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Posts posted by lennya12threh

  1. About the first post, I don't think the under 20,000k is accurate for Thai engineers. My wife's brother was taking an electrical engineer degree but quit, but he did end up working at a big factory with engineers, and hes making 15k just on factory line without a degree or anything. Thai engineers depending on the position should make 50-100k after some experience.

    Basically I am in Thailand thinking of what degree to take. I would love to work in Thailand as I really like it here, but don't like teaching. I am aware that getting a degree in Canada would be better, but would like to stay here for now with my wife. There are a couple of various degree I am considering, computer engineering or maybe biotechnology. I would be more interested in engineering, and although I will need some xtra testing in Canada before aprroved, it would be sufficient for Canada, but I'm not sure what I could do with it here. On the other hand, with biotechnology, there are always places for teaching science in various international schools paying decent wages until I can find something else, and if nessesary could do decent in Canada as well with a masters added to it...

    Right now I am just planning and researching a bit to figure out what direction to go.

    I am also aware that most of the non-teaching jobs are quite specialized and require experience and also not really an option for me if I'm a fresh grad....

  2. I have been looking around and do see many job opportunities for an expat in Thailand (that aren't teaching), but it seems in general there aren't that many, as companies will hire Thai people first right? In my case I'm wondering what the possiblities for work might be as an expat in Thailand relating to computer engineering, if at all possible. Of course I would be expecting a decent salary as well.-Lenny

  3. Why carry that kind of cash anyway?

    As Jingthing suggested, open a bank account here - very easy to do on just about any kind of visa - and have someone SWIFT the money to it for you.

    Carry only the amount of cash you'll need for maybe a week.

    Safest, and most efficient.

    Yep, and better still, if you have web access to your account, SWIFT it to your newly-acquired Thai account, easy peasy. You guys must be nuts carrying through such dosh, whether it's a small amount to you or not.

    You get a much better exchange rate bringing cash into Thailand , no rip off swift fees or balls ups saying you wanted to send £ and then the UK bank converting it to Thai baht by mistake before they send it (oh really) I often bring cash.

    You must know all about bringing cash and staying away from bank acounts. Your name is yaaabaaaa. ;)

  4. Is there a certain limit as to how much cash I can bring in before I have to pay some penalty, tax or get some sort of hassle?

    Like what if I brought 6,000 CAN in the bag I carried on me(about 180,000 baht)?

    I'm speaking of entering Thailand through Swarnabumi, coming from Canada, on a student visa.

  5. Nice link. Yea those two must be near me as it says Ket Klong Toi, which isn't a far drive. <BR><BR>I'm going to also tell them I "MIGHT :)" be interested in a new piston and ask them what is stock for this model. 2 ring or 3 ring, as it has been showing signs of perfect performace for the first 15-20 min, then as it get hotter (3/4 on the temp gauge) it starts loosing some of its power and feels shakey, although it can still hit the powerband, I just don't like to at this point because the engine feels strained. <BR><BR>As for the 2T pump I opened up the switch a bunch and got a ton of smoke comming out, but it was inconsistant, sometimes I would get like a ton of smoke, too much, and there would alwaysb e trail, then after 5 minutes I noticed there was like no smoke. Maybe a minor clog or something I believe. I need to use the bike today and will tomorrow, so for now I just closed up the switch (putting the 2t on like lowest setting) and premixxed/shook in a drum 6 litres with about 150ml of 2T. Worked well today. Just got back now.

  6. The seals inside the pump? So this means opening the pump?

    I'd still be interested in knowing if that line going from the pump to the engine is supposed to be almost air tight from one end to the other. It obviously has some sort of filter on the end that enters just below the carb, but not sure if it is supposed to be as restricting of air passing through as it is, or if it is clogged up. If it is clogged up it may be the problem as I already tested the pump (removing the tube that goes to the engine) and when reving the engine it does move 2T out to where the tube would be attached.

  7. Alright. About the jets, yes I'll research. Already did a bit. :)

    Well I guess I'll take it apart again tomorrow and take a closer look at the carb as that it where they are located.

    Main question still remains about that tube and if it's supposed to seem like it's completely clogged up, and the replies from the mechanic. I'm pretty sure he is wrong, and he thinks my whole 2t pump system is fine based on smoke coming out even after I told him I put in 2T in the tank to compensate, without him even looking and told me that I don't even need to look at the system.

    So after looking at the system and doing some tests with it, and coming to him with this tube, I'm sure he couldn't admit to being wrong anyways. :o

    Maybe he is right though? I don't know. Does anyone here?

