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Posts posted by jazzbo

  1. I have a reconstructed right collar bone thanks to a Pick-up truck driver (me on bicycle) in Florida ... I developed a habit that at any mere hint of a collision I turn to the right and lower my left shoulder such that there is no question that I will knock-over any potential collider ... during my 6 month stint in BKK I never had any problem although I did in fact knock a few lightly ...

    What I find universal in Thailand is that they will stand in front of the elevator doors waiting to get on so that you have to practically knock them out of the way before you can get off.

    BTW I just noticed Weslh1 at #25 has much of the same technique

  2. If you've ever wanted to master another language, cram up on any subject, commit to self-growth or just pass those exams - with less effort!

    "Sleep learning is a way to harness the power of your subconscious while you sleep, enabling you to learn foreign languages, pass exams,

    undertake professional studies and implement self-growth by using techniques based on research conducted all over the world with great success."

    Hey! Tony Robbins says it's so -- so who is anyone to doubt -- all you have to do is pay a registered Thai language school the 25K and guarantee that you will sleep at least 4 hours per week with your tapes running and you will ace any inquisitor at CW or the various IMM outposts.

    more at sleeplearning.com

  3. I for one would not be so hard on K. SB and his frustration ... his mis-judgment IMHO was that all those attributes that allow his wife to be a wonderful person and in control when in her home country do not for many persons transfer to the USA or anywhere else ...

    Which is why I am always happy to see on the 'Visas & Migration to Other Countries' front page that there are no topic queries about re-location of a Thai female to the USA.

  4. It has been my personal experience over about 5 years that on several occasions -- before signing my affirmation of monthly income letter -- the US Consular Official will ask if I am aware that the Thai IMM Officer has the right to ask for corroborating documentation.

    The US Embassy does not 'certify' anything; the affirmation letter just states that the person in question stated under under oath to a US government official that they claim such an income.

  5. Imported food items I have bought in Thailand this year: 1-500 ml Tesco olive oil, jars of mustard from France/Netherlands, the occasional imported tomato products and pasta from Italy, 1 kg Grana Padano cheese from Italy at Makro, 4% grade powdered whole milk from NZ that I buy for my morning coffee... that's it...

    Oh and the coffee which I believe is from Indonesia and the Lipton tea bags for iced-tea from India.

    Cajun and Mexican spices / chills I bring from USA each year -- not too much weight

  6. As per OP query a health insurer in Thailand whether Thai-based or Thai JV venture with some foreign based insurer would -- for the most part -- not be in the least bit interested in what is referred to as 'personal and private information' UP UNTIL the point where you file a large enough claim to put their claims adjustors / investigators into action.

    At that point -- as TVI mentions -- you have already granted them a waiver to obtain any and all medical history information from anywhere in the world they deem as necessary to make their decision on the validity of the claim as to pre-existing conditions, medical history, etc.

    BTW when you apply for coverage from BUPA/Thailand they ask for the name of your exiting insurer or prior insurer and the policy number. That makes it easy for them to back track. And if you said that you do not HAVE any exiting or prior coverage and they find out that you do/did, that in itself would be grounds for denial of claim and cancellation of your policy with no refunds.

  7. The document I received from Thai Immigration (in Thai with their English translation) dated 3 December 2008 says:

    In case of having monthly income... Applicant must provide evidence of a monthly income with a minimum of 65,000 baht ... This evidence must include a Letter (issued by your Embassy of citizenship) ... Income could be pension, interest, investment payoff, etc.

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