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Everything posted by cusanus

  1. That's the reply I got after I was told that they would respond and send a new barcoded form. That's why I send filled out blank forms to Manilla, Wilke's Barre PO and also the street address. Probably overdoing it, but she lost her benefits one year when a form wasn't required and gets constantly put off attempting to have her address changed. It's correct this year, but still no form. In the comment box on back of her form she puts "Can you explain why I never receive a form to return like everyone else?" NOTE: I don't know why anyone in Thailand would skip a year since it is established that a form is required every year for Thailand. Advise you to overlook that response and send one in anyway, but this is not legal advice, of course.
  2. Sorry, I don't follow this conversation very well. Personally, I've never had to bother worrying about it the last 17 years myself. The last time I sent a 7162 to Wilkes-Barr I used the physical address, not the PO Box. If it means anything, I did get confirmation on the tracking that it was received. I didn't bother to use tracking this year, but nothing I've sent has ever failed to be received. My (friend's) problem is that somehow she doesn't get correspondence and her payments were once terminated for no reason. Apparently, different SS batches are handled by different offices and a few of them aren't competent or honest. I was told that Manila will confirm if it's been received and if not send a new 7162, but I wasn't able to get through on the phone (too busy) and my email to request such was also acknowledged but told it would not be read by a human or answered. Could call again, but have to have the other person present. Think I won't bother because I'd already sent three copies of hers, one each to Wilkes-Barr PO Box, the Wilkes-Barr physical address and also Manila FBU email. Seems like I've gone far beyond what's reasonable and little chance her form hasn't registered so think I'll quit trying to confirm it.
  3. Thanks, this worked for me. HOWEVER, it wasn't a good time for my friend. I am legally responsible for taking care of her and have been very concerned that after five years it is not possible for her to get mail from SS and her benefits were once suspended. I was told that I could call Manila and get her info and/or have another form 7162 be sent to her. Was not able to call Manila because they shut off their phones if too busy. so requested the info by email. Meanwhile... this may be worth your attention. I found that you can make an online SS account and check the status of things. I'd forgotten that we had done an account like that for her years ago but was reminded by an email from SS. So, we logged into her account and saw that the new address was there. I took this to also mean her 7162 form had been received and posted. No certain acknowledgement of that, but the date on the verification of benefits letter was today's date. I'm also expecting a reply to the email I sent Manila and a new 7162 form with barcode, etc, be sent if her 7162 hasn't been registered yet.
  4. Yes, have done that several times over the years, but they give no answer to that. When she lost her benefits the first time they refused to say why that happened. Spent several hours on the phone in 2018 with SS, two or three calls, and they claimed they couldn't change her address, though the one they had was close enough. The 1040 has always been correct. The government refuses to send her mail or the postal service doesn't work, but she always gets other stuff. They don't like her it seems, but won't say why.
  5. Received mine Friday in CM, but my friend who has NEVER received one appears will not as she never has in the last five years despite repeated queries about why she gets no government correspondence even from the IRS. Her house is in the same tambon as mine. That's why I send hers to both Manila and Wilkes Barre. I'll include another form for her with mine in the return envelope with the comment "why...".
  6. I thought EMS was the way to go, but was quoted about 1500 baht. No way, like you say, it won't make a difference in the end. Anyway, my experience of 17 years is that outgoing mail is terribly reliable and for most of us so is incoming mail. Alas, for some reason, some people do not get mail from the US government and have to ponder the best way to ensure the form is received and benefits not stopped as happened to my friend once. I've always gotten mine and sent it back ordinary mail with no problem.
  7. I give up, you win. Think. I said it was never a problem of mine, not for 15 years. But I'm not you and you're not everybody. I sent the one in question to that address and it was in fact recorded as advised by certain embassies where this approach provided a remedy. I prefer that advice, but don't hold back. Who knows.
  8. If you've ever had your benefits up and suspended without notice, you'll want to make sure the forms are received, at least it's a major panic for some people and reason not to lay back and wait on the bureaucracy. I've never had that problem myself, but after being witness to it, I tend to burst from the chute. The form should have been here first week of June as always.
  9. You're the one (Ubon) who said yours didn't get received on time. I've done this before. If it's received at the office building it's recorded and that's the end of that. They don't toss them. But thanks for your good advice as always.
  10. Suppose I jumped the gun, but... emailed mine today to Manila, also sent to Room 341: address on envelope if you got it: SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION PO BOX 7162 WILKES BARRE PA 18767-7162 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA direct to office building: Social Security Administration Wilkes Barre Data Operations Center ATTN: FEQ Analyst, FEQ Forms 7161-7162 1150 E. Mountain Dr. Room 341 Wilkes Barre, PA 18702-7997 Email: Email a scanned pdf copy of the completed form to [email protected] using as subject: FEQ-country where you live-last name of the worker’s record under which you receive benefits (sample: FEQ-Colombia-Perez); or fax it to 506-2291-1032. Fax: 632-8708-9714 or 632-8708-9723 Email: [email protected] NOTE: https://www.medellinherald.com/antioquia/expcorn/item/679-u-s-embassy-in-colombia-issues-new-‘proof-of-life’-rule-for-social-security-beneficiaries-here
  11. Yikes. Now I remember, forgot to file my FBAR! Better check on that, boys.
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