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Posts posted by recom273

  1. There are three driving rules in Thailand that i'm aware of :

    - show no mercy

    - give no quarter

    - take no prisoners

    You forgot the three rules for overtaking:

    1st Manoeuvre

    2nd Signal

    3rd Look in your mirror

    Sorry .. everyone knows mirrors are tools of the devil and are not to be used or trusted.

  2. I think that farang guy selling yam wun sen in Chinatown is nuts. I cant imagine standing out in the sun, over the heat for hours, to make what? a 1,000 Baht a day?

    On the youtube clip says he makes 100 bowls a day at 40B each .. When asked about profit he says a lot.

    So lets assume he makes between 2000-3000B a day.

  3. The rules with Penang are you can not get more than 3 visas back-to-back from the consulate there.

    I used the agency at Banana GH, they know the rules ( so you might want to email or call to confirm my information ), they charge from memory, 200-300B for the service ( you would spend that in a 4x taxi trips and wasted time standing in line ).

    You might want to speak to them regarding minimum length of time for your visits outside Asia, for future reference, they are pretty clued up. A visit over 6 months may be long enough to "reset" your visa timeline.

    I too am living in the south, Penang is the closest consulate to me, i too had a full passport of visas from Vientienne and Cambodia and they gave me three visas back-to-back, on my last visit the agency told me that would be my last visa issued. i tried to talk about a possible extra fee, but there is no discussion, just a firm faced NO.

    I think you have to look at the situation, you couldn't be a visiting tourist in your home country for such a long time. So why should Thailand be any different ?

    If you are staying for an extended length of time, I would urge you to sort your visa situation out, it resolves a lot of stress and un-necessary expense. My solution was to marry my long term GF, without showing the necessary funds im permitted to get a 3 month non-O from Khota Bharu on Malaysias East coast, there is never a question of how many can be issued. I wish i had done it years ago.

    But to answer your question, as long as you dont have 3 visas issued from Penang, you will get a 60-day tourist from the consulate.

    PM me if you need some help regarding the other option.

  4. If you haven't already you might want to check the jobs on ajarn.com

    You will see, which courses are recognized by the employers. I am in no doubt these places are "sponsored" ad placement, but it gives a rough idea.

    We recognize all major full-time TESOL/TEFL courses including:

    You can also get an idea of the pay rates in different parts of the country.

  5. To answer some of your questions ..

    "Some of my friends with contemporary phones have problems with empty battery or carry a charger with them." .. Get over it, bright hi-res LCD screens, push-messaging and wifi drain your battery. You can get a secondary battery pack for an iPhone, im sure there must be similar for other brands.

    WIth modern phones, your not limited to the features installed on your phone, if you want to find an app to sync your contacts with the app over wifi or USB lead then just search for an app to do the job, maybe dropbox can help, I use it to sync quite a few things ( password storage / todo management ) or maybe you can do it with your google account. Bluetooth seems to used less and less for data transfer as its quite slow, most devices have wifi these days. So dont worry.

    Same thing with the Thai keyboard, search for an app if your not to happy with the regular SMS app.

    I can do the SMS trick you talk about from an apple computer over BT link, Its more of an computer app, than a phone feature .. but you dont have a BT computer, i can't think any other way it would work.

    I believe on using my gadgets for the longest period possible, im still using my iphone 3GS, its good enough for me .. but if i was to buy something for the missus tomorrow, I would grab a Samsung S3, they are pretty impressive. I believe the processer power will still be good for a few more years.

    The price dropped recently to 18,500B after the release of the S4, im waiting a couple more months for the price to drop further.

    I wouldnt be tempted by the cheaper S3 mini or the Samsung grand as they appear not to be able to handle the GPRS that you requested.

  6. without a doubt beleave your Embassy.if you get controlled by police you will be in trouble.

    get your work permit first...and dont worry for the work ....you will find one very quickly , now the government is giving 120 baths /day/person to everybody from administration who is going to learn english because of the entry in asian comunity.

    the thai school who told you, dont worry my friend...no problem....., dont give a shit about you, it is only money they want to make.with no papers here...still they will pay you or not !be very carefull ...ask contract and money strickly every week and if they dont pay you straits like according...go!

    it is a lot of money concerned, most important english school here are in mafia system and many even illegal.

    so be clever, dont do stupid things or accept funny situations ...you aware now!

    good luck

    How would you know all this information ?....Are you and English teacher ?

    With grammar and spelling like that, of course he's a teacher !!

    In an ideal world you should be making steps to getting a WP, the first one would be getting a Non-B visa, which you later convert to a WP ( you have 3 months from the time of issue to do this) .. but this is Thailand ! If you start on your existing visa, then the chances of getting caught are pretty remote.

    To be honest, this is your first job, but the school has probably had a great deal of experience with western teachers, in the first few months they may decide you to be unsuitable or you could decide theres a better job round the corner and they have probably been "burnt" in the past, so they are probably going to give you a prohibition period. You could go in screaming and demanding a WP straight away, but chances are they will lie to you and tell you some BS story to suit themselves, they wont change their mind and it you will be labelled as a trouble maker.

    The best idea i find is to go along with whatever the school says, albeit working illegally,if you pass prohbation, they should at least be getting your paperwork together for a non-B, after that they should be applying for your waiver and making active steps towards a WP. You will understand more when you start and speak with other teachers at the school.

    My school are pretty good, the term started last Tuesday, that day they prepared the paperwork for a non-B and on Tuesday, sent all the new teachers to get a Non-B, then to return to school on Friday, they class these days as regular working days, so the guys get paid. Other schools I have worked at promised a WP at the interview but just gave hundreds of excuses why they couldn't until the probation period was up and magically the paperwork appeared.

