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Posts posted by Expat1

  1. Unbelievable the lack of historical knowledge from the people that come to this site or then it could also just be selective memory. Now the chaining up part ok, that is definitely Asian in response to whatever the service sailor did to upset the officer and is harsh however, the practice of using conscripts as domestics was most certainly used by the officer class in both the US and UK armed forces in the 1960's and 70's because I saw it used at the time. It was accepted common practice. No wall chainings I am aware of though then. Now if that has changed there, which I would be very skeptical that it has entirely, then so be it. Most militaries in the world use conscripts in such roles as domestics, cooks and office staff, etc. in officers houses. Perhaps the West has completely done away with that, if so then very noble. Most the rest still do. Personally though, I sure would have rather been a service domestic on some base with 3 hots and a cot everyday than humping a weapon around in the mud had I been given the choice. Pretty certain all things being equal these guys probably would as well.

  2. If the US is so concerned perhaps they should send that expensive navy that spends an inordinate amount of money sailing around out there to pickup these boat people and take them back to America and deposit them there with all the other millions of other immigrants streaming in and give them accommodation, food and an education for free and force their poor overburdened citizen taxpayers to foot the bill. That way they can really show how noble they are.

  3. Good for them. Why should they turn their countries into a dumping ground for refugees? If the Americans and European press has convinced their respective foolish nations to allow that and those nations agree then that is up to them. One notices that the UK, Denmark, et al have recently refused anymore such intake. Send them home. If you want to help fine. In the case for Rohingya and Myanmar go there and talk, threaten or act but expecting the surrounding Asian countries to blindly take them is just plain wrong.

  4. Good for them. Why should they turn their countries into a dumping ground for refugees? If the Americans and European press has convinced their respective foolish nations to allow that and those nations agree then that is up to them. One notices that the UK, Denmark, et al have recently refused anymore such intake. Send them home. If you want to help fine. In the case for Rohingya and Myanmar go there and talk, threaten or act but expecting the surrounding Asian countries to blindly take them is just plain wrong.

  5. Before one goes off on what western media claims are "regimes" that are the States that act this way in such matters one might look at the Asian cultural imperatives as the actual reasons for this situation rather than political ideology or other, a prime example is Japan. Japan's Police have an average between 93% and 99% (NYT) conviction rate (depending on source) even though in many cases the accused is known not to have been guilty to the prosecutors but they prosecute and win anyway. It is a cultural imperative, as stated, because if the police arrest then the court must convict as otherwise there are serious face implications and societal repercussions. This goes for Korea and some other countries in the region as well. Very Asian.

  6. The Thai hospitals, as all know, have been overcharging for years, especially foreigners. Anyone can check the pricing on the internet and notice the Thai prices have been escalating for years as the Thai doctors view the western prices and keep increasing accordingly. Though they do have some qualified medical doctors, surgeons and staff many are not so qualified and are graduates of the Thai medical training system that streams into the public health sector. These doctors do their time there then go into private practice and they are accepted, more or less, the same as the ones that have been trained in first world countries. Also the ones I have met of the Thai trained cadres are usually the more political and xenophobic of the two.

    Why one would go to a Thai hospital for anything serious (unless there was no choice due to circumstance or they are going to an anomaly here like an eye hospital here which is world class) is beyond me, when one has the choice of going to Malaysia, Spore or Hong Kong as superior alternatives at prices that are now not really that much different.

  7. I see you have got the Zionist band of reknown with you on your Like This list there.

    I notice you didn't attack the OP comment but me personally. Very Zionist of you.

    That what zionist always do, to try and discredit the speaker. That is not working out well much anymore worldwide for you guys, is it? How do you go from my comment hoping to remove a racist Zionut like her (which the NYT has endorsed as same) to alluding that I am personally endorsing terrorists. Only a zionist makes those leaps (for the reason mentioned). Ulysses and others on your "like this" list there have already been outed as dyed in the wool zionists by others on this forum and anything a zionist like this female nutter does seems just fine by them. So one supposes it is ok with you as well. So your comments concerning my comments or me for that matter don't hold much merit or even logic for that matter. I believe you evidence the case that anything that is said against zionism must be attacked at all costs immediately and discredit the speaker...before it spreads. Good luck on your bigotry and keeping this forum safe for zionists everywhere.

