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Posts posted by jayboy

  1. 10 hours ago, nong38 said:

    The reciprocal issue is a red herring used by the UK Government to ward people off the issue, the countries it has arrangements with are ad hoc at best with no logic to them. To upgrade the overseas pension of expats requires the changing of clause 20 of the Pension Bill, it can be done but so far the political will does seem to be there apart from a small number of MPs led by Sir Roger Gale who cannot convince the majority to put things right. 600m quid is far too much and then suddenly find 40b quid for a bad dose of the flu, if you look on the UK pensions thread you will see what its all about.

    The reciprocal issue is central and what you say about the ad hoc nature of the countries concerned is mistaken.Leaving that aside, the change in the Pensions Bill needed requires a change in government policy.There is no chance that the change we would all like to see will take place under either a Tory or Labour administration, particularly since the government's financial position will be poor for many years.What you say about the efforts of individual; MPs is interesting but essentially irrelevant because success would require a change in government policy (see above) that is unthinkable in present circumstances.


    I can understand your frustration and I agree the situation is unfair.However it's necessary to be realistic.This confirms the view that British pensioners completely or even mostly reliant on their state pension should not really be in Thailand at all.I realise that many such people however have burnt bridges with the UK and have made a new life here.They have my sympathy.

  2. 3 hours ago, nong38 said:

    You are wrong about the reciprical issue


    Actually I am right.Check out the UK Governments statement on the matter.Of course MPs (in practice the Government) could reinstate inflationary increases worldwide if they chose to but it's not a a politically viable option. They could also send us Christmas puddings and mince pies every year.

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:


    This one annoyed me the most - What gives you the right to say that?

    I'm not sure why you say that since your post makes strong points that support my case, notably the very low amount of the UK state pension.This is compounded by the fact that those in receipt of state pensions in Thailand receive no inflationary uplift.(This is entirely a matter of reciprocity.Pensioners living in countries which do have reciprocal arrangements like the Philippines do receive uplifts).


    Another issue is that Thailand is no longer a particularly cheap place for expatriates.This has been hashed over endlessly in this forum so there is no need to elaborate.


    UK state pensions are not meant in any case to be the sole financial income of a retired person.There will always be a pool of unfortunates/inadequates who have no other source of income but in the UK they can claim supplemental support.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    It will be many months before the vaccine is available to the general public


    No one knows what, if any, the policy will be regarding availability to non-Thai citizens once it is.

    This is a matter of great concern to many of us in Thailand since it seems certain there can be no international travel without having had the vaccine.I do not think it is likely the Thai authorities will make any special arrangements for resident foreigners.My view is that foreigners will have to make their own arrangements at private hospitals and I concur that will not be possible for many months, as a pure guess - September time. 


    A great opportunity for Dr Donna and Medconsult.

    • Like 1
  5. It's true that Johnson has dithered in this crisis, and that his documented personality defects have contributed to the UK's woes in this crisis.But remember a few things:


    1.The UK is more or less performing the same as other large European countries (Germany being the exception).


    2.The UK media and urban middle "twitter" class detest Johnson with a fury that makes it necessary to discount their views to an extent.


    3.It is not credible that a Corbyn government would have done better. Not sure about "forensic" Starmer


    4.Johnson is a slippery piglet that's difficult to catch.Nobody has  ever made money by betting against Johnson and I expect him to win in 2024 (unless he explodes or is ousted in a Tory coup)


    5.Johnson is not a wicked man but a highly intelligent politician of near genius with major character flaws.He is trying to do a job of almost unimaginable difficulty.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    The $100,000 corvid 19 insurance is required for all certificate of entry applications.

    "3.2 A Medical insurance covering all expenditures of medical treatment, including COVID-19, while traveling to Thailand in an amount of at least 100,000 USD (The insurance must cover the whole duration of stay in Thailand)."

    Source: https://thaiembdc.org/2020/07/10/visa_coe_forthaipermanentresident/

    Thanks.It's interesting that the document you quote indicates medical insurance of at least $ 100,000 is required for ALL aspects of medical treatment, not just what is related to COVID-19.Yet the (government approved?) online options provided by Thai insurance companies seem to be restricted to COVID -19 coverage.Therefore at the moment inbound foreigners will need to have additional cover though I suspect most will have this anyway under their regular medical insurance arrangements.What I don't know is the degree of scrutiny involved on arrival.No doubt much will have changed by this time next year so that for most of us hunkered down in Thailand, the matter is somewhat academic.In a year's time I guess there will be a requirement to have been vaccinated against the virus as well as a pre departure all clear check.

  7. 2 hours ago, stevenl said:

    How is your position getting weaker? By one of your main trading partners saying 'no trade agreement with us if you don't solve the Irish border issue some other way'. Something you're not willing to do.

    You have missed the point completely probably because you're fighting past battles.Ww are all Brexiteers now and there is no going back.On the Irish issue we will just have to do our best to negotiate terms that meet all parties" requirements.

  8. 8 hours ago, robblok said:

    Its so strange that Brexiteers don't get it their position is getting weaker and weaker and instead of the independence they sought they get bullied around by the more powerful countries. Its time for them to wake up and realize they have left the EU only to NOT regain power but to be told what to do by others again. 


    I believe it was a mistake to leave but that episode is past and we are where we are.I really don't see the point of rehashing the arguments.How is the Brexiteers' position getting weaker? They have won and our side lost.Isn't the priority now to make the best of it?

    • Thanks 1
  9. Trying to pay my MEA monthly bill online.Assumed it would be straightforward but in addition to my MEA account number, the Bank also requires a 'Reference 2" which doesn't appear in the bill.Any pointers?


    On a related subject I have paid my TOT bills on line via mobile app for a long time. TOT have now updated the app so I at least find it impossible to process.I'm always bemused when Thai institutions like TOT spend time and money on an English language version of an app, but don't see the necessity to check the English for schoolboy howlers or lack of clarity.

  10. 2 hours ago, rimmae2 said:

    Incorrect and very misleading information in this post including this comment "it helps if you get some law office to help you through the maze and keep the file on top of the pile which will be anything between another THB 150K-250K". Anybody who is serious about PR should refer mainly to Camerata's Guide.......

    Agreed.One point needs to be made very clearly on PR applications.It's not a mysterious opaque business.The criteria are very clear.Those that comply with them will almost certainly be successful.Don't get too hung up on the Thai language aspect: if everything else is in order you can get through on a snake snake fish fish basis.I've known successful PR applicants who got through without much Thai at all though I believe the standard has been raised in recent years. I would have thought the events of the last 8 months would have emphasised the great value of PR. Citizenship might be a better way to go for many although personally, despite being deeply attached to the country, I would never want to be a Thai even on a transactional basis. PR works for me.

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