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Posts posted by jayboy

  1. Encouraging to see so many satisfactory experiences.I think we are getting there.


    It struck me that the actual process of vaccination could be speeded up if the Blood Pressure checks were dropped.Obviously they do no harm and nobody would object (I certainly didn't) but I wonder what real purpose they serve.I don't believe they are done in the UK.



  2. 19 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    "He who is without sin, cast the first stone" comes to mind. 


    His many of you partake in corruption here, like pay 200 baht to the policeman when speeding, or pay 20,000 baht to a visa agent so you don't need to show funds in the bank, or pay for extra classes for your kid so they pass their exams, or pay immigration  2000 baht so you don't need a embassy letter etc? 


    Boss is being hounded just for being rich. A normal person pays 50,000 baht for this crime. How many of you would pay for your kids to walk from this kind of thing? 





    A rather myopic post if I may say so because it's in denial of Thai realities.In short - and there are always exceptions - Thais don't have much of a sense of community outside those close to them.There's much talk of love of nation, flag, and other Thais - but it doesn't usually amount much more than a row of beans.


    I do however agree that the forces that protected Boss apply to any well off Thai family which would lie and cheat and pay off officials to protect a family member who had committed a crime.


    There are a couple of points to make


    1. Social media has changed everything and it's a lot harder for abuses to be covered up now.Boss is not being "hounded just for being rich", a really disgraceful comment which I will simple note though you should be ashamed of it.There is a (slightly) more energetic pursuit in this case because of the political downside involved - see comment on social media.That's why Prayuth got involved.


    2. Thais usually cannot get into their skulls that other cultures (in the developed world) do not protect criminal offspring at all costs.The duty to society comes first.The equivalent of Boss in civilized countries would be marched by his parents to the police station.It's not a level playing field because they would find the best lawyers to defend him.They love him no less than Thai parents but there is also a duty to society which does not exist here.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, theoldgit said:


    That's not strictly correct, all visitors to the UK, including UK Nationals who are not normally resident in the UK, have always been able to access the NHS free at the point of delivery for emergency and certain other treatments, this has been extended to include Covid related issues, including vaccinations.  

    Useful to know.I'm guessing that the route is via walk in facilities rather than GP surgeries where an NHS number is I think required.I lost touch with my NHS number decades ago though still have my National Insurance number.


    May be of practical use to many of us assuming hassle free Thailand-UK travel opens up by early next year.Getting vaccinated in Thailand was a stress inducing pain in the proverbial.If a (3rd jab) booster is needed how much easier it would be to get it done in the UK.

  4. Just now, brewsterbudgen said:

    I'm aware that Shrewsbury arranged vaccinations for parents.  If schools were to insist that parents are vaccinated they should do this as plenty of people have been unable to get jabbed.

    That would be good if other schools followed Shrewsbury's example.


    On a related matter I note that people are getting vaccinated through a wide variety of sources.Is there a connected database? Hypothetically if someone had his first jab through say Intervac and then sought a second jab (maybe wanted a shorter gap than 16 weeks) through another source, would that be picked up by the system?


    Looking forward I note that the UK is now implementing a 3rd booster jab (Pfizer) for the over 50's later this year.I wonder how that will work out in Thailand in 2022 if the same approach is.Will we have to use the same source as the first 2 jabs?

  5. 7 minutes ago, thaitom said:

    That is not what the CDC website says, at least in regard to the Delta variant. " If you are fully vaccinated and become infected with the Delta variant, you can spread the virus to others."

    You are correct.What you omit however is CDC's statement that the vaccines are highly effective in preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death in vaccinated people.

  6. 4 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Do you think international schools will refund fees in full if an "adult in the home environment" is unvaccinated, meaning that the child cannot return to school?  Could be problematic unless the schools facilitate vaccinations for all concerned.

    I don't suppose so.Having said that I would have thought the majority of parents will be fully vaccinated by the end of October.

  7. 23 minutes ago, thaitom said:

    That makes no sense at all.  Vaccines don't keep you from getting it and spreading it.

    I suppose those who contract Covid but because they are vaccinated avoid very serious illness, hospitalization and possibly death might think it makes a bit of sense. As to spreading Covid, those who are vaccinated and contract it have a lower viral load.Thus while it's possible they may spread it, the risks are lower.


    In short your second sentence is correct.Your first sentence makes no sense at all.

