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Posts posted by marcofunny

  1. The media and the polls had lied all the way to influence the voters but it missed ! The EU is far more than trade and the economy, it is a communist organization that is desperate for Britain to stay in so that Britain can support the economies of the poorer countries of the EU, the British saved their money for use in their country without Brussels telling them what to do, and how to follow Greece into further national debt and possible bankruptcy.

  2. the most ridiculous thing I ve heard in the remain campaign was border control and Independence is Xenophobic clap2.gif what a propaganda cheesy.gif . This vote is about the right for a sovereign country to self rule, the right to govern oneself and to have a democracy where the elected are accountable to the electorate, the right for a government to determine how its tax is spent, the right to determine its own law, the right to develop international trade with whom it chooses, the right to protect itself. This decision is about the people's right to choose its own future and not to have a future dictated by others outside of the sovereign country.

  3. finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

    GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

  4. if the girls working in the ordinary massage shops are not very old, fat or ugly, they will constantly scout for new generous sponsors / walking Atms and derive their income from a circle of 2-10 frequent paying gigs, they are perfect at hiding all their affairs from the shop or colleagues or even their Thai bf at home for the sake of shame, reputation etc, they will meet their customers after working hours for extra high paid services, thus supplementing the basic wage of 8K-15K they got at the shop.

    for unknown reason to me, many girls don't bother to enlarge the paying circle easily, thus many new comers to Thailand does not realize that extras are always offered by many ordinary spa shops, they have a specific screening method to ensure utmost secrecy and to target the best paying gullible, for example they avoid cheap backpackers, guys speaking Thai or someone with deep knowledge of Thailand etc also they avoid big mouths who can put them in trouble with the boss or her bf at home.

    a neighbor of mine who s working in spa shop is having an old Japanese sponsor paying for her monthly rental of 16K, the guy is visiting Thailand occasionally while she offers her services occasionally to a wealthy Israeli businessman and she 's having some relation with a Thai man who s probably her former husband.

  5. I lived next to a very attractive girl who worked at the shop that was raided...she was also a model and actress for print and commercials here in Thailand, and would work "massage" at night...according to her bf, who was a farang, she made about 100,000 a month in tips and salary...I doubted it initially...but he was a young guy, and she took care of him entirely...her plan was to work for five years of so, and purchase a home for her family, and a condo in bkk for herself...

    yup I agree girls working in extra service massages in Bangkok makes between 60K-160k baht monthly depending on their age and beauty factor, some masseuses who offer extras to some customers after work hours makes between 30K-50K baht monthly.

  6. I met a scammer like that in the MRT station of Bangkok, an Indian faced guy pretending to be an expat in Dubai, this is indeed a very stupid scam and never thought that there were some gullible guys who fall for it, the guy pretending to be friendly and talking about football then asked me to show him my country s currency (wallet) which I refused politely telling him to head to chatuchak weekend market if he 's fond of banknote collection.

  7. Seems to me Thais don't like tourists very much anyway no big loss other Asian countries will be available to him. Maybe its cheaper to overstay take a risk get sent home than trying to renew visa every 90 days. No buggy go to Vietnam Cambodia Philippines plenty of countries to choose from

    yup and you pickup your 1 year visa from the embassy or the airport with all your dignity, wondering why some people are still heading to Thailand.

  8. if you need a wife travel to some remote village and pick up some 18 yrs virgin woman.

    Difficult to find nowadays, a good looking 18 year young girl, who wants a Falang and is still a Virgin too. wink.png

    If found, can get even more expensive, with first marry party Thai style and pay SIN SOD - dowry for the parents before you can lay your hands or more,tongue.png on her. rolleyes.gif

    provided that you have a solid game, you can easily got someone young from a poor country like Cambodia, Indonesia or Laos and it will cost you less then 50,000 baht, my uncle is in his 70s in a wheel chair and had married someone young from central Asia plus many young gfs from Cambodia, of course he wont commit the mistakes of making her discover the corrupted values of the west, women rights bla bla, he knows how to isolate her from all spoiling factors in a north Korean style, if you take with you someone local who speaks the language and search patiently you will find one for sure.

    for Christ s sake you don't need to date someone from a brothel go to many Factories, Markets, Restaurants it s full of females with the help of an interpreter tell them you are looking for a wife, it works great try it once and you will see.

