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Posts posted by kenai

  1. It sounds like he lost control verbally in an airport and you can get locked up for it in probably all countries, depending on the extent. Saving face or not.

    Its just one of those places you have to keep it cool.

    At the same time I can completely see how you could lose it - knowing your missing your flight and there is a good chance he had no idea about Thai culture or saving face. And who would imagine 3 weeks and still unresolved!

    If there is no more to the story it seems there is problem at the UK embassy. If they couldn't iron things out sooner and help there fellow citizen.

    Is this going to be another video on the CNN Thailand search? Joining the airport closure, boat people being cut loose out at sea.... - Another one to explain to friends and relatives back home. Most of us love it here, but there are plenty of tourist that have never been here and plenty that will choose not to - due to things like this. In days of global recession, when few can or will spend much to vacation things like this can really hurt. :o

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