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Posts posted by marcofunny

  1. the guy is not alone, he received 100,000 euros before the attack, he s bisexual and alcoholics, definitely not a radical Muslim, all terrorist organizations are backed by states, the method has not changed since Carlos the Jackal, back in the 70s he was receiving funds from governments and he was recruiting left wing militants, today the Muslims are the best choice of recruiters, the CIA used terrorists to kill civilians on 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing in Italy.

    Piazza Fontana, Italia, 1969.

    So very on topic ... rolleyes.gif

    Dude, in future, if you are going to reply to my posts (don't feel that you need to) please actually post something that vaguely has something to do with what I posted.

    I seriously don't believe these terrorists are acting alone on religious background, the guy was not even religious, they are big fishes out-there manipulating them, otherwise we 've seen how the US responded immediately to Libya on 1986 after the bombing of La belle nightclub, the elites / secret services are recruiting terrorists to bomb civilians that 's is it, period, otherwise why the US eliminated ben laden without giving us the chance to hear his story.

    How do members of the massive ISIS organization communicate among themselves when the NSA can easily track phone calls, websites and E-mails ?


  2. Of course France can't prevent another attack.

    It's a silly question.

    And still, even if all these measures and more are religiously adopted, no one can guarantee that terrorism on French soil and against French targets – and for the matter Europe – will be eradicated. Israel with its huge experience and innovative counter terrorism measures which are adopted worldwide can’t promise its citizens 100 percent success. Al-Qaida started its operations in 1998, and it took 10 years to almost completely destroy it first Afghanistan and then elsewhere. ISIS was created in 2012-13 so it will take a few more years but eventually its fate will be similar to al-Qaida.


    the guy is not alone, he received 100,000 euros before the attack, he s bisexual and alcoholics, definitely not a radical Muslim, all terrorist organizations are backed by states, the method has not changed since Carlos the Jackal, back in the 70s he was receiving funds from governments and he was recruiting left wing militants, today the Muslims are the best choice of recruiters, the CIA used terrorists to kill civilians on 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing in Italy.

  3. This is happened since 2012 & 2014 to my previous Vietnamese, Filipina and African work colleagues, they came straight to their condo building in Bangkok,sent to IDC and deported, in the past police used to snatch the overstayers via Thai informants, nowadays the novelty is picking up farangs and also knocking on the doors, since 2012 I witnessed many Russians working girls in Pattaya being snatched by immigration.

  4. NY Times


    France has paid $58 million to Al Qaeda since 2008.

    the Dailymail ( the French company La farge is paying taxes to ISIS.)

    Bashar Assad ( France is supporting the terrorists it claims to fight ).

    Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, The former lawyer of the terrorist Mohamed Merah: "he was an agent of French secret services, they eliminated him".

    Article in French

    (see also: Mohamed Merah worked for RG)


  5. ISIS is back by the west anyway !!!

    You think more people would wake up, wouldn't you?

    Israeli Intel Chief (General Herzi Halevy): We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria, says ISIS Faces Difficulty, loss Would Put Israel in 'Hard Position', ISIS is not different from Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (aka. Carlos), a private firm offering services to Govs.

    Wahhabi were encouraged by the US - Allies, ISIS is backed by Israel, ISIS is a chess pawn, a substitute for the UN resolution that has not yet issued by the UN Security Council.

  6. When was the last time you saw a doctor?

    10 years I predicted the imminent fall of the EU because of Romania and Bulgaria and it happened accurately, now the Paris bombing has reconfirmed my prediction, watch out when in 10 years all western nations will be invaded by jihadists keeping opening the borders and voting for idiots like Clinton.

    1. Drugs (especially Nigerians ).
    2. Passport and Visa forgeries(especially east Africans lending their passport to other family members).

    below a Japanese woman black-faced.

    I fit into that entire list and I am white as a ghost

    we are discussing about the majority, of course they are trouble makers from other races too, one medical theory that explains this behavior is the High Testosterone production level among the African genes, According to some researchers, the higher the testosterone level, the more likely men are to participate in risk-taking behavior (sexual, injury risk, and even criminal activity).

    high Testosterone makes you more moody, increases your strength and muscle mass, thus explains why most successful athletes are Africans.