  9. I just realized that the worst beta men in this world are the Scandinavian men, I used to know a semi-pro girl giving out massages on part time basis, yeah a great girl doesn't ask any thing except her 1000-1500 baht fees, recommended her services to a couple of my friends all said yeah she s great then after a dozen of guys came this beta loser from Norway in his 40s, he took her to one of the most expensive restaurant (4000 baht) then he took her to a luxurious holiday in Phuket, bought her an expensive diamond ring etc etc, at the end she with the help of one of her thai gigs she scammed him 1 million baht, I met her again in a bar and she said what I shall I do with this donkey, (yeah she called him a donkey) and I am like ohh he bought you an expensive ring ?? what else is he, if he s a real man he must just paid the fees and move on like all the others, I must open an agency to export all these Thai girls to Scandinavia and makes a share on the scams !!!

    I don't understand the mentality of some idiots who pick up wives from brothels ?? if you need a wife travel to some remote village and pick up some 18 yrs virgin woman.

  10. I am still puzzled why people are still heading to Thailand or even consider it for nightlife, man it sucks to hell, boring music and DJs, clubs closing early, police harassment and humiliation, had a friend who were humiliated by a police search recently, dozens of many other destination have much more superior nightlife then Thailand, even boring Taiwan is getting more appealing, Indonesia is a million times better with Bali and Jakarta !! Cambodia and the Philippines have great nightlife and cheaper booze and women.


    no good weed and clubs closing at 2am and sometimes 1am, gov here don't want you to go out they r just shy to say it straightforward, in Indonesia or Cambodia you got your order at the table a like a king and the police take you back home like a king no body harass you, inflation is created by idiots who refuse to explore nearby places, give your money to the people who needed the most.

  11. how stupid can you get?

    With £3.9 million he could have afforded to employ someone just to look after his personal affairs including his immigration status

    in fact with only 500,000£ he could obtain a second citizenship with a new identity from these small Caribbean nations and just hide there or move to another country who don't extradite criminals, cash strapped nations will welcome him with wide arms

  12. There is still life in Pattaya though the number of tourists are low.

    People even used to laugh from KL-Malaysia but man it has improved dramatically during the last 4 years, many interesting clubs are open until 6am, some got entire foreign bands from south America and Philippines playing great music, even women offers rival that of Thailand, I dont want to talk about Cambodia-Indonesia because Thailand is lagging behind for sure, Pattaya is just overrated that 's it, Batam, ,Bali or Sihanoukville is Superior to my opinion, angeles is also not too bad.

  13. I am still puzzled why people are still heading to Thailand or even consider it for nightlife, man it sucks to hell, boring music and DJs, clubs closing early, police harassment and humiliation, had a friend who were humiliated by a police search recently, dozens of many other destination have much more superior nightlife then Thailand, even boring Taiwan is getting more appealing, Indonesia is a million times better with Bali and Jakarta !! Cambodia and the Philippines have great nightlife and cheaper booze and women.

  14. Gaddaffi was behind at least two civillian airline bombings killing 441 people, maybe other terrorist attacks too.

    While Nato helped to destroy his army on the pretext of saving civilian lives, the revolution was already under way,

    He had a rich country, if he had shared it's wealth with the population maybe he would still be there, loved by them.

    yeah but during his reign there were no ISIS and other terrorist groups, Libya was the richest country of Africa, take a look at Libya today are you happy with it ?, Saddam maybe a brutal dictator but Iraq was at peace too and the same goes for Assad.

    75% of Libya s population supported Qadafi just a few minority who were sponsored by NATO, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the way you see Syria today.

  15. there is a reason why these people are still coming, the Austrian site oe24 reported that this illegal afghan migrant is getting almost 8,252 euros per month of tax payer s money, yet last month the people voted stubbornly again left when they had the chance to sort things out, Europe also must pays the price of ousting Qaddafi who signed an immigrants stopping treaty with EU-Italy and was doing very good job of protecting Europe from all immigrants and terrorists, the last hope for us are the British people if they just relieve us and vote YES for brexit to stop this mess from existing .

    original sources and links :

    an afghan migrant is getting 8,252 euros per month after arriving illegally on 2013


    an 21 yrs old African migrant beat savagely to death a 54 old women after he tries to rape her.


    UK says European migrants receive 10 percent of in-work welfare spend !!!


  16. This kind of Thai women with older farang relationship is probably more common than one filled with committment and fidelity...

    He may know already...chooses to ignore it as she has enough discretion to act decent when he is around...

    This is Thailand...finding a loyal companion is about as hard as winning the lotto...

    Don't worry about this guy...he will probably not appreciate your interference...

