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Posts posted by wolfmuc

  1. On 27/1/2560 at 9:35 AM, Johpa said:

    There seem to be two leading correlations with deforestation. One is the presence of a Royal project , often near a Mong village, with an increase in intensification of vegetable farming. The other is the intensification of corn growing monoculture. The Royal projects trend towards agricultural diversity and now often include organic farming practices. But to put into perspective, Thailand is not doing anything different than western countries such as the US and Europe in replacing forests with crop production.

    Happy Trails

    ' Thailand is not doing anything different than western countries such as the US and Europe in replacing forests with crop production. '


    Right. But this was quite a while ago. And in comparison with today it seemed to be 'smooth'. - No?


    And back to the OP: - You should travel from Rongkwang to Nan, every 6 months, have a look at the hills/mountains.

    It is really shocking. - Thai people are destroying their native land today much faster than all the western countries

    in the last 2000 or more years.

    In the 60ies I learnt that Thailand has a forest coverage of 75 %.

    Long, long time ago...


  2. Thanks for the strawberry-info, DumbFalang,


    I think, most of us should/must know these facts. No?

    ' The wife and I moved away from BKK to Samoeng just over a year ago

    to take things easy and grow a few 'clean' vegetables. '


    So, good luck with your plans.


    In our area almost every farmer uses herbicides and insecticides.

    That's concerning rice, corn, water melons, vegetables.

    I'm absolutely sure, not always the suggested mix. And this might

    be the most important problem...

    One only can hope, that these pesticides become too expensive.


    Again, good luck!







  3. No joke? - What a wonderful world we live in. - But even dead now they might and will be produced in the future in the EU or the US. And then, I'm sure we have one more invasive species, besides all these other insects e.g. asian longhorn beetle, red palm weevil, many plants of the tropics, especially China. - But no, we are not the target of many millions of humans coming from Africa.

  4. On 15/10/2559 at 4:58 PM, daoyai said:

    The photos illustrate nicely what i have observed to be a somewhat uhique aspect of this creature's single mindedness. He is gonna eat that frog and is unconcerned that you are there. I have had many encounters where they don't seem to care about human presence. I even had one slither across me as I lay in my hammock on his way up the post to hunt tokay in the roof.

    Unbelievable for me, but very, very interesting, what you're saying. - In (or around) our house in the garden these days we have three of them. They really feel disturbed when, by chanche, I'll see them hunting a gecko-gecko (or duckto). Even as they absolutely don't like to lose their prey, they will. - OP, by the way, great pictures!

  5. 11 hours ago, SheungWan said:
    22 hours ago, smedly said:

    I notice they never say how much these pensions actually are - I'd like to see a report from across the whole EU giving details for sate pension levels by country, I'd be willing to bet Germany is the highest

    Smedly, in 2015 there have been a lot of people entering Germany. I’m not sure about the numbers,
    but I think that was more than one million. – So how many people might travel the next years from Africa or

    elsewhere to Central Europe  if there were ‘details for state pension levels by country’ ? 


    SheungWan, thanks for your post.  


    By the way, English ‘pension’ is in German ‘Rente’ or a completely different thing called ‘Pension’.
    Depending on one’s career ‘Pension’ is much higher than ‘Rente’ and the ‘Pensionist’ (civil servants,

    politicians, teachers etc.) usually never had contributed anything for his/her old days.


    I might add that with the average ‘Rente’ it’s almost impossible to survive in most parts of Germany.





  6. Thanks, webfact for the information.

    But I don’t believe that it is predominantly a Thai-North-Burning problem. Sorry.
    I believe that we have to study the real producers of this sh!t.
    Every Year!

    And I think the number 1 is China, then nothing, then TH, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia,
    depending on the season and the area. There are many pictures or
    screenshots to this subject on thaivisa.com (especially CM-forum/CR-forum).

    I didn’t write a word about Indonesia. Must be real hell these days in Kalimantan.

