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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. Get real and a life ... pleaseeeeeee

    It really is pointless to go on with you about this considering it is common knowledge to anyone who has a clue about workers in Thailand.

    So you cannot provide evidence as I thought.

    My company employs about 500 workers in Thailand, and a few Worldwide.

    How many does yours employ?

  2. The standard of living is certainly not that of the more modern countries in the world but I can also tell you that Thailand doesn't have a homeless problem like the US and their cost of living is significantly less.

    I can tell you Thailand most certainly does have similar problems, and Bangkok is chock full of slums hidden by the sides of khlongs and behind the street fronts where people live in abject and disgraceful poverty.

    The difference of course is the people in Thailand have to put up with it, while the homeless in the US at least have a voice.

  3. To be fair it must be annoying for the Thais to have the jews and muslims fighting in their back garden and ruining the neighbourhood.

    To be fair to the Muslims, it must be annoying to have Thais claim sovereignty over your land, then occupy for over 100 years it under the threat of force, and deny your basic freedoms like using your own language or practicing your own religion and culture.

    To be even fairer to Muslims, it must be equally as annoying having Thais hiding behind the skirt of Britain (as they have done for 150 years) and America (as they have done since WWII), while partaking in an illegal invasion of an Islamic country and the occupation of another.

  4. Read the warnings from NZ:


    Thanks for the link. I learned something new. I always thought you were technically supposed to carry your passport at all times but it appears, according to the NZ Embassy, a foreign government issued ID should be good enough ...

    It is a requirement under Thai law to carry photo identification at all times. A New Zealand driver’s licence or a photocopy of the biodata page from a passport would be adequate identification in the first instance.

    .Though I am not sure what they mean by "first instance" but assuming it means for general interaction with authorities (cops on the street) as opposed to if you are hauled into the police station and arrested.

    The law in Thailand states foreigners must carry their passports at all times. Thai nationals must carry their ID cards at all times. No other ID, by law, is accepted, including copies of passports or other photographic ID. They may suffice in some circumstances with some officers but the law states passport only.

    "By law, you must carry your passport with you at all times in Thailand. Tourists have been arrested because they were unable to produce their passport upon request. Ensure you complete the next of kin details section in the back of your passport."


    The arrests the FCO refers to happen from time to time during Police shakedowns of nightclubs and such where police use this law to extort money from foreigners not carrying their passports.

  5. The frequency of these crashes are rapidly turning the public transportation system here into a joke. The only notable part of this crash is that the driver could not do a runner......RIP to the victims, what a wasteful way to end lives....

    It has never been anything other than a joke, if you like laughing at 20,000+ deaths per year.

    What boggles the mind is their infuriating arrogance and stupidity behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. I often point out this is how they really are behind the repressed emotions and I stick by that. The vast majority of them should be nowhere near a motor vehicle let alone in charge of one carrying passengers and thus endangering their lives also.

    I am currently in Australia for business and you can see the care and attention most motorists here have in comparison.

    • Like 2
  6. Can't help it, but I have the impression it's getting worse and worse with the frequency of these accidents lately (and I assume we only read about the most horrific ones...). Practically every three days there's another story of a van, a long-distance bus, a truck being involved in some crash causing scores of lifes.

    It is getting much worse and will continue to do so as the number of vehicles increases each year and is not matched by driver education, investment in infrastructure and law enforcement.

    • Like 1
  7. How do microwave heated and/or rewarmed BK Angus burgers taste exactly???

    Lets not confuse BK with shitty Mcdonalds now..

    BK microwave most of their burgers before serving. McDonalds do not microwave any as far as I am aware.

    Carl's Jr. beats both of them hands down, I always go to Terminal 3 in Changi to grab one when flying through Singapore.

    • Like 1
  8. It's amazing you get up early on a weekend to Thai bash. What's wrong with you? No boom boom long time?

    I'd say there's vastly more instances of 'Westerners' in their own countries having severe behavioural problems in general (London riots, unnecessarily heavy handed crackdowns on American protesters, the list goes on). Not to mention the hundreds of cases of animal cruelty and abuse, which appear as frequently in Europe and America, as they do here.

    In fact, one of the main reasons I love living here, is that Thais do know how to behave well in their own culture and country on the whole. They're much more reserved and polite as a generalization than Americans and Brits ever will be.

    In Surat, I've left both of my front doors unlocked for 7 years, overnight, every night. No one has ever touched my house. I lived in a leafy garden suburb in north London in the 80s and 90s and my house was broken into more than 5 times.

    How about you learn to behave and not post inflammatory comments about Thais on threads in future?

    What a lot of irrelevant apologist nonsense.

    Thais are irresponsible when it comes to looking after animals, 27 years living in Thailand witnessing Thai animal cruelty and disgusting behaviour towards animals is why I commented.

  9. Drivers run away to avoid vigilante justice. I've seen it happen. Whether a driver was at fault or not, it's quite common for those around to beat them silly.

    I don't condone running away, but it's more than just simple cowardice.

    I beg to differ. It stems from the usual lack of responsibility and culpability demonstrated at every level of society in Thailand.

    In addition, I know the owner of a large haulage firm in Thailand that tells its drivers to flee the scene of an accident whenever possible. More shockingly, he told me that drivers involved in a serious accident are advised to "finish the job" in order to protect the company and themselves.

    I would warrant that many van drivers are similarly advised by their employers.

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