  8. Unfortunately Thailand followed by the PI will be the odd man out in this scenario. Also unfortunately it will be self induced. A real shame because the populace has the innate intelligence to actually succeed in such an environment but the cartel based economy here and the cultural imperatives that allow that situation will not allow this country to truly participate in this as agreed.

  9. "...56-year-old former media executive...Geller was raised in a Jewish household on Long Island and champions Israel as a "beacon of freedom in a very oppressed and violent region,""

    You must be joking about Israel right? since when? Maybe for Zionuts like her it is. That pretty much says it all for the credibility behind this noble creature. A New York Zionist comes down stirring anti-Muslim sh#t in Texas. Just what the Texans need, I am sure the Texicans just love that. She has the temerity to hide behind being for the Christians, geez.

    "We want to outlaw humor? We want to outlaw comedy? If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize."" We know who one can not criticize in the US and it sure aint the Muslims, ask Mel Gibson, et al.

    So her idea is to make fun of the Prophet M. and ridicule an entire religion. That must be funny to a racist JAP (Jewish American Princess) from New York. Ok, but making similar cartoons defaming Jesus in Texas won't go far I can assure one of that. I don't see the difference, a religion honcho is a religious honcho.

    What about cartoons of Negros eating watermelon and laying about shooing flies, etc. in racist stereotyped cartoons, is that funny as well? that's free speech according to this person. It's just a funny cartoon, right? That will probably get you jail time in certain areas of that emotionally crippled country, no joke with the "hate crime" laws there. Not her though, it seems she is from New York and bashing Muslims it appears is Ok there under their laws as long as it is done for Christians I guess or some other reason that is not so prima facie.

    "Geller has always hired armed security personnel to protect the scores of events she has spearheaded..."

    She obviously needs it. The Texans should send this crazy person back to the crazy person land in New York.

    However, having said that kudos to the New York Times.

    "The New York Times said Geller "has a long history of declarations and actions motivated purely by hatred for Muslims" and called the Garland event "an exercise in bigotry and hatred posing as a blow for freedom. ... To pretend it was motivated by anything other than hate is simply hogwash."" W

    Why Americans put up with this it beyond me if for no other reason it is bad taste, bad manners and discourteous and seriously bigoted. What a Zionut. A shame whoever shot was not a better shot, maybe next time they will hit her and put her out of our misery. Who needs this.

  10. Whoa, this seems to be a growth industry worldwide. It is booming in MidEast (especially near Egypt), South America, Latin America, China, and Thailand also Eastern Europe if one believes the female sex slave trade thing. I saw an advert recently that says one can get a wife from Vietnam and if she runs away they will replace her for free. Now that is service. Is Forbes going to do a fiscal analysis on this like they did the drug business which is apparently larger than the auto industry now revenue wise? is there an apprenticeship program for this type of work as I always wonder how the hell does someone think to get into this? What do they say, hey, let's go grab that broke laborer over there and squeeze his family for a scraps? That would seem counterproductive to me. In Latin America they only grab the wealthy for ransom and women for prostitution. That seems a more sensible business model. These boys here just don't seem too bright. <deleted>?

  11. "He thinks he acted appropriately," Swerling said. "He regrets a life was taken."

    Do I get this correct , he shot the guy in his driveway. The officer acted appropriately? Ok, fine I was not there but, please explain to me why the city settled at $1.2 million.? "Satterwhite's (the victim of the shooting) family reached a $1.2 million settlement with the city over the shooting. Lawyers in the case were allowed to see the video, but had to sign an agreement not to disclose it to anyone else."

