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Posts posted by cusanus

  1. Concerned? I came here after being threatened by an FBI agent and friends who were very credibly reputed to be up to their necks in drug dealing and the murders of several people who had received the same basic threat. I know nothing of the drugs, which allegedly are imported by the CIA out of Miami, but 5 will get you 10 that the throat slashings of three local grandmothers were related to drug sales. Meanwhile, I do know for a fact that a drug distribution racket in town poses as a business front run out of Miami. The threat towards me came as a result of my catching them up on an insurance scam that led to the deaths of two children. Thanks for your concern, Uncle Scam, but that's only one page from my 50+ years in the US, and I'll take my chances in Thailand, if you don't mind.

  2. Is nothing sacred? What if Kwanchai had another Big Mac attack, he could have been killed. Stop with the bombs we all deserve a break today!

    I left the US to get away from things like McDonald's, so I won't be shedding any tears. Too bad, though. Right, this was a Big Mac Attack!


    Yellow arches on a red background, work harmoniously to bring us sustenance, I think we could all learn something from that.

  3. Baby, let me assure you, the vaccine is NOT safe. Not only is it NOT safe, it's quite likely deadly. Furthermore, Einstein, the med/gov are/is lying through their teeth when they say the vaccine will prevent the flu. Even if it did, which it definitely does NOT, nor did any vaccine ever prevent a disease, I'd much rather die a relatively quick and violent death from the swiney flew than the slow, agonizing, expensive death that the medical industry wants to stick me with. Can you read my lips? :)

    LOL more BS propaganda! How many doctors get regular flu? sure it's more... I just can't wait when they start getting the first people with side effects coming forward crying about it... All I'll say is TOLD YOU!

    Taking into consideration the fact that the government made it impossible for anyone to sue the manufacturer of the vaccine one has to really wonder why they'd do such thing??? Cause they know the shit isn't safe...

    lol i wouldn't doubt it is a random number and a ficticious story. my wife's school forced all teachers to get this vaccine. this story is likely the Health Depts manipulation to get people to want the vaccine.

    Thailand plays more mind games on its people than any western country. i thought the US was bad..

  4. Swine flu can't get me through my tin-foil hat!

    Wake up, Einstein! The swine flu won't do you that much harm, but the vaccine will kill you for sure, a bit slowly perhaps. The 10% that the NWO wishes to save won't include very many who got the vaccination. Better research this issue more carefully. Meanwhile, believe on the Lord Jesus if you really want good medical protection.

  5. Whatever you've been told, the amalgams WILL be spewing poison into your body as long as they are there. By the time you figure this out, your brain may be too far gone already, and other organs as well. I've had several family members destroyed by amalscams, but the toxins in the fillings interact with vaccines and other sources, so it may not hit all at once. GET THEM REMOVED! I used Grace in Chiang Mai, they are good enough, but do not use separate oxygen, which is a better choice if you can get it. Do NOT get them replaced until you study detox issues thoroughly. Andrew Cutler is the BEST source, the website has enough to get started w/o buying his book. The BEST thing to load up on is a shotgun, megadose of B vitamins 2-3 times a day, but there are numerous other things that help, take as much magnesium citrate per day w/o loosening stools too much, etc, etc, etc. Good luck.

    Hello Chiang Mai Forum Users,

    are there any good dental clinics in chiang mai one could recommend? did a bit of research via google and found that there are quite a few dental clinics in chiang mai.

    i want to go ther and remove my very old amalgam/mercury fillings and currently looking for a good & professional dental clinic which is sort of specialized in mercury filling removal. well ... i'm sure i won't find a mercury removal specialist up there in chiang mai as most dentist still promote a being totally safe.

    but can someone recommend a dental clinic in chiang mai which offers good & professional service? a list of different clinics available would also be nice ;-)

    came across this clinic -> grace dental care -> hxxp://www.gracedentalclinic.com/

    is it any good? does anyone have any experience or recommendations with dental clinics in chiang mai?

    any help towards the right direction would be highly appreaciated - thanks ;-)

    all the best & fun


    been using grace for three years quite a bit , i was thinking about getting the white fillings become a movie star get rid of amalgam/mercury fillings ,the denist at grace i trust asked me how long i had these fillings i told her for > 40 years.. she said a good idea to leave them better, sounder than the replacement ones....kinda why fix something that is not broke ??

    i read the stuff about that they may be bad but have i been sick for last 40 years?? no. but cosmestically i would love to be a movie star with perfect white teeth showing no fillings.... i did not go further but this is very cheap to do there.the clinic is like being in the states... clean!!!

  6. Ditto for me in Hang Dong. Connection bubble used to say 100mbps, now says 1gbps, the speed test per this forum shows 1443kbps, but I get disconnected every few minutes, actual bit rate is highly variable and effectively at a crawl... been this way for a couple of weeks. Always a little flakey, but I have to admit that most of the time it hasn't been too bad. Let's hope it gets better again...

    test your internet connection speed and it says i am getting a download speed of 1650kb/s? what a load of crap.

    I dont know how the internet connection tests do there thing but in reality its nothing like your really getting.

    cam anyone suggest a good provider that has a decent consistent connection and get what you pay for?

    1650kb/s ,,,That's your internet speed to Bangkok, all speeds quoted in Thailand are domestic speeds, as soon as you go international forget what you signed up for.

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