  8. 15 hours ago, simon43 said:

    BTW, as far as Covid in Laos is concerned, almost every single case detected are in Lao workers returning from Thailand, typically 35% of these workers have picked up this virus in Thailand.  Community spread within Laos is in single digit figures. 

    Says a man sitting on a tinderbox.Once Delta gets a foothold in Laos, which it will, the country will blow - and without Thailand's health care advantages and a rotten corrupt government to boot.

    • Sad 1
  9. 3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I'm sure a Lib Dem or Jeremy Corbyn government would be doing a lot more 

    I very much doubt it.Why on earth would they? Neither opposition party has shown the slightest interest in expatriate needs (if it involves spending money - state pensions for example).Bailing out Thailand lotus eaters isn't exactly a n election winning slogan.


    In any case I doubt whether the global policy was determined at cabinet level.It would have been signed off by a Foreign Office minister but the policy would have been initiated and driven by officials.In principle the policy makes sense if countries provide equal rights and fair vaccination access to British residents.Here in Thailand, slowly oh so slowly, we seem to be edging towards this objective.


    I would have thought the main job of the Embassy is to energetically support the oldest and most vulnerable of British citizens resident here who can't access vaccinations.The new Ambassador seems to be doing his best.



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  10. 1 hour ago, Doctor Tom said:

    Gosh, where to start.   I am none of the things that you mention.  I served my country in the Military for 12 years before entering academia at Cambridge University, first as a student, then as a  researcher.  I then moved to MIT and then Cal Tech  in the US to sample a very different culture and one that I enjoyed, then to Asia.  I mention this to show that I am nether uneducated. nor lack some level of talent in my field of expertise.   My dislike of the UK is broad based, from its poor and expensive infrastructure, to its moaning people, its poor investment over many decades in almost every area of life, its liberal elite that have way too much power and influence, its poor NHS that cannot cope, and provides care that is reduced to the lowest common denominator and yet sucks in billions more each year, its poor and inefficient management ethos, its self serving and arrogant political class.  I haven't got around to the weather, as its a cliche to say its terrible, but like most cliche its basically true. I am not a moaning Brit, far from it.  I am well adjusted and quite happy to spend my time in a country where the things that frustrated the hell out of me in the UK,  don't exist, or don't bother me half as much, mainly because I have no emotional or cultural connection to this country, its just the place where I live right now. I find it infinitely preferable here to the UK in almost all aspects. Oh, and I don't frequent bars in Pattaya, or anywhere else for that matter, I just go there to shop. 

    I suspect most of the background education is made up .I was a Cambridge undergraduate and none of this vague jogging between various elite universities rings true.Not a hint of what his profession is.12 years in the military - in what capacity and rank?  Never mind - anyone can be anyone on an anonymous forum so let's move on.No time to deconstruct a Walter Mitty.


    The key and illuminating quotes are his dislike for "the liberal elite that has too much power", the "self serving and arrogant political class" and the contempt for the NHS. So what one wonders are the politics of this fellow?


    Still I appreciate the comic relief of someone who finds Thailand preferable to the UK in almost all respects -  not itself a foolish sentiment, but utterly ludicrous from someone who purports to dislike a self serving and arrogant political class.

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  11. 34 minutes ago, Eff1n2ret said:

    As an indication of the priorities of the Foreign Office, I've just been watching a Sky News report that the British Embassy dished out flags in support of a Gay Pride rally in Budapest. Well done, chaps, that's vital work, keep it up!

    Actually it is vital work in view of Orban's repression of LGBT rights.I'm proud that the UK together with the EU is giving strong support to LGBT rights in Hungary.


    The situation is very different in Thailand where, though not perfect, LGBT rights are generally respected and a spirit of tolerance is deeply embedded.I have no idea why the British Embassy has devoted so much of its resources in this area over the last few years, judging by its public utterances.What is the point? It comes over even to sympathetic observers as self indulgent virtue signalling.

    • Confused 1
  12. 2 hours ago, ASEAN NOW News said:

    call and ask for the Expatriate Liaison Centre 

    Since from May onward, Bumrungrad has been fobbing off many expatriates with an existing Bumrungrad hospital number, medical records, Thai ID including pink book, and qualified in terms of age (over 60) and underlying conditions - I'm moved to congratulate you but remain hazy on what distinguishes you from many others.


    I'm pleased for you but would be interested in your thoughts about what made your application succeed.

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