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Posts posted by buddy

  1. Gelato is Italian ice cream and it is made in a completely different way than normal factory produced ice cream, it is made with all natural ingedients, no flavourings, no colouring and fresh fruit, most are 100% fat free and the rest 96% fat free and that 4% fat is from the natural sugars of the fruit.

    Sorry, not be nasty, but almost nothing that you have said here is correct. You have bought a bunch of hype from the Italians.

    "Fruit sugars" have nothing to do with "making" fat and real Italian Gelato is hardly ever fat free. It does however, often have less fat than normal ice cream.

    Also, sometimes artificial flavorings are used as well as colourants, preservatives and stabilizers.

    Gelato is often quite nice, but probably not any better than many expensive ice creams.


    Dear Ulysses G,

    No offence taken, just trying to educate people as to the difference (and there is a vast difference) between Gelato and ordinary ice cream.

    Even if the big names do market it as "premium" ice cream, Swensens, Haagen-Daz etc it is still mass produced in factories in huge vats in the continueos method with all sorts of colorants, artificial flavours, and chemicals added, ordinary ice cream also has 50% air added to fluff up the volume to maximise profit......its the expensive marketing budget people fall for.

    In comparison Gelato making is like a cottage industry and is as pure and natural as the maker strives to make it, it is labour intensive and there is pride in what is produced, I know Guys who get up very early to do daily shops at the local fruit markets so they can get the freshest ingredients for thier Gelato.

    The other difference is that most ordinary ice creams are made with full fat cream that coats the tongue and that masks the full flavour of the product, in the US you are not allowed by law as enforced by the US Food & Drug administration to call Gelato ice cream because it contains less than 25% fat.

    The all natural Sorbets are 100% fat free, the other flavours ARE 96% fat free, there are also Sugar Free (SF) flavours developed for diabetics with no loss of flavour and the other added bonus is one Gelato maker I know of, Dream Cones have over 120 different flavours of Gelato to choose from.

    We are lucky to have this choice in Thailand, Gelato is the healther choice ice cream with out a doubt.

    If you are in Pattaya next Wednesday 1st April go taste the difference.

    Enjoy :o

  2. We go sea fishing from Bali Hi Pier every Friday, maximum 7 persons.

    We leave at 8.30am returning about 5pm and we are looking for 2 reliable persons to make up places.

    A great day out, please contact me asap

    Paul :o


    Paul is this serious fishing or fun fishing?

    What is the price and is all tackle, bait, food and drinks provided?

    Oh and does the vessel have a toilet?

  3. We go sea fishing from Bali Hi Pier every Friday, maximum 7 persons.

    We leave at 8.30am returning about 5pm and we are looking for 2 reliable persons to make up places.

    A great day out, please contact me asap

    Paul :o

  4. Yes its true.....There will be an ice cream buffet!

    A bit of sweet schooling.

    The serious food connoisseurs know there is a difference between "normal" ice cream and "Gelato" ice cream.

    Gelato is Italian ice cream and it is made in a completely different way than normal factory produced ice cream, it is made with all natural ingedients, no flavourings, no colouring and fresh fruit, most are 100% fat free and the rest 96% fat free and that 4% fat is from the natural sugars of the fruit.

    If you compare Gelato to normal ice cream it is like comparing a gourmet dinner made for one against 10,000 dinners slopped up in a Military barracks canteen.

    Dont be fooled by the big budget marketing of the well known names, Swensens, Haagen-Daz, Ben & Jerrys, Walls, Nestle etc, go and taste the "Gelato" from the small independants like Dream Cones where it is all inividually hand made.

    You will have a far beter experience and believe me once you have tasted Gelato there is no going back (unless the big boys hi-jacked your tastebuds when you where a kid).....which means, der I only eat Walls Magnum! :o

    Enjoy (the Gelato).

  5. Dear All,

    This may be of interest to all those ice cream lovers out there.

    Central are hosting an "Ice cream festival" on the 1st floor of the new Central Festival shopping Mall at Soi 9, Pattaya starting at 11am on Wednesday 1st April.

    For the real serious (and educated) lovers of natural ice cream they have Gelato Ice cream represented with Dream Cones located next the ice cream buffet.

    Enjoy, I sure will :o .


  6. Dear All,

    Can any of you inform me if there is a shop in Pattaya/Jomtien where I can purchase foil bags?

    What I mean is the type of small bag that you can put a plastic ice cream tub or other frozen products in for a short time to stop them them thawing quickly before you can get them to your home freezer.

    You Guys in the Hotel & Restaurant trade may already use the same for take-away purchases?

    best regards


  7. Livinginexile,

    Have a serious look at Franchising, there are plenty of products out there that will go against the grain of depressed markets.

    Take a look at impulse buys and research that.

    In these times of economic downturns many people will tighten thier belts on big ticket items like a house or car purchase but will just "treat" themselves now and then on small "luxury" items like an ice cream.