    Call me me crazy but I just can't figure why the city would settle for that amount so relatively quickly if this was an "appropriate" shooting as the defense claims.

    In any case, the US seems to have more and more Type A personalities running around in blue with guns. It must be an extension of all those money confiscation laws that allow the Police and Feds to take citizen's wealth and never charge them with a crime. Under that mind set shooting any one that won't do what they are told, when they are told to do so, would seem justified to that authority and would appear as an extension of this concept that we can do pretty much what we (Police) want with little fear of legal reprisal. Money means more to American legal system than lives, it always has, look at the sentences handed out in comparison of the 2 crimes. Or so it seems. I truly feel for the poor Amer citizenry now that has to live under such a regime.

  12. Growing up during the boom of immigration from eastern Europe after WW2 I can say categorically there is no bigot like a Jewish East European immigrant when it comes to dark skin peoples. They even made the Ku Klux Klan blush, no joke. Israel (and it's govt and senior officials) is basically dominated by this crowd, or their descendents, so no mystery there. A real noble bunch.

  13. I am going with door Number 2, Bob. This is a recurring theme in Asia. I have seen this with variations on a theme in multiple countries. 'Wah, pay back so much money. Can not. Cheaper I kill him, better , mai?" My favorite variation on this theme was back in the 1980's when a expat friend of mine (a Swede) in Indonesia was half owner of a successful oil pipe line installation company. He gave a loan to one of his contractors of about $250k. Well, next thing you know the expat is arrested by Immigration on some nonsensical charge and deported to Singapore.. and stayed out for 6 years (those old hands who know this guy and this story just jump on in, it is well known). Anyway 6 years later he gets back in. His company suffered for a while but started doing a lot better so he could "arrange" to return. It took him a while and a bunch of "arranging" with various officials to find out that it was the contractor he gave the loan to that had him deported because it was just plain cheaper to deport then to repay. Welcome to Asia.

    My money is one this motive for this shooting instance.

  14. "When a coward takes a shot at someone with a child in there arms, When caught I hope they hang him by the family jewels and put a round in his gut so he slowly dies. Not siding with the party he may or may not belong to, I'm siding with the child. RIP"

    Ok, I got it, you mean like similar to a US military or PMC sniper or do you mean like the drones that hit the wrong family while they are at dinner? Ok, I am with you.

    Actually, I have not heard of a rifle sniper at work in Thailand for years on a private basis.(not counting the Red shirt incidents years back which were more than probably military or Police snipers). It could have been worse, usually it is an amateur with a heavy caliber handgun which would have hit him, the child, the wife and several innocent bystanders. Considering the past killings in this country this was fairly professional and clean.

    As to why he was hit and was it justified we'll need to wait to see. These people get up to some ignoble things, like Rohinya mass graves, fishing slaves, etc and so forth so we just have to wait til the jury comes in.

  15. I have no problem with death penalty when deemed necessary by society however, I have always had a problem with the various methods they have tried and used. In the last century they have used hanging, injection, electrocution, HCN gas, firing squad, single shot, other. The argument back when was they should not be too easy on such a criminal. Ok, but if death is the object and intended result the criminal is not going to remember if it was painful or not which kinda defeats that purpose. The concept of nitrogen in a closed execution chamber until death occurs is 100% fatal and there is no error possible. Extract the air and pass in nitrogen in quantity and the subject has no idea of the exchange and just falls asleep and dies within minutes. No fuss no muss and always successful. If you have to do it this seems the most effective method.

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  16. "I hope the case is delayed until this antisemite is under ground. If he is so keen to obtain a platform from which to spout his bile perhaps he should join some of our esteemed members on this very forum."

    Really? What has his actions to do with members of this forum? Why do various persons here not agree with your dictates? Sorry I had not noticed. While I do not hold with what this moron halfwit did and believe his punishment should be severe it would appear this vitriolic attitude you espouse, if prevalent at present in the USA, might have had something to do with his motivation. Seldom such acts happen in a vacuum. Just an observation.

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