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Posts posted by lennya12threh

  1. Yes, the same wife as before. Since I've been here I was only with one at first for 4 months, then switched to this one and have been with her for just over 1.5 years ever since.

    Well I tried to find some other pictures, and it looks like yes, the thing I was touching was the jet needle (in the middle of that valve, that shaft that remains there when the throttle is wide open) and it is defiantly wobbly and "lose-feeling."I'm not sure if this is normal or if it is suppose to be snug and stiff to the touch, but the problem does seem to be at 1/4-3/4 throttle. But I actually just realized. The problem isn't at a certain throttle point. It is at an rpm point. It struggles in mid to highish rpms, but still does ok when it hits the power band. WOT at say 5k rpm is like shit, but WOT throttle at the power band is fine. 1/2 throttle at 5k rpm is shit, but half throttle at the powerband is ok. So now I just confused myself. This can't really be a carb issue because the problem isn't based on the amount of throttle that is given, but rather rpms and also the heat of the engine.

    Uh, oh....

    Though it could still be because it is running lean as it gets bad performance when it is hot (naturally runs leaner), but good performance when it is cold. Best to still get the carb redone and have the engine seals replaced...

  2. I don't think the ex-owner would have done much and he it doesn't seem like he ever put it over 4k rpm.

    If the jet needle is that skinny shaft/needle thing that is in the middle of that main slider valve that opens and closes when you give it it throttle, then it think this may the problem. It does have it's issues from 1/2 to 3/4 throttle mainly and that is what the needle jet/ jet needle is responsible for.

    The thing is, this little needle-shaft thing is not fit in place and it movable as if it is loose in it's place. It can probably move like a mm or two on each side if you touch it (you have to hold open the throttle to expose the shaft enough to touch it).

    Is this the jet needle? I hope you all can understand what I'm trying to convey.

  3. I forgot about that thing. I'd like to try it out and see how it compares to my Victor. I think the Victor is a bit faster but has an issue. The NSR probably just needs some general maintenance to get its youth back.

    I first had a Honda Wave when I came, then upgraded to a CBR150, then a VFR 400, then got an NSR to go along with it, then sold both of those and got a GSXR-750, then got a sonic to go alone with the GSXR, but later sold the Sonic, then the GSXR broke down so I got this Victor to use while it got fixed. The GSXR got fixed and then I had two usable bikes, but the t.hen I sold the GSXR shortly after and now only have the Victor. I sold the GSXR because I'm planning on going to back to Canada to get an Engineering degree.

    Little runk right now and should go tend to thw wife. :D

  4. ok i understand now.. i need to go to the thai embassy.. before i was thinking of just going to the Cambodian border like i have before and then walking back through,

    in that case laos sounds the best and i will go for the 6 month so i only need to go there once

    So I can't drive there on a bike and enter by land with a tourist visa and have it stamped?



  5. I am not from the French speaking part and am currently on a year, multiple entry student visa that will expire in November. Before I did not have to do runs with the student visa, I just had to report every 90 days. I will not have the means to get another student visa unless maybe I trick the university into thinking I will be studying with them and then just leave before paying tuition. I have already studied a year there and this could be possible. The only problem is the year starts in Sept and I doubt they would make a new visa early or something.

    I think it would be best to get a tourist visa, single entry or double would work for the time being, as I plan to be here into the next year for sure.

    Can I get this without going back to Canada, while staying in Thailand already? Will I have to do a run?

  6. A year ago when I didn't have a student visa I was still on the tourist visas, and at that time as a Canadian I only for 30 days just for entering Thailand. Then later I heard they were making it only 15 days to make it so so many people can't just keep leaving and entering so easy. Now my student visa will run out and I am no longer studying and I'm reading things like "just re-enter and get 90 days." Is this true? I plan on needing another 6 months here in Thailand before going back to Canada. If I just have to go to Cambodia and back a couple times this is no "biggy."

  7. That's a bit of a concern, no first class insurance on the zx10 but all other bikes have it. Wonder why the most expensive bike in his fleet, and therefore the most expensive to repair doesn't have full insurance? Might have a rethink on renting the zx then.

    Maybe because its a grey import. Rather than a sold by Kawasaki Thailand bike. I gotta say that Frank is not doing a very good marketing job with his rentals. People have asked him questions here at TV myself included to get no answer. Strange that.

