based on that principle.

  3. I have met a lot of gay farangs by hanging out in non moneyboy bars such as balcony bar. It's pretty friendly there and not really a pick up place. I'm sure you were already aware of that, but that's where I have met some good farang friends.

  4. For those who are asking how the US or Australia are not real democracies. Both countries have two main parties that differ only on populist domestic issues. No matter who you vote for they all work for the same corrupt banking oligarchs, they all support Zionism (regardless of your position on that issue you can't fail to see the support is one sided), they all cooperate in genocidal wars for profit, they all use fear campaigns such as 'terrorism' and use the media to influence people. How can you have a democracy when voting for either side is a vote for the same agenda. The difference between the two parties in these countries is simply marketing.

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  5. All these people saying Middle East needs to allow religious freedom are very ignorant since Saudi Arabia and Isis controlled areas are the only places that don't allow churches. The Middle East is full of Christians both Local and immigrant. Iran also has a thriving and well respected Jewish community and numerous synagogues (they get labelled as anti-Semitic because of their opposition to Zionism, which has nothing to do with The position of Jewish people in Iran). So many people seem to associate Muslims and Arabs with Saudi Arabia which practices it's own small extra strict sect of Wahhabism.

  6. That's why I support marriage equality in western countries. But in Thailand most hetero marriages aren't legally sanctioned so it's not as relevant there.

    I understand your argument but it's no reason to feel the need to imply that this couple is any less married than any other.

    The problematic territory is when westerners feel the need to get involved as Thailand needs to break away from western imperialism, not embrace more of it. Western imperialism is a disease that needs to be resisted and human rights issues need to be sorted out by the country itself, not dictated by the west.

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