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Posts posted by Expat1

  1. When will they ever learn. Ground control from the air does not work. Every war since Vietnam has taught this lesson. But it does make the ordnance, repair parts and fuel suppliers a lot richer. Then perhaps the REALLY don't care in the West, hard to say. Boots on the ground is the only way otherwise, you are just j#rking off.

  2. I lived there for years. It is an extremely corrupt country. The govt owns the courts which rubber stamp whatever they are told to. It isn't even a real country actually not in the common sense of the word. Hopefully it will be swallowed up by the sea in the not too distant future. I can tell you stories as I actually knew some of the bright shining stars back when, Nair, Chaim, BG, Choh, etc and some of the antics they did. They would have been imprisoned in any other civilized region. I feel for that young girl. Stay away from them.

  3. Normally I don't comment on such as this as being not much point to it. I fully agree that taxi fares should be increased as agreed and planned as it is fair in my opinion. However, I have seen this scenario before years past in other countries in the region (Singapore was terrible in the early 80's for this same exact thing, hell it was a national crisis only solved by placing all drivers directly under NTUC) and invariably a kind of reverse mentally takes hold for while at least. This mentally takes the form of a depreciation of service as the taxi drivers realize that they make more per pax then previously and hence, feel that they can be more discriminating in pax selection and destination and it is a return to the bad old days of leaving paxs stranded and refusing proper service. This will happen in the short term and will gradually get better if the govt is willing to hold the taxi drivers accountable under this agreement as other countries in the region have. Only time will tell.

  4. Some of the commenters here have got it correct. Also for those of us who have been here a long time we simply just don't need all the drama. Personally, I find the Thai females to be among the most high maintenance females in the region and they create the most drama in their lives for themselves and with those around them just for something to do it seems. Even the well off high-so educated ones I have known try to emulate a local soap opera if given the chance. Too much grief. If you find a good calm rational female here then good for you but, that is not the norm. I have developed a few giks and that relationship seems to work well for me and all concerned with minimum drama. Here's to wishing the rest of you the best of luck.

  5. Normally the people on TV are not overly intuitive but, I must admit this has been quite amusing to read these comments. I am still laughing at a number of them. Well, for you FNGs what you have here is a normal Asian knee jerk over reaction to major face loss. Nothing will come of it. It would be fun to watch them try and implement it though if for no other reason to just see a new tourist's reaction to being forced to wear a device and numbered. Precious moments.

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  6. The last days of Rome, eh? A sick culture. Yes, I suppose he's correct. Britain and the West has become that. The Romans were buggering each other as much as they could and the Germans and Vandals just walked in pissing themselves with laughter and took what they wanted. Seems pretty much a repeat of that, alright. I suppose that is why the Scots want to pull out. (pardon the pun, please).

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  7. I worked in Cambodia twice, once under UNTAC and again later in the 1990's. I knew they were not the brightest of bulbs in Asia first hand but, I had no idea of this level of ability. Of course, not knowing much about how they are taught at present I can not comment as to the baseline level that they should have learned however, I can say with first hand knowledge they as a people have little motivation or interest at learning in general having personally attempted to train them for various jobs. So I suppose this result is in keeping with that experience.

  8. Wow, there are a lot of FNGs on this site. I worked in the marine and offshore industry for a long time in the 70's and 80's and there was just as much of this then as now. The problem now seems to be one of media hype and perception. Most people in the industry are aware that the type of "piracy" in this particular case was set up as an inside job. It is the norm around Asia and accepted on the local level. Sorry but that is the way the game is played here. Not many here are familiar with how some of the biggest names in Asia got rich on doing exactly this and still do from time to time as I am told by good friends still in the industry. As to the western concept of put armed guards on board the ship ok, fine but, who pays for it and what insurance company will cover it. Also to the uninitiated merc who is willing and foolish enough to stand guard on certain Asian owned tankers and cargo vessels, you would be better pointing that weapon at the captain and crew than over the railing as you are interfering with their livelihood. It is always about perception people, mostly theirs.