    I will continue to rent from Pattaya beach road soi13 opposite the 7/11. From the women there, Ok no insurance but the bikes are good and cheap.

    Frank did do a good job talking to me. The phones didn't work but I talked to him via email and he was quite helpful. But he did mention that I must be the Lenny that was famous from TV. laugh.gif He also made a good point in saying the ZX was restricted and had no insurance, as if to put it down. Maybe it does ave insurance and he just didn't want me to rent that one! If I am on the reckless drivers list I might have to rent an ERn6/f from him under a different alias. Still never tried one, and no I wouldn't abuse it or neglect it. annoyed.gif

  8. lol any of them? there was only one damnit :P Unless your thinking of the 2stroke as well. In this case I saved the thing by applying the appropriate premix ratio and disposing of the pump while getting it figured out.

    I can recall three bikes you've blown up recently- the VFR400, the Gixxer and the 2-stroke. :whistling:

    I didn't blow up the VFR damnit. It never blew up, just came with problems already. And I didn't blow up the 2-stroke it came with 80,000 kms and was improperly serviced. The GSXR, yes I should have checked the oil levels and I could have avoided the break-down, and I learned from that, but I did love it and did NOT consciously neglect it. unsure.gif

  9. Yea that was me. Now there is no 2T problem and it smokes consistently and no excessively. Enough to see if you look but not enough to really notice if your just driving, or were to watch me driving it. Yes it seems like there is engine starvation as it gets warm most noticeable in the mid rpms before the power band, but still a bit noticeable if it hits the power band. The engine oil and cooling solution has always remained at the appropriate level since I changed the piston.

    Which seal were you referring too that might let air in if it was too worn out?

    While I'm at Kawa I could get them to replace the engine seals too. I'm sure it wouldn't cost too much.

    How much should it cost to replace the carb jets and engine seals? Cheap parts, but relatively complex labor.

  10. One has got to expect shit like that to happen with a public rental business. There's no way you can know everyone. Better to make it a private "rent to friends business." Or make the renter sign something that says "wait until the engine is 80 degrees Celsius before putting the engine into high rpms." He did say the bikes have first class insurance, but that the zx-10 doesn't.

    Also, I managed to find where the reference of me red-lining cold engines comes from, and no I don't go around redlining cold engines. For the record I never once put my GSXR750 past 7,000 rpm until it hit 80 degrees Celcius, and yes I did learn from the engine oil experience. The Victor is a little toy I got for $400 and I can replace the piston for $30 or the engine head for a hundred dollars as is, so I can experiment with it. Yes I hit the power band with it once after driving for only 2 minutes because I was getting confused as to why it seems to run so great when it's cold but starts sounding like shit after it gets hot. I just figured out that it is probably because it is running too lean, and as the air gets hotter it will naturally run leaner so preforms better when it is cold. Just learned this "science" 2 days ago. The more important thing is that it is my bike so I can do what I want with it, and I can replace the engine head for a days work, and no I have never done this to a nice, costly, 4-cylinder bike that was my bike, and wouldn't it to someone else's bike either even if "some else's bike" was some little $300 bike that was having issues.

    Would rent from Pattaya but I don't trust those bikes and don't want to have a mechanical failure in the country.

  11. hi. thanks richard. yea I put a new end piece on it not long ago and got the exhaust cut open, cleaned and welded shut.. at that time the performance increased unbelievably, but gave way to this other problem..

    im going to set up an appointment to get all new stock jets put in at Kawa, carbo serviced, etc, and hope that the problem lies in a clogged jet or something, rather than something more complicated, pricey, and the most annoying, hard to diagnose with Thai mechanics...

  12. well I'd like to replace all of them if needed.. needle jet, jet needle, main jet, pilot jet, air screw, slider valve..... and have it looked at by someone who knows what they are looking at... i've done some research but still couldn't do it myself..

    it's probably the easiest to just get it all replaced, but i'm not sure if one will just be able to look at the inside of the carb and figure out which part is the issue.. maybe it's something as simple as the main pilot air screw making it too lean...

  13. Yea. I just got a nice response from some forums from kawasakikips.com .

    Apparently if it's jetted too lean it will have power when it's cold, but when it gets warm/hot it will loose it's power.

