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    Sakon Nakhon/texas/UK

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  1. That's fine pal, I have been given the information I needed. SomchaiDIY gave me what I needed.
  2. Hence the question.
  3. Cheers mate.
  4. I'd like to fit a 150W 24V booster for my shower. Is it possible I can tap into my shower for the electric I need? (can I chop the plug off and wire directly to my shower) Instead of running the cable to my nearest plug socket.
  5. Model is Hitachi turbine TM-60L
  6. Edit
  7. Hi Everyone, Why is it my water pump isn't consistently pumping, its intermittent, as in pumping ever 2 seconds. Is this normal? The pressure for my showers is not very good aswell. The external pressure is fine though. Any suggestions?
  8. Only just found out my dates getting back to Thailand so I thought I'd jump on the ticket site to see what's left. 12,000 thb seats are the cheapest. 36,000 for the three of us, bloody no chance. What a joke.

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