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Posts posted by ihunnieibee

  1. The True wifi that comes with the package is where they have True WIFI hotspots.

    You can connect to the wifi and use it instead of the 3g and the internet on the phone will be a bit faster. This is like when you're out or whatever.

    Of course wherever you can connect to wifi is free/unlimited but being able to connect to the True hotspots is nice sometimes when you're out and don't have the password for whatever wifi is around ( or if they're all password protected)

  2. People get frustrated, it's natural.

    Also some people would rather be in their home country but they choose to sacrifice that to be with the person they love.

    That's why I'm here. Although I do have Thai friends and see where the Thai point of view is coming from sometimes I still get frustrated because I don't like being looked at as if my opinion doesn't matter because I'm not Thai.

    My opinion of being here goes back and forth.

    Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. This seemed to be the case in other places I've lived too. I loved NYC but I hated working all the time for long hours.

    I don't know why this is so hard for some people to understand and they need to start threads constantly stating "If you don't like it here, THEN LEAVE!" etc...

  3. Maybe if you come on vacation to have fun and not to seek out women then you will happen to meet what you're looking for.

    Most of the time (male or female) when you're looking for something it never seems to be around...

    Wanna meet a girl at Starbucks?? Well meet a girl at Starbucks!!

    Also...be careful with those websites. A lot of "working" women use them instead of the bars or streets these days.

  4. I can relate as my bf is Thai. The past few weeks we have been having fights every single day mostly about the flood situation.

    He won't listen to me, actually last night he even told me "Use your brain."

    I've been with him a little more than 5 years but the 2 of those 5 years that we have been living here have been very hard for me and as of this cultural differences thing I'm wanting to just give up.

    I love him but I've tried so hard, I don't want to cry everyday. Sometimes I just miss being truly understood. (He lived in the US for 7 years and I know he perfectly understands English and everything) ..but to be truly understood and have someone that understands where I'm coming from and at least values my opinion or outlook is greatly appreciated.

    I say something-- I'm dumb and don't make sense. His parents or anyone Thai says same thing-- They're God. They know everything.

    I'm so lonely with him. I love Thailand but sometimes the cultural differences are too hard for me to deal with. I love him but I'm really starting to think that I would be better off with someone else.

    ..sorry for writing so much...just feeling crappy right now :(

  5. COME on boys

    if you want falang food that much go home (uk)

    or just go to crisses place in the old city.if not

    i'll make a pizza.

    yes i am BACK


    wow!! a trip home just to get a burger!!! that seems quite expensive! Thai people eat MAMA in America...why shouldn't westerners be able to have a crappy burger every once in a while to satisfy their taste buds!!!

    anyways...i wanna try your pizza ;/

  6. i went to a local clinic here in bkk and the guy in the "doctor's" office was in military uniform...errr

    i dunno they gave me some meds and some of their brand of face products...it worked for the week i took the meds..then came right back...

    these places are rip-offs

    i went to usa over the summer and got some proactiv solution..this has worked for me in the past..it's still doing ok but i had to cut down to only using it once per day (at night) because them chemicals are a little too harsh for my skin now..

    not sure what i'll do after i run out because the price is like 3x as much here and i already feel like it costs too much in the usa ;/

    edit* sorry i forgot to mention i went to that clinic 2x just to be sure

  7. Shut up about the government and or previous government and post about what this thread is about, SHARING INFORMATION ON WHERE THE FLOODED AREAS ARE!!

    I would really like to know if anyone has any real information about flooded locations and clogging this thread with opinions about the government is totally defeating the purpose of it.

  8. I'm not sure why some of you are blaming the current government for EVERYTHING...they just stepped into power. Surely this was a problem before that, and I can't think of the previous government doing any better. I'm sure that they would be doing the same exact thing. I have seen the "Thai way" of approaching situations and it usually seems to be inaccurate in dealing with MOST MATTERS, not just this one. Just want to pretend everything is okay and fine when it isn't.

    For sure this is a big deal and I don't think it's right for them to lie to us about what is going on or just say things to calm our worries when it isn't the truth. I just feel like that is the way things are done in this country and pointing the finger at just one person for the ways that most Thais think is stupid.