    He answered all the other questions like where the filter and jets are and what that black RIS box is. Tomorrow I will take it apart again and inspect it and focus on the fuel filter this time. Then probably take it to KAWA and ask for new stock jets. The guy said that the kips engines are all 2-ring stock from factory so the piston should be ok. Before I thought it may have been from the piston from another response I got from thaivisa saying if there is the incorrect amount of rings it will lose power as it gets hot and then seize.

    It does sound like it's being starved of fuel tho as it get hot, so maybe there is too much air and not enough fuel in there. It can't be a 2T problem anymore now for sure and it seems like the piston isn't the problem.

    I just need to know how to say "jets" in Thai and in the right context. And this will not be done at your average mindless Thai mechanic shop either.

  14. It idles fine and I don't think this part would have anything to do with the problem. The problem seems to be when it gets hot, though it never overheats. The temperature is normal, it just has some other problem that seems to be connected to the temperature. When it is just "warm" and "warming up" it runs great and has normal power.

  15. I want to do some inspection, cleaning or replacing depending on the conditions. Kawasaki Victor 150cc.

    Attached is a pic. On the far right you can see the fuel line going into the carb, and just to the left, the choke. Before I had this all taken apart including that black piece in between the carb and the engine, and it all looked spotless and clean so put it back together. I did notice that grey metal piece that the fuel line goes to (from the tank) and the choke is located on, could be taken apart into 2 or 3 pieces but didn't bother at the time.

    So where is the fuel filter and the jets located here? Also, what is that big black box that says RIS on it stemming from beside the carb. Before I had it off but couldn't find any way to open it. It always seems moist with fuel or oil or something but can't figure out where it could be coming from.

    The bike still has an issue where it starts to run shitty, and wale in mid rpms, loosing all power and sounding like it is getting starved of fuel. But it only happens when the engine gets hot, but it never over-heats. For the first 5 minutes, every time, it always drives great and is full of power. It just starts to have problems after 5-10 minutes of driving. I haven't been using it much recently, and still also need to go check if the piston for this model is supposed to have 2 rings or 3 rings. I was told if this is off it will result in a lose of power as it gets warmer, until it seizes. I got the piston changed 3 months ago and got a 2 ring piston put in to replace the 2 rings that was already in it.

    post-75609-024225200 1282298471_thumb.jp

  16. What is an unreasonable wage? If I was an engineer graduate I wouldn't work for less than 70k/mon in Thailand. In Canada the lowest possible wage is like 120,000baht/mon upon graduation for engineers. I am aware the cost of living is lower as well though so I don't mind if it is a bit lower, but would just work in Canada for sure if it wasn't high enough to start buying a car, bike, etc...

    I am also aware of many UK qualified teachers getting 100,000baht/mon up.

  17. Sigh......!!!!!

    I seem to remember my thread stating: 'Today's Fuel Price And Where To Get Your Premium Go Juice'

    The latter part of the title is my main concern as I want premium mix, mogas if I can get it, in my bike. The Shell down the road from Big C is still pumping V-Power, so I have a very happy running Ducati as off about 2 hours ago. B)

    Is it that gasohol shit? Last time I checked they changed all their V-power Benzyne 95 to Gasohol 95. That was like 5 months ago. That day I didn't fill up. The only place I am aware of that has Benzyne 95 is Caltex, but only the ones inside Bangkok. Ones on the outskirts don't even have it.

    Another question. Shells V-power Gasohol 95. They always tell me it is like the same as Benzyne but I never really believed them. Is it really bad for ones vehicle?

  18. Well it seems like the only way to rule out the tank (cap, dent, or near on/off switch) it to fix it, wash it, and make sure that there are no signs of leaking.

    My 150 Victor had a slight leak on the cap. It would often be moist, but I never noticed bad gas mileage. 10 liters (like 300 baht) does seem a bit much for 75 kms but not too much.

    I used to drive my 150 Victor to university and back (probably about that but not sure) on about 200 baht and I did like to race it a bit.

    The vapors escaping from the cap shouldn't be enough to notice, but as for the "wetness" by the on/off switch for the fuel could make a difference. For the dent in the tank jst wash it and after driving it inspect for any moistness on the tank.

    Especially watch the on/off switch for how wet it is. It it leaking onto other parts below it?

    Get this basic stuff diagnosed before going further. It could be other problems that are more complex if it isn't the tank, but still easily fixed because it's a 2-stroke.

    Hope some other have some insight.


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