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Maejo Man

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Everything posted by Maejo Man

  1. I suggest you read this.. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadiya-varshava?originalSubdomain=ch
  2. Does not look as if she has a screw loose.
  3. Yes it was and she actually moved in with him. Had a beautiful daughter, but sadly a large amount owing on her credit card. I think she made it to the six month mark, before he was single again.
  4. A mate of mine went into a large appliance store to buy a new washing machine. He walked out with a new machine also the sales lady!
  5. I stand corrected, memory seems to be failing🥲
  6. Being British just means that he was a native of England as opposed to being Welsh and being a native of Wales. All are issued with a British passport.
  7. I knew a chap once that had flown under the radar for over 25 years. It wasn't until he was seriously ill in hospital that the <deleted> hit the fan. He had just decided to drop out.
  8. Health and beauty magazines every schoolboys mandatory oggling and of course Barretts sherbet fountains at a penny halfpenny.
  9. In the last 25 years I have been with mrs MM, I would not dream of taking into a beer bar.
  10. Mrs MM always wears one to work every day. Not because of the dirty foreigners but on account of all the crap in the air in Chiangmai.
  11. Last extraction at the Chhiangmai dental clinic cost me the princely sum of 600 baht!
  12. No I don't know the facts and neither do you. Until they are known, it's all conjecture!!
  13. Are you all done with the Kiwi bashing? Last week it was the Swiss and Americans. We have only seen part of a video, which shows a foreigner restraining a Thai police officer with a headlock. We also see his friend dropping the magazine from the gun and clearing it. The question remains did the police office have the weapon drawn at the time, or was it removed from his holster? Nobody in their right mind attacks a police officer for no reason!! On top of the severe loss of face for the copper, he needs to be drug tested. These two Kiwis are not what they seem and it's obvious to most with some intelligence that they are attached to law inforcement or the military. Either way in Thailand the Police are god, and which ever way this turns out, there is going to be severe consequences.
  14. Another keyboard warrior with no idea if the facts!
  15. Glad to see that he has the convicted drug smuggler in his entourage! "The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age revealed he spent four years in a Sydney jail in the 1990s for his role in trafficking 3.2 kilograms of heroin into Australia".
  16. Can you imagine a Bangkok street circuit? 🙄
  17. Can I help it if you look like a drug dealer. There must be a reason why you are singled out and not me!
  18. Utter rubbish! Never happened to me on the many trips I have driven into Vientienne from Udon, and never heard of it happening to others? Where did you come by this little gem?
  19. We normally get " Lt General Somchai rushed to the scene to find............" but no details of the accident in this case, not even on the link.
  20. The Chiangmai-Mae- Hong Son road is one of the most challenging roads in Thailand, and needs complete concentration all the way!!
  21. Millions of baht driving along. I don't think she will be worried about a fine!
  22. It never ceases to amaze me the power of position and money in Thailand.
  23. Australia too at Phillip island.
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