  9. The Thai women are some of the most beautiful in the world and I concur that if you find a good one that stays good and does not change for the worse as you both grow older then you are a very blessed (or skilled) person. Unfortunately in the 30 plus years that I have lived in Asia that is the exception and not the rule. I am truly envious if you have that situation and congratulate you if you are able to keep it. I really do hope you can maintain that life, it sounds wonderful.

  10. The answer to your question is yes. I was just having this conversation recently with people I have known here for over 20 years and it is quite noticeable. I have an attorney friend with a large law firm here that has been commenting on how many companies he has been winding up in the last year. I was astounded at the numbers and they are not just small firms but some very large ones. He explained in his case much of it stemmed all the way back to the floods several years back and that companies take time to come to such decisions and take action on them. When large companies move their subcontractors usually follow suit. It seems we are seeing the result of that only now. Add to this the political, govt and economic situation recently which has exacerbated that even further.

    I myself am considering moving back to Indonesia where I used to work years ago as the prospects in Thailand are not that good any longer. Most people I have known for decades concur that the attitudes here have changed for the worse generally. In fact, we are in favor of the coup and what it is accomplishing but, believe it may be a case of too little too late. Many Thai based foreign companies are relocating to other countries in the region where better policies toward foreign workers, access to local finance, cheaper overall costs and generally a better attitude to foreign owned companies and their expat employees exist.

  11. There are a lot of FNGs on this site so you should simply figure this one out for yourself. Most of the people here have not done much in Asia. BTW, B9000 is not much to a FNG from the west but it is a great deal to a working Thai, so overall not out of order. There are a number of reasons why your girl (many Thai girls) do not wish to make a fuss over money even in large amounts. Mostly it runs to the Thai cultural concepts like 'glang jai', etc which would take too long to get into here but you should be aware of these. Whether you should do it depends on your personality. If you like a bit of fun in espionage and trying to get back what is yours from a scumbag then go for it. Have some fun and I guarantee you will learn alot more about the Thais and outcomes here then the FNG's on this site that get their experience in bars and such. Don't be put off by the newby comments. Firstly, you absolutely can record a conversation and use it as evidence with the police (and other authorities as well, in fact, I suggest it) as you can with a video. Secondly, the Police will most certainly be very keen on this if the man makes some incriminating remark. KIV, this was a commercial transaction not a personal dispute. As a commercial transaction that would allow that fraud or theft could be involved, it all depends on the police the family get in front of at the time and of course, if that amount of money motivates them at that point. You have the right to make out a police complaint against any such activity and with audio evidence the police would probably consider some form of action. What precise sort of action is part of your learning curve here.

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  12. If you are not aware yet Thailand is a land of laws. Sometimes this fact is not so obvious but true nonetheless. The laws here are not based on western common law so they may seem a bit alien to westerners but they can work for you just the same.

    We just got a young neophyte out of a similar problem to yours recently.

    The procedure is as follows.

    Firstly, obtained her ID card number and her name as on the ID card (in Thai if at all possible but the phonetic equivalent should suffice). Next send a registered mail to her last known address (such as her parents or better that on her ID card). It is easy to send a registered letter here and takes all of 20 minutes at the Post Office. Also we sent an email to her email address. Obtain and retain hard copies of both. In the mails be specific, do not embellish or threaten her simply ask her not to visit you anymore, be succinct and polite but firm.

    Next visit the police station for your district (be sure it is for your residential district). Make out a police report that she is harassing you at your home and you feel threatened and unsafe that she may cause you harm. Keep a copy.

    With copy in hand return home and visit the manager of the apartment you live in and show them the police report and then show security as well.

    After this it is doubtful that security will let her up to your room again. If they do let her up, see the management and intimate that you may sue the apartment building for not upholding the protection you pay for. In shouldn't go that far but the apt management will make sure she won't bother you at the apartment again.