    I don't blame the women, it s the fault of these gullible westerners, I know many old farangs(70s) who are clever enough and have successuful relationship with thai women but the thing is never invest anything under her name, live on a month by month basis in a rented place, teach her to earn your hard earned cash by giving back something in return (chores, work, favors etc..) never spread your cash easily and if she s not happy then show her the door and look for someone else, the world have more than 4 billion females.

  17. Man, that is so old even the guy in the video must have moved on

    it does not matter young or old, most gals cheat here, what i ve discovered recently is that they also hide their gigs cleverly from their Thai bfs, one visible sign that the woman you recently met is cheating on someone is her refusal to invite you back to her place, many women here sleep with others on lunch time for example.

  18. so he dont have to spend HIS money on her family and her krap

    how about if I tell you I ve known some guys who had spent more then 100,000 Baht per month on their Thai gf, yet their gfs were still cheating on them, they were young and handsome, worse they were going out and paying for expenses by that guy s money, this is the fault of the guys who didn't learn how to game women here, the rule is any person who comes easy to you will be also easy to others too !!

  19. there is indeed a reason why Thailand is popular among the Chinese and Russian, it s because it s one of the few destinations that offers them either visa exempt or visa on arrival, Russians living in Siberia will find it totally inconvenient to fly 6 hours to Moscow to apply for euro or US visas, the same goes for the Chinese, once other countries relaxes visa policy for the Chinese tourists I am sure that they will reconsider their destination.


  20. What is it, some kind of real estate company working on commission? Are your staff guaranteed a basic wage even if sales are down?

    a cousin of mine who runs hotel chains in south America came to visit me in Bangkok once, he found by chance that a local Thai company is selling a remote control unit for aircon that his hotels are using for very competitive price, he called up the company and told them that he was interested to buy 800 units x 280 baht = 224,000 baht, guess what the Thai staff told him ?? call another time and prepare a quotation invoice ?? he said he doesn't have time and he wants to come to them in the office and will pay them in cash if possible, after 3 days of useless talking, we searched the web and found the head office of the company in HK we contacted them and we had the phone number of a Malaysian regional manager who was super helpful and he was very furious when he learned what the Thai staff had done and facilitated the transaction and later on it turned that this company was only 8 min walk from where my cousin was staying !!!

    I even requested a special ID pass of some warehouse of my suppliers after I complained to them that their staff were always telling me(Mai mee - no Have) for every item even though the warehouse had enough supply, it also amazes me that I had spent 3 million baht buying some products from some Thai company and the staff didn't even learn my name and still calls me falang or even knows my email address or phone amazing sales team indeed !!

  21. Very interesting reading and opened my eyes to many unknowns,,,

    there could be a reason for the phenomena though,

    Quote,,,,,,,, "Thai people are F*****g stupid and lazy!"

    While i tend to agree with that phrase, i think there's an underlying

    reason for that,, many Thais come from rural areas looking for

    work, some parents struggle to put the children through studies

    some do succeed and get qualified but ask yourself, how hot is it

    in Thailand right now, for us, get me into an air conditioned room,

    for them, let me sit in the shade on a hammock and eat, seems they

    are forever eating, if you follow the equatorial countries around the

    world you hear the exact same stories, as an example, it's the same

    in Angola, Mozambique, northern Australia, Papua New Guinea,

    parts of the Philippines etc, the tropical heat hard wires some

    people to slow down and not care very much.

    worked in Malaysia and the Philippines for a year, people who quit all suddenly are less common place, especially with those semi-skilled or skilled workers who earns top wages, there were always 1 month or 2 weeks prior notice, the lack of motives of sales staff is also amazing indeed, had a staff who lost 80k commission from a sale so stupidly !!, I still remember this sales girl in the wine section of villa market pattaya who told me ( Mai mee) when I asked her about a fruity wine recommendation, the section had thousands of bottles !!!

  22. I lived in Belgrade on $200 a month. I lived in Toronto while paying my downtown condo mortgage on less than $2000 (55,000 baht) a month.

    I think you can live just fine in Bangkok for less than 30,000 baht a month.

    I love Thailand. The only reason I won't spend my retirement here is because of free Canadian health insurance. By then I'll be able to afford going to bangers several times a year first class.

    does that includes visa run fees and trips to Thai embassies ??, I spent almost 45,000 baht a year on visa fees or almost 4,000 per month, each time i visit the immigration office I spend 2500-3000 baht 1900 on extension fees + 500-800 on food - transport etc..

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