  9. :( doesn't sound good... honestly, i really am sorry about your situation..

    kinda somewhat jealous too because i dunno how these thai girls can get guys just to give them money all the time...

    i never had a bf give me money like that..or..at all..i always worked for everything...

    seeing as she works in a gogo she should be making pretty decent money...

    i was working at an office part time n the amount of money i was making was pretty laughable..

    what i would do if i was you..don't give her more money than you're willing to throw away on the street because if it is all about money then what happens when the next guy with the fatter wallet comes around?

  10. Okay, if you want to learn Thai then you'll learn it. You may have to try out a few different schools, some will even let you try their schools for free to see if you like their program. I attend Bangkok University. I'm not studying at a Thai language school. You can study Thai class at Bangkok University, or a number of other universities around Thailand. If you're looking for something more intense you should try to check a different school. I can guarantee you though if you sign up for Thai classes through a university then you won't have to worry about all that stuff.

    Although you may end up spending more money.

  11. The Carrefour near my house- around Bang Po, it is very small..and hasn't been there very long...but they always ALWAYS have expired goods!! i was just in there tonight and bought some cookies that were expired...(on accident obviously..)

    Although I usually check...for some reason I didn't on those particular cookies...but after I took a bite i realized something was wrong...then i checked...they expired back in Jan. I just feel that it should be part of the stockers job to check those dates... and take those items off the shelf....Either way, I know they'll be changing to Big C but just a warning to all of you..remember to check the expiration dates... I know TIT and I should be ashamed of myself for even hoping that a huge chain store would actually care about their customers....I'm delusional

  12. mostly junk food........

    kool-aid packs

    s'mores poptarts..since they seem to be the only ones not avalible @ villa

    tootsie rolls


    twizzlers...possibly red vines

    KC masterpiece lays

    fritos honey bbq twists

    little debbie oatmeal cream pies

    sour patch kids

    those peanut butter cups that are the target brand..whatever it is..those are really good...omg...or they also have mint cups..ahh i want that!!

    anti-bacterial gel from bath&body works or other stuff from there...they are having a sale on their website right now

    OR victorias secret scents ...even tho i know they sell them here...at random spots..they are over priced.. this is a good gift to bring people from America


    sneakers .....

    dried veggie flakes....i saw someone post this before...

    whoever said lipton onion soup mix...i second that one...

    lip smackers lip glosses

    god.. i know i sound like a total pig...but these are the things i enjoy from home that won't spoil on the way over hehehe <3


    o yeah..n those diff flavors of gatorade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  13. Gold is always easy to re-sell..

    I'm sorry..I don't know what she means by this gold request...but...since you are asking these questions on this forum means that you already know you shouldn't do it..

    Sad thing is, you proabably will end up doing it anyways...

    If you wouldn't do this for a woman in your own country then you shouldn't do it for a woman in this country either....

    I don't understand why guys give up on women in their own country and end up coming here doing things they would consider crazy that they would never do for women in their own country...

  14. I'm looking at La Monitas menu and a steak super burrito is 360 baht, that's $12. Sunrise is 250-300 for a large burrito like you'd get back in the US, and another 115 baht for sour cream and guacamole. That's at least $12 too. I can get a better burrito for literally half the price in the US. And in the US you get free chips which are another $2 here.

    It's not like all the ingredients need to be imported. Rice, chicken, pork, salsa ingredients, chilli peppers, etc are all dirt cheap in Thailand. I can understand guacamole being expensive. I don't think the high price of Mexican food is due to ingredient cost, but rather to the market all the restaurants in Bangkok aim at. I just want a cheap, basic take away joint.

    Did you forget about that $12 pad thai that exist in America when you can get it for around $1 here....

    Even if you get a lunch special it will run you at least $7

    Just because something is cheap to make doesn't mean that there aren't other expenses to be covered, and of course some people would like to make a profit as well....

  15. oh..i'm sorry you just now noticed...but mickey d's has been using these warming drawers all over..for..AGES!!!!! :P

    love it or leave it!! but if you really want something hot..u have to be picky like say "no ketchup" or something then they have to make a new one....which will mean...microwaved to order..... >.<

  16. In the US I worked in a Thai restaurant, there were some Thai chefs but the best one (according to the Thai's) was the mexican chef who had been working in Thai restaurants in NYC for over 10 years, he had more experience cooking than any of the Thai chefs and he was the best !:D

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