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Posts posted by mouse

  1. Jeepz

    [Note: I'm checking with the manufacturer about availability in Thailand. If any smokers over there are seriously interested in one or two of these, let me know. Shipping via Postal Service (slow boat to Thailand) costs five bucks. Packaging probably another buck or so. Worst case cost: $10 - $11 US for one, shipped surface mail. If there is interest and not already available there, I'll see about getting a few and selling at cost plus actual shipping. ]

    I say get one take it apart and then make them over here, in a different design, while changing 10 aspects and sell it here. You would make a bundle due to the much lower cost of manufacture. Then you sell advertisement space on the product and you have a winner.


  2. Dear Bartender 100

    Your download speed : 360397 bps, or 360 kbps.

    A 43.9 KB/sec transfer rate.

    Your upload speed : 14081 bps, or 14 kbps

    Sounds right for that time of the day. Remember that is when every little skirt in Thailand is chatting with someone else in Thailand and all their boyfriends are playing on-line games that eat massive amounts of bandwidth.

    Try the test when all the little kiddies are out of the Cafés and off the net. Tonight at 23:00 and before the people in the states get busy on the net. I think that your results will differ.

    Keep those message to the ipStar going.

    Remember that if you had a restaurant and no one told you that the food was bad, you probably would change little. :o

  3. Guys!! I have been complaining about the ipStar speed for about a week now and today they seemed to "PUMP UP THE VOLUME" I used you test (barman) and got a miserly 256 kbps, however when I use the test located at


    things get better and I am running at 482 kbps/down and about 97 kbps/up now, which I must admit took my breath away :o . I do this speed test often after having tried many others and saw that it doubled today. Check your system again and try with speakeasy. They have been having some problems!

  4. Pay the required amount, get his name, and report the sons of bastages. Corruption is everywhere and if we can do a little to stop it, well then we have a duty to do so, or else our children will also fall victim to the same system. Do your part and do it right.

    How can we succumb to these practices of these sons of bastages, while at the same time teaching our children not to be corrupt, when the teachers, government workers and other assigned officials are all willing to be bought for their assigned services, rather than relying on their salaries as do all others. :o

  5. I heard that they do not feed it to the ducks or chickens anymore. Seems surgery is able to do a lot of miracles in todays day and age. I remember a newspaper article, that they were able to re-attach one after a dog had found it and chewed it up some.

    The new twist is to tie it to a bunch of balloons. If you are lucky you find it in Cambodia, depending on the winds of course. You can always opt to become a she-man for the surgery is cheap in Thailand. :o

  6. Many of the young women of Korat live in Pattaya and Bangkok and I suspect they commute home on holidays etc to visit their families. No joke! Ask around in Pattaya where the girls come from and you will find this to be factual, or so it sems to me. :o

  7. I usually notice gisela alone in the live chat room and still cannot figure out who she is talking to. In any case my question is; are there any plans to add voice chat to the forums? It would certainly bring a lot of new members and really get the bear pit growling. At least one voice chat area in the beginning, just to get things rolling. What do you say?

  8. I am still shocked from Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" ...  (HMM... is that so?)

    Let's hope the so-call "malfunction" does not happen in Thailand.

    I feel bad for the kids ... they might go blind or become mentally challenge 

    My vision is blurring. It started right after I watched my wife breastfeeding our toddler. SAVE ME!

  9. Sorry, what is IPTV? 250 B for 100 mb? Let me think, I probably download 2 x 500 kb files a day so in 100 days I use 100 mb.

    Be carful with those numbers. My wife has 5 computers only and they are basically used for games. I see up/download of 100MB a day from those 5 machines alone.

  10. Yes Thailand is doing something about human trafficking in that they require farang to have 400,000 Baht in the Bank. That discourages many Thai woman from permanently importing the men to Thailand. Cause if they do so despite the stringent requirements, then they do not get to spend that 400,000 Baht. :o Could it be that I am on to something here!?

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