  8. And yea, all the mechanics seem to think its normal that it smokes quite well for 5 minutes and then doesn't smoke at all later... I don't understand the logic in this as it should smoke consistantly. The one I went to today just basically thought I was an idiot and disregarded all my concerns, saying I shouldn't have even checked out the pump in the first place. He just said if you look at the exhaust tip for wetness and dryness it is enough...

  9. To the post about the spark plug, that is what the old one looked liek before I changed it. I will do the spark plug check when I have some time, maybe on my next trip.

    I also already adjusted the oil pump as well today. Before it was already quite far out, but I put it out further to test whenever this tank of mixed fuel runs out. I am using Shell's 2T in the black can, was also reccomended by VocalNiel after I had already purchased it.

    Basically, today, I took of the plates infront of the 2T pump and it looked ok, but all dirty probably because of the chain lube splashing around when I drive. The valve that opens with the throttle worked fine and everything appeared to fit fairly well and soundly. I took off the line going from the 2T tank to the pump and it was definately working as it poured out everywhere. So I put it back on. Then I disconected the line that goes from the pump to "just below the carb" from the pump side and turned on the eninge and reved it a bit (with 2T in the tank too :) ) and 2T did slowly start coming out to where the line would be conected. Very slowly like a small bubble slowly approaching from inside, but it did work and I'm assuming it's not supposed to come seeping out. So then after I took off this tube completely (the pump to just below carb one) and inspected it. I tried blowing through it and it was like it completely plugged up. Trying to breath through it was like impossible and got like next to no air, so I thought it was plugged. So then I took it the mechanic down the street and showed him it and he put the air pump to it a blew through a bit, and air was able to get through. I still thought it was plugged but he disagreed and said that is normal that you can't even breath air through it but the force of an air pump can. I was thinking if I cant even get any air through it, how can the force of a litre of 2T get through it? What do you think?

    Also there was one other line coming from the pump going into what looks liek it would be the transmission or something. What is the function of this line? It is the one farthest to the left or front of the pump.

    I'm still not sure what is meant by the jets. When I took it all apart, all I saw was the 2T tank, going to the pump with a tube, and another tube going to just below the carb which I also took off, and then one more tube going from the pump to I dunno where, and I'm not sure the function of the last tube.

  10. Hi guys, thanks for all the input, and I don't feel that I am not taking advice. Some comments I am just unsure of because my experience and observations while riding the bike contradict it. (mostly being the idea that im flooding the combustion chambre with too much 2T) I am taking it in, and I suppose the next thing I will is check the autolube system for a leak. I do remember when the guy started it up before I bought it it smoked like a mofo so maybe it is this broken seal that has been mentioned. And yes apparetnyl the previous owner was an older guy owned the bike for 15 years and always drove slow, and I swear there was like a 1ft by 1ft pile of shit that came out of the exhaust before I just decided to change it.

    After the replies I'm fairly certain that the problem before must have been it was running lean. So for now, me adding 2T is nessesary before I get this figured out, and I don't believe I am adding too much or going to break the engine as I'm adding measured amounts and observing the smoke all the time. Also about the piston, the one that got wrecked was a 2 ring and the one it was replaced with was a 2 ring. I will try and research this model to see if it is a 3ring or 2 ring but I apparently the engine had never been opened before me and the previous owner never had a reason to open it the way he drove, so it was probably completely stock when I got it. It looks stock but looks liek brand new when you wash it. :)

    So, check the autolube system for leaks, check the piston type at stock, and check for a thermostat. Anyone know where the thermostat might be located?

  11. Lenny ,

    Sounds like the mixture is too lean. What colour was the top of the piston? Have you done and plug "chops" to check?Also you didn't say if the guy gapped the rings while he was reassembling. Does the bike have a thermostst in the cooling system, asian mechs. usually take this out because they deem it unnecessary but on some engines it screws up the water flow. May not on Kawa but i thought I would ask.

    If you go back to premix then you'll have to rejet unless the old carb has needle adjustments. As has been said oil is not fuel so if you add oil you have to add more fuel to get back to correct air/fuel mixture.

    My bike runs really good until the sun goes behind a cloud.
    Old two stroke humour

    Hi. I'll get a pic of the old piston up later day. The top was very light coloured and was kind of a mixture of silver and white all over it. I'm not sure what you mean by chops or tapping the rings. What he did when I watched was put in all new rings and applied a grease solution to them all.

    Also it does have a temp gauge so that must mean there is a therostat. I believe the bike pretty much stock as I am the second owner and it came in quite good condition.

    And whenever I add 2T I always do so after refilling and according to how many litres I put in. Ever since I got the new piston in and I've been adding to the tank about 15-20ml of 2T per litre of nezyne, it seems to be running very good and has all of its power throughout the rpms. It makes all the "dekwans" look. :)

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