    So, has the Revered- Best-of All-Generals-in-Thailand enough power to bring on
    some ‘ideas’ about this mayhem? - It makes me very angry. Nothimg seems to be done.

    I will leave Thailand not until June 2016. Why?
    Because there were no fitting flights for me.

    Here is a picture about air pollution Beijing to Northern Thailand, one hour ago.
    For me it is evident where a big part of the problems might come from.

  7. Or you could buy a bunch of bananas for 25bht.

    Peel them, slice then in half longwise, put them out in the sun for 3 days to dry.

    You have to take them in when it's dark, and turn them over for the next day.

    Very good idea, especially in the hot season really easy to do. - But I think the OP would prefer this special brand.

    So just take a photo or a sample and visit Top's in Kad Suan Kaew Shopping Centre

    They have so much dried fruit. It's crazy.

  8. Thanks for the tips. There are some young guys in my wife's village who were willing to take us out with their dogs last year, but it wasn't the best time of year to see them. We did find a beautiful-looking Sunsnake after a couple of hours of digging, but I think he'd really like to see a Cobra. It's funny - I've seen them randomly at the side of the road as I'm driving to Tesco, but when you go looking you'll inevitably see nothing! We'll hope for some rain and go for a trek out in the sticks.

    If you might travel to Chiang Mai, there is at least one snake 'farm'. North of CM to MaeRim, then turn left and drive some km till you'll notice

    an ATV and bungee-place on the left. The snakes are on the other side of the road. Bring time and talk to the people (and snakes) about your ideas.

    There is coke, coffee and some snake-snacks too. Sorry, joking. - Tipping might be a good idea; it will provide the snakes a better tomorrow.

    It's a bit sad, but I think most of the zoos are. Alternative: visit any TVmember upcountry and wait some weeks, months, ...,

    Good luck and have a great time.

  9. Transformer explode or fuse blow? Big difference. OP not clear.

    .........insects.....vermin.......or water leaking......???

    You are absolutely right, MESmith.

    SOTIRIOS, good idea, but with 20kV or more even snakes would be burnt.

    To dust. - And leaking water should be no problem these days. But who knows?

  10. Just to return to the OP: Hi Gonzo, If one of these transformers explodes, stay away. They use different oil fillings,

    one of the oils are polychlorinated biphenyls, which might not be good for your health.
    And of course TheCruncher is right: maintenance is basic. I’m no expert, but as I know the oil inside the transformers

    will be cooked (no joke!) and filtered to remove condensed water, and if not removed there must be, of course, one day an explosion.
    More information about transformer maintenance: http://www.hintz-trafo-wartung.de/
    Website in German and they are only working in Europe.- I worked there as a student in 1969.

  11. Drove from Phrae to ChiangMai yesterday and back today. Bad air everywhere. Skies were grey, visibility poor. Colors of the trees could be seen only within less than500 m. A bit better this afternoon between Lampang and Phrae.

    Just to return to the OP. It,s not/NOT the farmers who were doing this burning.

    It's an international problem. Full stop.

  12. Drove yesterdayfrom Phrae to ChiangMai and back today. No fires anywhere. OK, daytime. Grey skies as already mentioned, a little bit better between Lampang and Phrae. But real!y I think it,s thesmog com coming from china. I have absolutly no problems with chinese, but I think it is too short-thought making it ti to a problem of the IndiChines farmers..

    sorry. mistakes. problem with tablet...

  13. Dont bother smog is everywhere , thanks to constant burn offs.

    Everywhere? 5 yrs in Chan this April, still waiting for burnoffs everywhere. Coastal mainly prawn and fish farm, elsewhere it's fruit, some rubber. Need to go further north Sa Kaeo province to find much rice or sugar


    Approaching peak fruit season, durian time!


    Looks good. Beautiful pictures. - Produced last year?

    Any idea about the real situation these days?

    Or in April which was the OP-question?

    Thank You.

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