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Everything posted by smokie36

  1. Well done on scraping a point at home....although over half our first team were out injured or suspended.
  2. Thin squad tomorrow...hopefully some of the kids will take their chance....and against a very good City side it has to be said...no better challenge for them imho!
  3. Time for your annual thumping lads...one lump or two?
  4. Petchaburi Road....past the Singha building and before the 7/11 guy has been there for years and does a good job.
  5. Its a communal pool I'm afraid so no idea.
  6. Have an outdoor one that is 20m at the house...bit tricky to fit a 25m one inside the condo tho lol
  7. I reckon about an average of 1k Baht a day....but I have indulgences like my favourite kraow being 139 Baht or the lasagne at Via Emilia in Bangkok at near 400 Baht....however we eat at home probably half the time. Drinks are likely at least half of my monthly budget I think.
  8. smokie36

    Swimming Pool

    I've been using the Virgin pool at EMQuartier for some years now and whilst its excellent it is also expensive. Any other options I might explore for an indoor daily swim please? I'm based around Asoke area thanks.
  9. Looks like Van Der Ven's hammy is not as bad as first thought.....let's hope so!
  10. You almost went 2-2 at 94 mins against 9 men...mugs all day long....loved your lad Jackson looking smug at the end....bottom half fodder that lot.
  11. I'm on the bench on Friday! <deleted>s n giggles...will 11 we would have destroyed em...oh well....onwards and just loving the football philosophy at the club now.
  12. When is Ten Hag going to quit more like haha!
  13. Disappointing resilt that....I'll have to take the piss out of the Utd supporting slug at work tomorrow now. See ya...gotta go practice my smug grin.
  14. A Manc draw would be nice today!
  15. Look at what happened to Kevin all those years ago....not even a hint of a prosecution.
  16. Palace under my boring are tough to beat so a great 3 pts 5 pts clear at the top eh...I'm away to celebrate with a cup of tea!
  17. Nope its my job to spread disunity and fear!
  18. Some of the restaurant prices are insane for sure. My favourite krapow joint charges 139 Baht for a regular plate....its not a lot of money granted but for krapow its madness. The spot I used to enjoy a lamb stew for 500 is now about 1500 for the same stew....now that just prices me out I'm afraid....ya gotta draw the line somewhere lol
  19. We have both...condo in town and house the dark end of Pattanakan....and I love both. The fresh air and peace of the burbs is wonderful contrast to the condo near Asoke.
  20. <deleted> without KDB this team really
  21. You're pretty cack at the moment innit Jockostar? Lmao
  22. That was probably Richi's bedt game for us this season. If we need anyone bad its a quality striker. Loving this football tho Jellybean!
  23. Don't worry oldgit I've let him know what I think of your team so far this year!
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