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Maejo Man

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Everything posted by Maejo Man

  1. So he was riding pillion on a motor cycle taxi. From the small photo it looks like both were wearing helmets. The burning question is...... How did the driver avoid getting impaled when the passenger had a massive chest wound?
  2. Here's another from my old gran "you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear"
  3. Just coming up to 34 years and if someone asked me to get in my car and drive them to Khao San road I would not have a clue which direction to take. Never been there and no intention of going either. You can all me ignorant, but there are far better places to go.
  4. Australia would be the go, and for a 90 day non imm "B" no financials are required. Just the company letter with relevant ABN number.
  5. Nothing wrong with the girls that used to hang out at the Ace Cafe????
  6. We rode Nortons and BSA's not these fairy scooters ????
  7. The center was set up in 1962 under the auspices of the United States Air Force and was known as Detachment 415. When the US servicemen left Thailand in 1976 the Thais continued to run the station for the good of the nation. Now mainly staffed by US "government personnel" aka CIA
  8. If you ran the consumption through a meter you would be up for tens of thousands baht a month. The end result would be the same....You would get nobbled!
  9. After watching the video, I am amazed that none of the passing traffic even slowed down, let alone stop!
  10. The best scam they run is obtaining a letter confirming residence. It's a free service, but they always ask for 500 baht for collection the next day. I politely tell them in Thai that it's a free service and I can wait. Ok come back in a week is the usual reply. If you really need it the next day....pay!
  11. I had a look at his 1911A's and it surprised me how well they are made for 2200 baht. To convert this to a firing weapon would need some machining. Barrel locking grooves in the slide and re machining part of the frame. All you would need then is a standard Colt barrel.
  12. Many moons ago I got sprung by the green keeper for violating the 18th green with a lady friend at the Moor Park golf course. ????
  13. Air Force One is a Boeing 747 ...That's not
  14. Here is the inside of one! UHF and VHF radios for tracking and communication, instant number plate recognition, and license status, on board speed cameras front and rear, direct access to immigration data base. Plus a whole heap of other goodies. That's what you call a proper smart car!!
  15. He's lucky he wasn't in Singapore. One live round will get you seven years in jail, It's mandatory. I was leaving the army range at Nee Soon after a shooting competition and found a single round in my pocket. A Singaporean friend saw it and went white. He said chuck it out the window of the coach we were on, unless you want to spend the next seven years in jail!!
  16. A 35 year old driver with a Ms. Panaphon Surawit, 16, and not related?????
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