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Posts posted by ihunnieibee

  1. My question to the OP is...

    Do you pay them per hour?

    If so, you are paying them to be there the time that you want them, and that if it does happen to be busy and they arent there on time then it makes them a lot less valuable to you. I've seen this problem in a lot of thais. If you put your foot down and be firm about it, either they will respect your rules or you should let them go. There are plenty of people in this world looking for jobs right now and you don't need to put up with people who can't respect your hours or procedures. Especially like being on time. I'm almost never late and I can't understand how when some people know they have to be somewhere at a certain time they never are. The occasional lateness is acceptable but honestly, who forgets what time the have to be at work, and has and "emergency" EVERY SINGLE DAY... come on...

  2. They both arent very good..but I'll have to admit that I still eat them sometimes..

    What I dont understand is why people keep calling in "MacDonalds" or spelling it "MacDonalds" there is no "a" it's McDonalds (pronounced Mick-Donalds)

    Sorry, I'm not sure why this bothers me...

  3. this is what happens when people stop taking e..

    not that its healthy...i havent took it for a while but...seriously...everything was much better then..or maybe it just felt better haha :o

  4. I've used Palty numerous times, i actually have a box of juicy peach color that i will probably never use (i bought it cuz of a *feeling* i had that day..then changed my mind) . I'll give it to you when i go to thailand but im not leaving till may 31st...

    I can bring you any hairdye that you like from NYC but...its gonna be 2 months till i get there..or i could send you one, but i still am not sure how long that will take. Ive also seen some thai websites selling Palty but i cant read thai so im useless on that one..

  5. Okay, this is what i would do if i was you..and of coarse my opinion could mean all of nothing for u...cuz im a farang girl lol

    Tell the first girl your situation and be honest with her tell her although u care for her, it just didnt work but you still want to help her (or whatever it is that ur keeping her around for) Let her stay with a friend or something along those lines...and try to hang out with her for a little bit and comfort her cuz shes gonna be pissed and crying... Tell her that if you two were in the same country things would have been different. I happen to know quite a few thai girls that this has happened to.. its normal... ur human..things happen. Eventually she will get over it. Maybe sooner than later..maybe u can even tell her before she comes..that would be best..

    DONT MENTION A WORD TO THE NEW GIRL BECAUSE THEN U WILL BE LEFT WITH NO ONE...honestly shes better off not knowing...

  6. I met my boyfriend 3 yrs ago when i first started working in a thai restaurant in NYC, he had moved here for school ...at the time when i first started i had just gotten back from thailand, i had went with my boyfriend at the time...he is also thai, but american born thai....things between him and i didnt really work out..i still have love for him...like a family like way not really a boyfriend way..anyways...i was still with him when i met earth..

    the first moment i saw him..i was soo into him..i even told him "earth..ur so kute..i like u" but hes really quiet and and didnt seem to care...eventually a few months later my boyfriend and i broke up..i still kinda had a thing for earth but..i didnt really act on it cuz i didnt feel like he was into me at all lol..usually my style is..if someone doesnt like me..then i dont like them..or try not to..so just as i pretty much gave up all together....one day earth asked me to come check out his dj equipment cuz i mentioned to him that im interested and maybe i wanna buy it..so i came...and saw...and then my ex at the time he asked me what im doing and he wanted to come check out the equipment too...im like DAMNNN...WHY DOES HE HAVE TO COME!?!? when i was trying to be alone with earth ahahahah..anyways i told earth that he was also coming to check out the equipment too...but that i wanted to come again the next week and see by myself...

    and so that next week i did...ahhh and so one thing led to another and we have been together ever since AHHH i keep thinking of how this happened..so silly...

    and now im moving with him to thailand i leave may 31st..im excited <3 and nervous....and scared im gonna get dehydrated lol

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