  7. I am African so what is wrong with my attitude and behavior ?...or is it because I am African and how dare I question a European, therefore this infers I have a "bad attitude" and bad behavior ?

    the blackface experiment proved that people don't discriminate because of skin color but rather behaviors,we had to hire African officers because each time another officer tried to talk to them and reminded them to respect laws and order, the answer was always racism, then when an African officer talked to them they obeyed willingly without uttering a word, I realized that it s tougher to deal with the women then the men.

    Common problems encountered when dealing with Africans

    1. Brawling with their family members or other passengers (very very common scene).
    2. Africans mothers leaving their kids unattended causing mayhem and disturbance among other guests.
    3. Cooking inside the hotel room of the airport.
    4. Large group of men gathering and talking loudly, sometimes harassing other passengers.
    5. Refusing to declare accurately all items in the luggage.
    6. Drugs (especially Nigerians ).
    7. Passport and Visa forgeries(especially east Africans lending their passport to other family members).

    below a Japanese woman black-faced.


  8. I don't know why Africans love to use the term black, btw they are other races who are not black and they are discriminated everywhere because of special behavior, it s the Roma Gypsies, just to prove to you that discrimination NEVER comes from skin color.

  9. So you worked as a security guard at one of the airports in Bangkok or some other place in Thailand ?...how exiting.

    But seeing as you insist on making this a about race, I will pose the same question I asked in an earlier comment.

    If one reads the news in Thailand, It appears there are far more white criminals arrested in Thailand, than black ones, if 95% of blacks, (its ok you can use that term) are the ones that cause the trouble, how come statistically how come 95% of the arrests on the news in Thailand are not black people ?...

    its seems to me based on the news at least 95% of the foreigners arrested in Thailand are white people, seems to me you are trying to push a racist agenda, by stereotyping as did another poster, suggesting 95% of the problems caused by foreigners in Thailand are caused by blacks.

    no it was in Europe, Please do not use the term black again, because I already wrote it, that it s not because of skin color, the racism against Africans is attitude and behavior racism, my firm have done an experiment where a white actor wore African clothes and tainted his skin black and guess what ?? no racism experienced, my firm resorted to hire African officers to deal with this problem.

  10. I used to work as a security officer in the airport, 95% of passengers of African decent causes troubles, they don't adhere or follow the rules or laws, it s not because of black skin because they were native American Indians or Tibetans and other races who had black skin, they were always problems with people of African decent, the black Asians don't cause much troubles, then it was always the same repetitive story racism, no it s not, it s simply you people makes a lot of troubles.

    these offenses were always caused by Africans (Passport forgeries, Drugs, scams, lies on forms, fights with other passengers, discourtesies), I am sorry but the good remaining minority of 5% must pay the price of what the majority 95% are doing, finally we had to recruit an African colleague who used to WARN THEM in harsh language to report anything illegal, before we put them in a shameful situation, we had no choice.

  11. And what about Turkey occupying part of Cyprus, an ignoring UN missives.

    And what about Maroc occupying western Sahara, ignoring UN missives and forcefully removing UN staff from the area?

    Oh, I forgot, Turkey and Maroc are islam countries, an Israel is Jewish, and nearly all resolutions of the UN are instigated by the 57 Islamic countries.

    And what about China occupying Tibet and slowly erasing the culture?

    And what about China ......feel free to pick any.

    And what about Turkey killing Kurds by droves.



    Selective blabbering!

    yes I agree with your point but remember that Morocco and Turkey are an ally of Israel too,they want their share of the cake, for me the UN is joke, so best to close all these organizations and save the tax payer's money since they are almost useless to solve any conflicts, Saudi Arabia is overseeing an influential human rights panel for the United Nations clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    The UN has one useful purpose. It concentrates foreign spies in a single location allowing the NSA and CIA to keep track of them.