    ETS: Good luck, try to forget about your worries and get on with impressing the school. You will find things move along a little quicker if you do.

  7. Give 3BB a try. You dont need a phone line, they wire directly from a local DP, if the service is available in your area.

    I have an 9Mbps domestic line, and I'm really happy with it. I get 5 slots at over 200 Kbs/s from my FTP server at OVH, Paris which equates to a total of around 8Mbps down (24/7) but you need to do some work yourself to get decent speeds.

    Internet routing isnt a priority for domestic customers so you need to explain what you are trying to do to tech services and they will help. Inform them of the IP address of your VPN in the UK, they will route your connection to gain maximum efficiency. It's called "best path" then they will fix that path between your VPN and your home IP.

    Again, good advise from a previous post. Ditch the unbranded router, buy a decent router, flash with good software and make sure your settings are correct with the ISP's. Im unsure why you would bridge from your ISP's router to your own tho'. I just replaced it with my own decent router.

  8. You guys have contrasting stories.

    A few years ago, when I was 38, I threw the wife out and started to play about on the internet. .. I could have been out every night of the week.

    I never met a incognito bar girl, most were young Bangkok office girls living in single room apartments.

    A good percentage of those didnt pass the 3-date rule, meaning after 3 dates and they didnt give it up then they were binned.

    I met some cool girls / older ladies with decent job, some were stunners, some drove me around Bangkok in their red plates, took me restaurants, to clubs and introduced me to their friends. These became more friends over time and I still keep in contact with.

    Some mutters slipped through the net, maybe they looked younger on their photos, maybe I was having a dull moment, after the first date down at Fuji they needed to beaten back with a stick, insisting they wanted to come back to my apartment to watch a DVD.

    Of course if i wanted to make an impression, so I would take them to nice but cheap restaurants, I usually ended up paying the 400B bill, but on a lot of return dates ( around the first of the month ) they would collect the cheque.

    After 4 months of it i'd had enough and got the missus back in. I found after all this, I wasnt finding a girlfriend, more that I was continually dating and searching. I never regretted it as i met some nice people and had some good times.

    A word of advice, steer clear of the ones in dark sunglasses.

    • Like 2
  9. How long is your TEFL course ? The visa is only intended to run the duration of the course.

    You should ask the TEFL company a question along the lines of "Can I convert this 90 day ED visa to a work permit" - (Providing you have a degree). I suspect you can't.

    You dont mention dates, but schools are just about to enter the new term ( my kids arrive on the 16th ) so if you think about it, there will be a lot of jobs around until the end of May. So if it suits, you could be looking at walking straight from your course into a job ( although that may interfere with your travel plans )

    If its the case that you can't convert an ED to a WP, you would need to leave the country anyway [ Laos, Cambodia or Malaysia would be the closest ] with the necessary paperwork ( you need not worry about this, the work provider will know ) to obtain a B visa (90 days) which you would then convert to a work permit in due course.

  10. I see .. the FCO process has been updated, you no longer need to send your old passport, just a photocopy of the relevant page. Im amazed it has become such an easy process.

    In my case, to save the scrutiny from the immigration boss, I would attempt to leave on my old passport and enter to the next on my new passport, aslong as there is valid exit stamp from your last port of departure ( your old passport ) then there should be no comeback.

    If you did cause a flag when departing with your old passport, then it could be simply excused as a mistake on your part and presumably the border staff would proceed by transferring your old visa over to the new passport.

    ETS : @upnotover .. over 2 years ago, but also my bad, a renewal of a full passport not a new passport.

  11. I applied for a new passport from FCO HK 2 weeks before a 60-day visa was about to expire, i completed the paperwork, included my old passport, prepaid the return with DHL and it was returned within 10 days of dispatch.

    The corner on the old passport was clipped in HK when the new one was issued, I tried to leave from Padang Bezar on this clipped passport and was sent to the immigration boss at the border. He questioned me, why I hadnt got the passport from the British embassy in BKK, and after checking the new passport thoroughly, he transfered my 60-day that was just expiring that day into my new passport ( for free ), he then checked the new passport again, couldnt work out the HK connection and after an hour, when he was satisfied that it wasnt a fake, he completed the regular departure procedure.

    This took the whole first page of the passport.

    I entered Malaysia, on the new passport and arrived back into Thailand on a 2 week Visa-on-arrival, where the entry staff scrutinised the first page that the immigration boss had just stamped.

    I had the feeling that i could have done this at my local immigration before arriving at the border, which is Hat Yai, but i like to avoid HY immigration if at all possible. The whole hour spent with the boss was pretty painless, but it seems they find it hard to accept that you can receive a new passport via the post from HK.

    I would presume this to be just as easy when departing from Laos, but i cant understand, unless i read your post wrong, why you would currently be holding your old passport .. shouldnt you have sent this as proof when you applied for the new passport ? which might explain the delay.

  12. When are we going to get decent service and real genius bars in Thailand instead of the sh*te service offered by istudio or copperwired .. I guess never, as apple must have signed the franchise over to them for x years.

    If you are thinking of buying an apple product in Thailand, think twice about what if things go wrong .. Its not a pleasant experience, and its certainly upto the standard that we enjoy in the UK or USA. You could say, that it should be expected, this is Thailand, but just to point out that as apple prices are global standard then surely aftersales care should follow suite.

    • Like 2
  13. Do you know the road that heads away from tesco alongside PoS uni ? Take that road and you will find a gated housing complex there, i know people who have rented furnished houses there in the past, but it's not cheap.

    You need to look outside the town, I'm currently paying 5k for 2 bed new build townhouse unfurnished in klong hae, there have been vacant units, one furnished in my row this year. You need to ask about.

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