    If she bothers you on the street carry the police report copy (even a photocopy) and show it to any policeman and he usually will escort her from your presence.

    This is obviously a pain in the rear to have to do this but it does protect you to an extent and on the cheap and if need be, you have put in the initial necessary steps to have her arrested and to sue her family if you so desire.

    Thais are scared to death of court here. It is expensive for them and they do not understand it. What they do not understand they fear.

    It is the law so use it your advantage.

  13. Well, this is not totally unexpected. If the Cambodians are doing it the Thais must keep up, otherwise they would lose face. If one is old enough and was here in the 1990's you shall remember the purges by the upper caste Khunyings of prostitutes and other Thai females that were seen with expats . Some of those highly noble women even got before Parliament to encourage this noble crusade. However, they took great pains to ensure not to encroach on Thai brothels or massage parlors where Thais and Asians went. Only European/Amer based areas were to be effected. The racism in Asia leaves anything one may have seen in the West far behind. But you get use to it.

    I wouldn't lose too much sleep over this issue, gentlemen. They will make it a law shortly and for a time it shall be enforced but then in time it shall be forgot and it will be business as usual like so many laws before it. Hey, lest we forget why such edicts are issued, this is a great law for the bureaucrats and police of the future to extort money from old men who are dying to marry a Thai girl don't forget. They are not about to miss an opportunity like this.

  14. Lordy, lordy, when will they ever learn. Well, probably never because new ones get off the planes everyday with an absolute certainy that "they are just like us, only shorter". And nothing short of divine intervention can convince these men otherwise.

    I have taken to telling newbies (and some longer term guys who get carried away) to read Stickman's wonderful treatise on "Why I will never marry a Thai woman". It is without doubt the finest paper ever written on the subject. It was written by an American half-Thai man who came here in his twenties to go to University and stayed and has been here for decades. Very valuable insight and information. And it's free.

    People, you are in Asia the name of the game is Money and Fear, at every level.

    Suggestion to the fool that made this video is to get back up on the horse and try again. Better yet get up on the horse in another country with different women as the mentally of the women here are obviously way to alien for this man.


  15. Most of us who have been in Asia a long time saw this happening years ago. But, then again have any of you spoken to an Amer or Euro child lately. These kids are unbelievably ignorant of the most basic knowledge in science, math and history. I actually met a young lady from the US here who mentioned that she she was going to visit Vietnam, "you know, in China". So perhaps those that live in glass houses should not throw too many stones but, then again the world needs ditch diggers too.

  16. Dear sirs,

    If you are interested in marrying a Thai woman after a divorce without waiting the 360 days as mentioned then get married in Hong Kong. It takes about one (1) month. As of recently you need to visit the Marriage office there to provide your fiance's details together with a certified copy from the Thai Home Ministry that she is presently single (though yours is not required, quite civilized) along with a qualified translation to English. The HK office places an ad in the local paper to verify if there are any objections to this union and then you are advised of a date and time for your marriage appointment. All very official and quite courteous and professional.

    But be advised Hong Kong marriage is recognized EVERYWHERE. Once you are married you do not need to certify anything at an Embassy. She has full legal rights as your wife in Europe, USA, etc etc.. Getting divorce is not that easy in HK. Usually a minimum of a year is needed to divorce, even if you get a judgement somewhere else the HK gov't will take about a year to note it in their ledgers.

    If I may make a comment to prospective grooms, I have been in Asia all my adult life for over a quarter century. I have found the the Thai women are among the most beautiful, accessible and obtainable and the highest maintenance women in Asia requiring an inordinate amount of your time amd mind. Might I suggest you venture further afield to find someone to be happy with on a long term basis. I would recommend both China and Indonesia over Thailand women for long term relationship. The concepts mentally of these two groups are quite different with regards to husband, family and marriage somewhat more akin to western concepts than the Thai.

    In any case, good luck to whoever may be contemplating this endeavour.


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