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Posts posted by Always18

  1. Sorry, police and army are dedicated to be at the service of the citizens => it means to obey to an elected gouvernement. The political ideas of the soldiers or policemen cannot interfer with their job. Period.

    I dont think it works that way in a monarchy

    It works that way in the United Kingdom.................doesn't it?

    I believe it also works that way in most of the other European monarchies and certainly Japan's.

    I believe the vital word missing from Phycokiller's post was "absolute"......................

  2. For home use ceramic is indeed superior to Teflon...but in a professional kitchen nothing beats the good old cast iron panattachicon.gifimage.jpg

    After owning a restaurant in the US, you would have to visit a lot of professional kitchens in the states to find a cast iron pan in use. They are antiques. Fun, but not user friendly in a restaurant kitchen. Use in them in the south to show that you like to make biscuits when guests are over. Put away when it is just you cooking for you.

    I can imagine. In a restaurant kitchen an old fashioned heavy/thick cast iron pan may be too heavy for those using it.

    One thing is making a meal a day for yourself, another thing is making a lot of meals every evening.

    Btw, today you also have lightweight cast iron pans.

    Much prefer the old thick heavy ones, the heat distribution is very very good, extremely easy to clean, they last 40-50-60 years no sweat.

    Sure for the new generation of pussy chefs those pans are too heavy but for us old school kitchen warriors nothing beats them...

    Spot on for commercial use - but my own personal domestic favourites were always the properly tinned French copper pans.

    Thick walled (>4mm), and a bugger to maintain, but incomparable heat distribution............and they look so sexy hanging on the kitchen walls when you ain't using them!

  3. I have to ask why do the Police need article 44, they already have laws to deal with these outlaws. Good fresh unused laws.

    Absolutely agree - the answer, I believe, lies in the inherent addiction by these idiots of the need to be seen to be wielding more power.

    Why not use Art.44 for all matters deemed "anti-Thai" or whatever the phrase is? - after all, checks and balances, judicial oversight, separation of powers and all that other useless democratic nonsense are such a hindrance to a well-meaning and benevolent group of armed criminals.......................

  4. Silom/Patpong/Surawong.........smelly, grubby but oh, so irresistible.

    Full of very happy memories and we regularly re-visit our old haunts and what remain of all our old pals in that area.....................

  5. One can endlessly debate the best "way forward" for Thailand and I, for one, do not pretend to have an answer but I am absolutely certain that a great deal of Thailand's modern day woes stem from the fact that they do not have, and have never had, a Western-style moral framework.

    The culture of Sakdina is as ingrained in Thai society now as it was 100 years ago - it is just camouflaged a bit better - and that will always trump any Western - style notion of morality or social justice........

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