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Posts posted by Always18

  1. So you're saying that a Thai employee who works for Casio for example down in Bankgok should be paid more than one in Issan?

    This is almost as bad as the top women being paid less, the minimum wage must be standard across the country not regionalised, it's pretty obvious where this is going, the low paid in the poorer Issan and Deep South areas are about to be stiffed and the ones in Bangkok will be laughing if I'm reading this correctly.

    It's seems another way in which to Alianate the population as opposed to bringing it closer together.

    Keep the minimum wage country wide and treat all those on it as equals.

    Equality in Thailand?....................well, that's a novel and highly laudable idea...........................but as we all know, while the trough feeders have the reins, it will never happen.................

  2. Fourteen days ago, in the absence of any warnings about "work in progress" etc., I accessed the website, entered all my details as required and was presented with a reference number beginning "TM47-........etc.".

    Daily progress checking produced only the "pending" message, so today I went to the office, made my 90 day report in person and spoke to the local boss, a very helpful lady who has become our friend over the years and she told me that the rumour was that the whole website was going to have to be redesigned!

    Only a rumour, of course, but it wouldn't surprise me....................

  3. I've owned a variety of bread-making machines over the years, both here and back in the UK, and have finally settled on (I reckon) the Rolls-Royce of them all - a Panasonic SD-ZB2502 - which a mate very kindly ferried over here for me!

    After all that, I now use the machine almost exclusively for dough-making so that I can decide on the final shape/size etc. before baking in my gas BBQ, which is now a daily routine.

    For convenience, I divide the batch of finished dough into whatever amounts I think I'll need for loaves, rolls, baps etc., cling film and then freeze them.

    Defrosting and final rise takes about 4hrs from frozen and the end result is as good as using fresh dough.

    My Thai wife and family are now total converts to the delights of freshly baked bread, I'm pleased to say!

  4. This will always be the elephant in the room for those blinkered, elite Thai nationalists - to have to admit that Thailand is a nation of disparate, ethnically and culturally diverse human beings and not one homogeneous group of flag-waving, Thai speaking clones would be to face the reality that they are no different to any other group of humans on the planet.....................ergo, it will never happen.

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  5. When asked about the new rules, a senior Phuket police officer is quoted as saying:-

    "It's quite simple really, as myself and my RTP colleagues have been paid a handsome retainer by the former beach-chair vendors, we will continue to harass tourists who try to bring their own beds until the vendors are once again allowed to treat the beach as their own property and we can all return to the traditional system of fleecing foreign tourists without any interference".

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  6. We live well away from any cable internet access so up till now have been relying on TrueMove-H internet SIM (very poor service) but just yesterday I heard about a "new" service from CAT where the subscriber apparently paid a one-off fee of 37,000 Baht for a home wifi receiver mast/antenna plus router installation then about 700 Baht/month for unlimited data at up to 20mbps.

    I'm going to try to get more info from the local CAT office but I wondered if any posters have experience of this service?

  7. Anyone who says nothing ever gone missing has been extremely lucky.

    I have lost count over the last 17 years i have lost items, or they have been opened.

    Somethings taken somethings not.

    Same story with me and my family.

    Numerous international non-deliveries to our home, despite them being trackable to Thailand Post.

    On TWO occasions our local village postman has been caught red-handed FORGING my wife's name on the receipt slip! - no action taken against him by his superiors although the local Thailand Post boss did visit us and beg us not to think that all Thai postmen were thieves!

    Now we invariably ask for international post to be sent Poste Restante to our main provincial Post Office which, at least, cuts out the thieving local P.O.S.

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