    I would also choose a town that has "FARANG" Customer base such as Pattaya, BKK etc

    This is not a plug, however one of my favorites is Dreamcones (www.dreamcones.com), small capital outlay, they dont take a percentage take of your profits, help you out with locations, no franchise fee and crucially pricing is up to you.........they make money on the ingredients they sell.

    Good luck.

  8. I wonder how many guys know whether they have 'refrigerant' or 'evaporative' air conditioners?

    Apparently 'refrigerant' are more expensive and better for the Thai humidity.

    I'm asking, as I am trying to learn a bit more. :o

    You are correct in one sense, the high humidity and the relationship with dew point would not make "evaportive" desert cooler types very effective in Thailand.

    For example a desert cooler would only "pull down" the room temperature a couple of degrees from the ambient temperature, so if it was 32 degrees C outside your inside temp would only be around 30 degrees, so not a very effective solution to your cooling needs.

    If the desert coolers worked in Thailand the Thais would have had them installed on every building as they are only comprised of a water pump and a fan.......cheap cheap cheap!

  9. I wonder how many guys know whether they have 'refrigerant' or 'evaporative' air conditioners?

    Apparently 'refrigerant' are more expensive and better for the Thai humidity.

    I'm asking, as I am trying to learn a bit more. :o

    You are correct in one sense, the high humidity and the relationship with dew point would not make "evaportive" desert cooler types very effective in Thailand.

    For example a desert cooler would only "pull down" the room temperature a couple of degrees from the ambient temperature, so if it was 32 degrees C outside your inside temp would only be around 30 degrees, so not a very effective solution to your cooling needs.

    If the desert coolers worked in Thailand the Thais would have had them installed on every building as they are only comprised of a water pump and a fan.......cheap cheap cheap!

  10. Quote from MJP on another thread "I for one am grateful for your post. Isn't it amazing how banks can print imaginary 'money' and wind up owning real things.

    Quite evil in fact.

    If your 25% estimate is correct, I can see a major revolution coming, across the world. Just look at Greece. How much sh1t are people supposed to take before they begin the process of self-determination?

    The fact fiat currency is enforced through taxation and the power of the government and it's guns is quite astonishing.

    I do hope humanity comes out of this disaster in a fairer and more equitable condition to that which it went in.

    Here's hoping."

    Evil it is indeed!

  11. "I am not ohmy.gif sheeple will always be sheeple and if anything education standards

    in USA and UK are slipping..........look at how many young adults are now

    into binge drinking? Are they suddenly going to become politically aware ?laugh.gif"

    When you have a choice of "same same" political parties as in the UK and most of the population havent a clue what the left and right is on a political spectrum but know who Emily Pankhurst was but are never taught about the British Empire (even though it existed) because it is not Politically Correct, how do expect the Sheeple to question politics and the abuse of power money?

    Look, The UK has at the moment a Prime Minister that NOBODY voted into office.... Cash Gordon.

    Democracy????......Ba, Humbug!

    Gimme X Factor, Come Dancing Derrrrrr

  12. MORE than 20 million people watched either Strictly Come Dancing on BBC One or its ITV1 rival The X Factor on Saturday night as the simultaneous screening of two reality television show finals captivated a third of the British population.....Source The Times.

    A THIRD OF THE BRITISH POPULATION!......These viewing figures say it all?

    Thier parents were spoonfed a diet of consumerism and media hype and the next generation are hooked on the same, so the cycle continues.

    Why should a third of the British population or be it the US population wish to discover the truth about abuse of money and power that actually directly affects there lives?......Its not entertainment and boring for them.


    I should be flabergasted but I am not!

  13. "Federal Reserve banks are not US Federal agencies and are thus not subject to the Freedom of information act. See, Lewis vs. the USA, 1982."

    So the Federal Reserve Bank has a .gov domain name, which implies a Government agency, yet on the other side of the coin the Federal Reserve Bank is a private commercial bank that is not subject to the said Freedom of information act.

    The naming disguise and the way the Fed banking set up is engineered is so that when it suits them they can choose to be a Government agency and when it suits them NOT to be a Government agency?

    Even with the above mentioned court case, the Fed chose to be represented as "the USA" meaning Government, yet when Bloomberg requested information from the Fed about the banking bailout they deflected any enquiries by claiming they are not a Government agency?

    Very clever!

  14. "Dec. 12 -- The Federal Reserve refused a request by Bloomberg News to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from U.S. taxpayers and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

    Bloomberg filed a law suit Nov. 7 under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act requesting details about the terms of 11 Fed lending programs, most created during the deepest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

    The Fed responded Dec. 8, saying it’s allowed to withhold internal memos as well as information about trade secrets and commercial information. The institution confirmed that a records search found 231 pages of documents pertaining to some of the requests.

    The Fed stepped into a rescue role that was the original purpose of the Treasury’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. The central bank loans don’t have the oversight safeguards that Congress imposed upon the TARP.

    Total Fed lending exceeded $2 trillion for the first time Nov. 6. It rose by 138 percent, or $1.23 trillion, in the 12 weeks since Sept. 14.

    The Federal Reserve, Secret and in its usual decade cycle of asset grabbing......I dont believe it, its a conspiracy theory!!!! :o

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