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  1. For what it's worth,I created my account in Australia and changed address details 20 years ago when I established myself here,on the odd occasions I checked the account it was still active but I haven't checked since the news to discontinue services here
  2. This month I have received 3 emails from Paypal advising that Thai account holders can again use their services here. The emails required me to login and verify my creds. As I haven't used the account for decades I gave it a miss.
  3. Is there any update on this request as I too would like to get a copy
  4. As a precaution I have saved the barcodes of both electric and water services to my phone, if the invoice gets water damaged,lost or we are away from home I can pay due amounts via bank app and scanning the saved barcode images.
  5. For 10 years my units per month have been similar, but May and June this year were both up 25%. July units were back to historical levels. Some months ago an MEA guy looked at the meter took some details and left,same guy returned after last billing period took photos of meter and again to some details. Unusual,do I have a dodgy meter or am I a suspected tamperer? My home in Australia did have a faulty meter, it got noisy at times when this happened the disc stopped spinning.
  6. Welcome to the real world,Australia had many auto makers for decades now finished due to cheaper imports undermining local manufactures. Chrysler gone Ford gone Gmh gone Mazda gone Nissan gone Toyota gone And others, together with suppliers,services and spares.
  7. Beware cooking oils from China https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-13/cooking-oil-contaminated-china-scandal/104089686?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other
  8. Thanks for advice on interpretation of max allowance,I can now add 50k to my calculations
  9. Survived many in Australia,here I have been zapped twice. First time in un earthed house with Safety cutout MCB that was tripping frequently for no apparent reason,trying to eliminate possible defects got caught out checking the external front doorbell button mounted in a cast iron gate post. A bit of a surprise that my normal reactions (in AUS I would immediately be a metre away ) didn't kick in as I looked around for a safe landing spot. The second followed immediately after kitchen modernization including providing earth cabling to all power outlets etc which was done while I was in AUS. First touch of the microwave revealed that the active was connected to the microwave frame,so no protection from the Safety cutout MCB
  10. If you read lines 3 and 4 of the OP's post my suggestion to fix his AIS problem would eliminate the need of a router,but there has been no response from the op.
  11. The op stated he is having problems with his AIS sim if you didn't get to read that bit then my post was irrelevant to you
  12. I cancelled broadband 4 years ago and have been using AIS ,DTAC and NT sims in my phone and they have been very reliable and as a bonus you don't need to go looking for wifi hotspots when away from home. I have also used a sim router with the same success for 4 devices at home,but now have 2 phones 2 sim cards , home devices ,TV,laptop,2nd phone and PC connect to hotspot on my phone,no problem. AIS sim 15mbps 70gbpm DTAC 30mbps unlimited data NT Thunder UpTo 30mbps at my home unlimited data
  13. If you look at my first post you will find it was directed to the op,suggesting he call the call centre re updating his package and a cheaper option could be available. If you had followed this suggestion instead of being lazy you would be fully informed of options available to you
  14. What ever is on her phone is her private business,sorry
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