  12. China being a UN Permanent member, i hope it will respect the verdict and remove the illegal buildings and artificial Island.

    why Israel does not remove the illegal settlements from the west bank and respects the UN resolutions regarding withdrawing from the Golan heights ? or the UN resolutions are supposed to be issued against China only ?, China and Russia has the full right and sovereignty to build anything it wants anywhere in the world, as long as others are doing it too !!, we definitely live in the new era of imperialism and who got the military might imposes his will.

    the US had illegally invaded Iraq on 2003 without any UN rulings or approval, now China has got the military might, it will simply copy what the US and its allies has been doing for years on weaker nations !!!

  13. this is insurance scam, kind of popular among the Chinese, a friend of mine traveled almost free using this scam, burned his own car to get compensation from the insurance company, in Russia the claimants share the proceeds with the criminals.

    simple the claimant buys a very thick gold plated chain worth around 5,000 with exaggerated value on fake invoice, walk around and got robbed and reclaim and make profits.

  14. I am going to give a sincere advice to anyone falling into the same situation, never reject openly to pay the bill, explains that you have forget your wallet in the hotel room for example

    pays 20% deposit to calm down the owners and ask them to send someone with you to pick up the money, once you arrive at the hotel or otther safer place starts arguing, runaway from you current residence ASAP before the local mafia runs after you !!!

  15. With the world population increasing at an alarming rate and the radical Muslims belief in multipal wives and rape of anyone they can get their hands on, it is not surprising that those who wish to destroy Europe are fulfilling their conquest. The EU supports massive immigration of Muslims one should expect to confront an ultimatum to convert to Islam or die. Now they are surprised that these religious fanatics are not converting to Christianity, Islam does not/cannot assimilate. It demands, instead, your submission.

    Unless Europe's leaders come to their senses, millions of Brits, French, and Germans will soon be the refugees escaping from violent Sharia oppression.

  16. The EU is a sham, it s the biggest scam of the 21th century, If the EU was good for Europe, there wouldn't be any need to deceive the populace into it, the EU is a upgraded version of the old Soviet Union, Destroyers of Nations, I am glad Britain went out.

    As an example of what is coming, Greece is currently being raped by the likes of Goldman Sachs, they need to get a decent government, get out of the EU and default on their loans. Nations such as us could support them by purchasing their goods, taking holidays there etc, and similar for all escapees, that way a peoples Europe can be re-established and the Remanent of the EU could go f*** itself !

  17. No such thing as Democracy , it is Opium for the masses , same same religion .coffee1.gif

    Exactly open borders are an economic weapon used against the natives, The governments are ignoring the immigration problem because a group of mafia criminals have taken over our governments, their goal is to divide and conquer, by flooding our countries with mass immigrants, corporations are provided with slave-laborers who have NO rights.
  18. You need to tead a bit of history and inwardly digest.

    The arguments you make were used by means of democratic election to deliver Germany into the hands of Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party.


    That asside, I doubt you have any but the slightest understanding of how much of 'your culture' has been imported from overseas.

    You might get a clue by flicking through the Oxford English dictionary and finding out where the words of the English language come from.

    The English are mongrals, speaking a mongral language and living in a mongral culture.

    We 've heard this argument dozen of times, What's wrong with having a homogeneous Western culture? Seems to me such a successful culture in the past and present should be preserved.

    The outcome of the last Austrian election and the obvious vote rigging is an illustration of the power of the globalist imposing the multicultural migration agenda that has been designed to enslave us all,The only people to benefit from this are those in positions of power, Multiculturalism brainwashing is is one of the worst things in the globalist agenda, this is a machine for manufacturing idiots !!

  19. suppose that 90% of the population in a town or province are not interested into multiculturalism and they want to keep their heritage, language, religion and race, I don't see any problems about that since democracy is meant to serve people's interests and choices and not vice versa, I don't know why the global elites successfully created a system where multiculturalism is imposed on the population while any form of national identity or pride is condemned, why Mecca is not governed by a christian ?? and I am afraid that a national popular revolt is going to erupt very soon.

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